clonezilla: 无法使用partclone程序保存或恢复图像!

clonezilla: 无法使用partclone程序保存或恢复图像!

当我使用clonezilla-live-20220502-jammy-amd64clonezilla版本进行linux系统备份时,出现以下错误。当我执行e2fsck -f /dev/mmcblk0p2命令并再次备份时,没有错误。我想知道具体原因。我担心任何隐藏的系统错误可能会导致将来在备份系统上运行程序时出现异常。

Use partclone with pigz to save the image.
Image file will be split with size limit 4096 MB.

If this action fails or hangs, check:
* Is the disk full ?

Running: partclone.ext4 -2 10485760 -L /var/log/partclone.log -c -s /dev/sad2
Partclone y03.20
Starting to clone device (/dey/mmcblkOp2) to image (-)
Reading Super Block
Calculating bitmap.... Please wait ..1.00%extfsclone.c: bi
Elapsed: 00:00:01, Remaining: 00:01:39, Completed:1.00% 
Please run fsck to check and repair the file system
Partclone fail, please check /var/log/partclone.logChecking the disk space ..
Failed to use partclone program to save or restore an image!
