我怎样才能阻止 LaTeX 覆盖间距指令?

我怎样才能阻止 LaTeX 覆盖间距指令?

我正在使用 LaTeX 排版我的论文,使用学校的一些学生编写的课程来按照研究生院的格式要求进行排版。该课程使用 setspace 包将文档设置为双倍行距。

我遇到的问题是 LaTeX 会自行决定将段落(或段落片段)恢复为单倍行距!这似乎与浮动有关,因为移动两个表格浮动的声明点可以使其中一个实例正确地双倍行距。但是,浮动不会嵌入文本中 - 它们会进入单独的页面 - 并且在有问题的段落(或片段)中间添加硬分页符将产生半满的单倍行距页面,而不是完整的双倍行距页面。

是否有任何命令可以用来告诉 LaTeX 将其剪切掉,并将所请求的行距视为不可侵犯的?

我能制作的最小的工作示例如下 - 它需要 nddiss2e 类,可从 ND 研究生院网站 (http://graduateschool.nd.edu/assets/4699/nddiss2e_3.0.tgz) 获得:

\documentclass{nddiss2e} % doesn't misbehave with article or book  






\subsection{Force Field}

The force field for the simulations combines two pairwise potential
forms. Interactions between the sodium cations and the oxygen atoms
in both the Na-Ge-Nb and water are modeled using a Buckingham dispersion/repulsion
term \citep{jaramillo_1999} and a Coulombic point charge interaction
where $U_{ij,buck}$ is the Buckingham potential for a pair of sites
$i$ and $j$ separated by a distance $r_{ij}$, $A_{ij}$ and $C_{ij}$
are Buckingham parameters, and $q_{i}$ and $q_{j}$ are the point
charges for sites $i$ and $j$, respectively. Interactions between
the oxygen atoms in both the Na-Ge-Nb and water are modeled using
a pairwise potential combining a Lennard-Jones dispersion/repulsion
term and a Coulombic point charge interaction term:%\begin{equation}  
where $U_{ij,LJ}$ is the Lennard-Jones potential for a pair of sites
$i$ and $j$ separated by a distance $r_{ij}$, $\sigma_{ij}$ and
$\epsilon_{ij}$ are Lennard-Jones parameters, and $q_{i}$ and $q_{j}$
are the point charges for sites $i$ and $j$, respectively. The crystal
was modeled with Lennard-Jones sites at only the exposed oxygen atoms,
but with Coulombic sites at all atoms. Water was modeled using the
rigid Simple Point Charge (SPC) model \citep{berendsen_1981}. The
framework oxygen Lennard-Jones parameters were taken as identical
to the SPC oxygen for water-framework and cation-framework interactions.
The point charges for the framework were obtained using plane-wave
density functional theory calculations \citep{larentzos_2008} on K-Ge-Nb,
and one goal of this study was to verify the transferability of the
charges from K-Ge-Nb to Na-Ge-Nb. A complete listing of force field
parameters and partial charges is given in Tables \ref{tab:NaIPX_ljparams}
and \ref{tab:NaIPX_charges}. The simulation was carried out using
three-dimensional periodic boundary conditions. A cutoff of 11.5~\AA
was used for the Lennard-Jones terms. Long-range electrostatic interactions
were computed using the Ewald summation method \citep{wheeler_1997},
with a 11.5~\AA real-space cutoff, an h-vector cutoff of 3.75~\AA$^{-1}$,
and a damping factor of 0.3478.%  
\caption{\label{tab:NaIPX_ljparams}{INTERACTION PARAMETERS
Interaction & $\sigma_{ij}$ (\AA) & $\varepsilon_{ij}/k_{B}$ (K) & $A_{ij}$ (K) &  $\rho_{ij}$ (\AA) & $C_{ij}$ (K \AA$^{-6}$)\tabularnewline  
Na-O$_{\mathrm{framework}}$ &  &  & 61155438.4 & 0.2468 & 765893.5\tabularnewline  
Na-O$_{\mathrm{water}}$ &  &  & 61155438.4 & 0.2468 & 765893.5\tabularnewline  
O$_{\mathrm{water}}$-O$_{\mathrm{framework}}$ & 3.169 & 78.201 &  &  & \tabularnewline  
O$_{\mathrm{water}}$-O$_{\mathrm{water}}$ & 3.169 & 78.201 &  &  & \tabularnewline  


尽管会有关于缺少引用的警告,但通过 latex 或 pdflatex 运行代码都会产生显示有问题行为的输出。



and a damping factor of 0.3478.%  

