表格内的自定义(或任何)环境会添加不需要的 vspace

表格内的自定义(或任何)环境会添加不需要的 vspace











% -*- coding: utf-8 -*-



This is a structure definition:
\begin{codify} node \{
    id: integer,
    name: string,
    children: [ node, \(\cdots\) ]
\} \end{codify} 
with some text directly after the structure, because it's a continuation of the last sentence.

\caption[Some more stuff]{More stuff} \label{tab_conn_fb} \\
 \textbf{Field} & \textbf{Descr} & \textbf{Structure} \\ \hline
\multicolumn{3}{c}{{ \tablename\ \thetable{} -- continuation}} \\ 
 \textbf{Field} & \textbf{Descr} & \textbf{Structure} \\ \hline
\hline \multicolumn{3}{r}{{continued on the next page}} \\ 
\hline \hline

\texttt{accounts} & The Facebook apps and pages owned by the current user. This description will take less space than the structure.
 & \begin{codify}Object \{ 
 data: [
  Object \{
   id: string,
   category: string,
   name: string 
  \}, \(\cdots\) ]
\} \end{codify} \\
\texttt{activities} & The activities listed on the user's profile, e.g. \textit{Towel Day} czy \textit{Janusz A. Zajdel Award} & \begin{codify}Object \{
 data: [ 
  Object \{
   id: string,
   category: string,
   create_time: time\-stamp
  \}, \(\cdots\) ]
\} \end{codify} \\
\texttt{albums} & And this description is higher than the structure. And this description is higher than the structure. And this description is higher than the structure. And this description is higher than the structure. \textbf{And touches the box} & \begin{codify}Object \{
 data: [ Album, \(\cdots\) ]
\} \end{codify} \\





我最近遇到了类似的问题,ignorespacesignorespacesafterend根据额外空间定制 LaTeX为我工作。


% -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

\NewDocumentEnvironment{codify}{O{0.0ex} O{0.0ex}}{\noindent\begin{spacing}{0.8}\begin{alltt}\vskip#1}{\end{alltt}\end{spacing}\vskip#2\noindent\ignorespacesafterend}%


This is a structure definition:
\begin{codify} node \{
    id: integer,
    name: string,
    children: [ node, \(\cdots\) ]
\} \end{codify}
with some text directly after the structure, because it's a continuation of the last sentence.

\caption[Some more stuff]{More stuff} \label{tab_conn_fb} \\
 \textbf{Field} & \textbf{Descr} & \textbf{Structure} \\ \hline
\multicolumn{3}{c}{{ \tablename\ \thetable{} -- continuation}} \\ 
 \textbf{Field} & \textbf{Descr} & \textbf{Structure} \\ \hline
\hline \multicolumn{3}{r}{{continued on the next page}} \\ 
\hline \hline

\texttt{accounts} & The Facebook apps and pages owned by the current user. This description will take less space than the structure.
 & \begin{codify}[-4.0ex][-5.0ex]Object \{ 
 data: [
  Object \{
   id: string,
   category: string,
   name: string 
  \}, \(\cdots\) ]
\} \end{codify} \\
\texttt{activities} & The activities listed on the user's profile, e.g. \textit{Towel Day} czy \textit{Janusz A. Zajdel Award} & \begin{codify}[-4.0ex][-5.0ex]Object \{
 data: [ 
  Object \{
   id: string,
   category: string,
   create_time: time\-stamp
  \}, \(\cdots\) ]
\} \end{codify} \\
\texttt{albums} & And this description is higher than the structure. And this description is higher than the structure. And this description is higher than the structure. And this description is higher than the structure. \textbf{And touches the box} & \begin{codify}Object \{
 data: [ Album, \(\cdots\) ]
\} \end{codify} \\

