非垂直居中的 TikZ 节点单元内容矩阵

非垂直居中的 TikZ 节点单元内容矩阵

如何使矩阵单元格内容与顶部对齐?我正在使用 XeTeX 的纯文本格式。

\input tikz
$$\hbox{I'd like for the cells to be top-aligned}\cases{
  a/.style={draw=green!50!black,text width=3.5cm,
    text height=1.5cm,text depth=1.5cm,minimum size=3.5cm,
    inner sep=0pt,outer sep=0pt},
  m/.style={matrix of nodes,inner sep=2pt,outer sep=0pt,nodes=a,
    ampersand replacement=\&,row sep=0pt,column sep=0pt,draw=black!50}
  \matrix[m] (mx) {
    Hey, this is a node with a break\break and stuff\&
    And another one with it. Milkshakes are yummy when the sun is shining\\
    Let's see what happens; I'm trying to find the logic\&
    Does it break when all these cells have different amount of text?\\
  \draw[very thick,red!50] (mx.north)--(mx.south) (mx.west)--(mx.east);
} \hbox{Yes it does}


在@Gonzalo 评论更改text height/之后depth

\input tikz
  a/.style={draw=green!50!black,text width=3.5cm,
    text height=0pt,text depth=2.5cm,minimum size=3.5cm,
    inner sep=0pt,outer sep=0pt},
  m/.style={matrix of nodes,inner sep=2pt,outer sep=0pt,nodes=a,
    ampersand replacement=\&,row sep=0pt,column sep=0pt,draw=black!50}
  \matrix[m] (mx) {
    Hey, this is a node with a break\break and stuff\&
    And another one with it. Milkshakes are yummy when the sun is shining\\
    Let's see what happens; I'm trying to find the logic\&
    Does it break when all these cells have different amount of text?\\
  \draw[very thick,red!50] (mx.north)--(mx.south) (mx.west)--(mx.east);



矩阵解决方案(版本 2)

\input tikz
      text width=3.2cm,,minimum height=0pt,,minimum width=0pt
      inner sep =.2cm,anchor=north west,
  m/.style={matrix of nodes,
            inner sep=2pt,
            outer sep=0pt,
            column sep=0pt,
            nodes={minimum height=2cm,
                   minimum width=3.6cm}]
  \matrix[m] (M) {%
  {} & {} \\
   {}&  {}\\

\node[b] at (M-1-1.north west){%
   Hey, this is a node with a break\break and stuff };
\node[b] at (M-1-2.north west){%
   And another one with it. Milkshakes are yummy when the sun is shining};
\node[b] at (M-2-1.north west){%
   Let's see what happens; I'm trying to find the logic };
\node[b] at (M-2-2.north west){%
   Does it break when all these cells have different amount of text?};      

\draw[very thick,red!50] (M-1-1.north east)--(M-2-1.south east)
                         (M-1-1.south west)--(M-2-2.north east);
\draw[double,green!50!black] (M-1-1.north west) rectangle (M-2-2.south east);
     (M-1-1.north west)--(M-2-1.south west);
\node[anchor=east,left=1em] at (M-1-1.south west){%
      I'd like for the cells to be top-aligned};
\node[anchor=west] at (M-1-2.south east) {Yes it does}; 




基本问题是你无法完全控制文本的定位之内节点。节点的大小应刚好足以容纳文本并相应地增大。您可以覆盖其自动大小计算,但只能通过指定绝对值。文本是始终位于节点的中心。覆盖该问题的唯一方法是告诉 TikZ/TeX 文本与它认为的并不完全一样 - 这就是text heighttext depth键的作用。但是如果你想告诉 TikZ 确切的高度和深度(因为在这个例子中你不需要,因为它会随着每个节点而变化),那么当你指定 时,它minimum size会在八方以使文本保持处于中心位置。


因此我们让节点保持其自然大小,并将控制权交给细胞大小到矩阵。我们使用键来实现这一点row sep,使between origins每个单元格看起来都具有相同的高度。

这确实会弄乱节点的大小,但为了解决这个问题,您可以使用我的matrixcells包(可从 TeX-SX 包中获得,有关更多详细信息,请参阅“从答案到包”)。 免责声明:我不知道它是否适用于纯 TeX。如果你知道节点的确切大小,那么你不需要使用该包(它会过度)。在这种情况下,你需要做的是确保 TikZ/TeX 看到文本作为一个正确尺寸的框(在本例中为3.5cm正方形),并定位文本在那个盒子里随心所欲。在 LaTeX 中,我会使用 minipage 或 parbox 来实现这一点,但我不知道如何在纯 TeX 中实现这一点。

\input tikz
$$\hbox{I'd like for the cells to be top-aligned}\cases{
  a/.style={draw=green!50!black,text width=3.5cm,
    inner sep=0pt,outer sep=0pt},
  m/.style={matrix of nodes,inner sep=2pt,outer sep=0pt,nodes=a,
    ampersand replacement=\&,row sep={3.5cm,between origins},column sep=0pt,draw=black!50}
  \matrix[m] (mx) {
    Hey, this is a node with a break\break and stuff\&
    And another one with it. Milkshakes are yummy when the sun is shining\\
    Let's see what happens; I'm trying to find the logic\&
    Does it break when all these cells have different amount of text?\\
  \draw[very thick,red!50] (mx.north)--(mx.south) (mx.west)--(mx.east);
} \hbox{Yes it does}





\input tikz
  \matrix[matrix of nodes, inner sep=.5cm, nodes={text width=3cm}] (mx) {
    |[fill=green!10]|\vtop to 3cm{
      Hey, this is a node with a break\hfil\break and stuff\vfil}&
    |[fill=red!10]|\vtop to 3cm{
      And another one with it. Milkshakes are yummy when the sun is shining\vfil}\\
    |[fill=blue!10]|\vtop to 3cm{
      Let's see what happens; I'm trying to find the logic\vfil}&
    |[fill=yellow!10]|\vtop to 3cm{
      Does it break when all these cells have different amount of text?\vfil}\\
  \draw[very thick,red!50] (mx.north)--(mx.south) (mx.west)--(mx.east);
