如何定义可在 \pgfmathdeclarefunction 中使用的参数化命令?

如何定义可在 \pgfmathdeclarefunction 中使用的参数化命令?

这是解决方案为 pgfplots 定义分段函数

但是,我希望能够使用宏来定义函数的每个部分。如果使用局部宏,则可以轻松实现这一点,如下declare function方的 MWE 所示,它使用\LocalPieceA\LocalPieceB作为函数在两个独立域中执行的操作的定义。

但是,我该如何修改\PieceA\PieceB使用它们\pgfmathdeclarefunction?我尝试使用##在需要访问外部宏的参数的宏中定义宏时有效的技巧,而 Jake\edef\PieceA{\noexpand#1}在上述问题中尝试了,但也没有用。


    x & 0 < x < 1\\
   -x+2 & 1 < x < 2\\
    0 & \text{otherwise}

% Want to be able to use \PieceA and \PieceB in the \pgfmathdeclarefunction instead 
% of (#1) and (-#1+2).  With [declare function], this is easy as shown below

  \pgfmathparse{((and(#1>0, #1<1)*#1)+(and(#1>1, #1<4)*(-#1+2)))}%

\tikzstyle{MyPlotStyle}=[domain=-5:5, samples=50, ultra thick]
\tikzstyle{rLabelStyle}=[above, yshift=-15ex, xshift=-25ex]

%------------------ Using \pgfmathdeclarefunction -----------
Plot of $r(x)$ using PGF Version \pgfversion.

    \addplot[MyPlotStyle, red]{q(x)} node [rLabelStyle] {\rLabel};

% --------------------- Using "declare function" -------------
Using declare function to define localp(x) and localq(x):

\newcommand{\LocalPieceA}{(\x)}% These two works great!!
[declare function={localr(\x) =  and(\x > 0, \x < 1)*\LocalPieceA+and(\x > 1, \x < 4)*\LocalPieceB;}]
    \addplot[MyPlotStyle, blue]{localr(x)}  node [rLabelStyle] {\rLabel};




  \pgfmathparse{((and(#1>0, #1<1)*\PieceA{#1})+(and(#1>1, #1<4)*\PieceB{#1}))}%
