

我有以下最小示例,其中词汇表包的 \Gls 命令似乎不起作用。

% listgloss.text
% Minimal file to test functionality and use of glossaries package
% Compile as
% pdflatex listgloss
% makeglossaries listgloss
% pdflatex listgloss
% pdflatex listgloss
\usepackage{hyperref}% Must now be the second-last package that is loaded
\usepackage[acronym]{glossaries}% Must be last package, loaded after hyperref
\newglossaryentry{htdoc}{name={hypertext document},description={Text file with references to other content via hyperlinks}}
\newglossaryentry{web}{name={World Wide Web},first={World Wide Web (WWW)}, text={WWW},description={A distributed system of linked hypertext documents}}
\newacronym{WWW}{WWW}{World Wide Web}
\newacronym{HTML}{HTML}{HyperText Markup Language}
\newacronym{SGML}{SGML}{Standard Generalized Markup Language}
% Define appearance of link on first citation


% Test of glossary entries
% 1. Capitalization
Should be capitalized: \Gls{htdoc}\\
Should be lowercase: \gls{htdoc}\\
% 2. First use
First use of web: \gls{web}\\
Second use of web: \gls{web}\\

% Test of acronym entries
% SGML Is cited and should be listed
\gls{SGML} is another markup language.\\
% WWW is never cited but should appear in acronym list
% HTML should not appear in acronym list because not cited and not added

我在 64 位 Linux 上使用 TeXLive 2010,词汇表版本是 [2010/07/10 v2.07 (NLCT)]。




您遇到的麻烦与\glsdisplayfirstTeX 在您的代码中扩展此行后期望看到的内容和实际收到的内容有关:






\usepackage{hyperref}% Must now be the second-last package that is loaded
\usepackage[acronym]{glossaries}% Must be last package, loaded after hyperref


\newglossaryentry{htdoc}{name={hypertext document},%
                         description={Text file with references}}
Should be capitalized: \Gls{htdoc}

Should be lowercase: \gls{htdoc}

