


\newcommand{\citeherm}[1]{\emph{Shepherd of Hermas}~#1\index{Shepherd of Hermas!#1}}

效果很好,只是索引的数字顺序不正确。'11' 会位于 '1' 和 '2' 之间,在这种情况下显然是不正确的。



\index{Shepherd of Hermas!03.13–[email protected]–8}


\newcommand{\citeherm}[1]{\emph{Shepherd of Hermas}~#1\index{Shepherd of Hermas!#1}}
\newcommand{\citeash}[1]{\emph{Testament of Asher}~#1\index{Testament of Asher!#1}}


“bla bla bla” \citeherm{12.1}
“bla bla bla” \citeherm{12.2}
“bla bla bla” \citeherm{12.3}
“bla bla bla” \citeherm{12.4}
“bla bla bla” \citeherm{12.10}
“bla bla bla” \citeherm{12.11}
“bla bla bla” \citeherm{12.20}
“bla bla bla” \citeherm{12.21}

“bla bla bla” \citeash{1.1}
“bla bla bla” \citeash{2.1}
“bla bla bla” \citeash{10.1}



我假设您的参考文献具有以下形式x.y-z,可能省略了-z部分,其中xyz是小于 100 的数字:



\defcite{\citeherm}{Shepherd of Hermas}
\defcite{\citeash}{Testament of Asher}



bla bla bla \citeherm{12.1}
bla bla bla \citeherm{12.2}
bla bla bla \citeherm{12.3}
bla bla bla \citeherm{12.4}
bla bla bla \citeherm{12.10}
bla bla bla \citeherm{12.11}
bla bla bla \citeherm{12.20}
bla bla bla \citeherm{12.21}

bla bla bla \citeash{1.1}
bla bla bla \citeash{2.1}
bla bla bla \citeash{10.1}



\def\three@digits#1{\ifnum#1<1000 0\ifnum#1<10 0\fi\fi#1}




\def\three@digits#1{\ifnum#1<100 0\ifnum#1<10 0\fi\fi#1}

\defcite{\citeherm}{Shepherd of Hermas}
\defcite{\citeash}{Testament of Asher}


赫马牧人 12.1, 35.4, 28.2



\def\three@digits#1{\ifnum#1<100 0\ifnum#1<10 0\fi\fi#1}
     % same chapter range
       % simple range
       % already set
     % different chapters range


\defcite{\citeherm}{Shepherd of Hermas}
\defcite{\citeash}{Testament of Asher}



\def\three@digits#1{\ifnum#1<100 0\ifnum#1<10 0\fi\fi#1}
     % only one number
     % same chapter range
       % simple range
       % already set
     % different chapters range



\defcite{\citeherm}{Shepherd of Hermas}
\defcite{\citeash}{Testament of Asher}





\tl_new:N \l_bruin_argi_tl
\tl_new:N \l_bruin_argii_tl
\tl_new:N \l_bruin_argx_tl
\tl_new:N \l_bruin_temp_tl
\tl_new:N \l_bruin_final_tl

% First of all we split the comma separated list; we store |#1|, the
% title of the book, in |\bruin_argi_tl| and |\bruin_argx_tl| to
% contain |\use_none:nn| that at the end will gobble the first two
% tokens (a comma and a space); then we put the split list of
% arguments followed by |{\NoValue}| after |\bruin_process:n|, because
% it will be used to terminate the recursion.
\NewDocumentCommand\bruin_dolist:nn {m >{\SplitList{,}}m}{
  \tl_set:Nn \l_bruin_argi_tl { #1 }
  \tl_set:Nn \l_bruin_argx_tl { \use_none:nn }
  \bruin_process:n #2 {\NoValue}
% |\bruin_process:n| initiates the recursion; it examines the contents
% of the first pair of braces after it and, if different from
% |\NoValue|, stores it into |\bruin_argii_tl|. Then it appends also
% it to the list |\bruin_argx_tl|, after a comma and a space. The same
% contents is also processed by |\bruin_normalize:n|. Then we execute
% |\bruin_do:| and call again |\bruin_process:n| to restart the recursion.
\cs_new:Nn \bruin_process:n {
    {}% end of recursion
     \tl_set:Nn \l_bruin_argii_tl {#1}
     \tl_set:Nx \l_bruin_argx_tl { \l_bruin_argx_tl , \c_space_tl #1 }
     \bruin_normalize:n {#1} \bruin_do: \bruin_process:n
% |\bruin_normalize:n| is responsible for splitting an entry of the
% form |A-B| (|A| and |B| will actually be something like |1.2|) into
% the two components, which are passed to |\bruin_normalizei:nn|
\NewDocumentCommand\bruin_normalize:n {>{\SplitArgument{1}{-}}m}{
  \bruin_normalizei:nn #1
% If the entry was |A-B|, |\bruin_normalizei:nn| is passed |{A}{B}|,
% otherwise it is passed |{A}{\NoValue}|
\cs_new:Nn \bruin_normalizei:nn {
    {\bruin_three:n {#1}} % simple entry
    {\bruin_three:nn {#1}{#2}} % complex entry
% |\bruin_three:n| splits an argument of the form |1.2.3| into the
% components; it's quite similar to |\bruin_normalize:n|
\NewDocumentCommand\bruin_three:n {>{\SplitArgument{2}{.}}m}{
  \bruin_threedo:nnn #1
  \tl_set:Nx \l_bruin_final_tl {\l_bruin_temp_tl}
% |\bruin_threedo:nnn| sets |\l_bruin_final_tl| to the components but
% with three digits; |1| is transformed into |001| and |1.2| becomes
% |001.002|, while |1.2.3| becomes |001.002.003|
\cs_new:Nn \bruin_threedo:nnn {
       {\tl_set:Nx \l_bruin_temp_tl
       {\tl_set:Nx \l_bruin_temp_tl
    {\tl_set:Nx \l_bruin_temp_tl
% we do similarly for |\bruin_three:nn|, calling |\bruin_threedo:nnn| twice.
  {>{\SplitArgument{2}{.}}m >{\SplitArgument{2}{.}}m}
  { \bruin_threedo:nnn #1
    \tl_set:Nx \l_bruin_final_tl {\l_bruin_temp_tl }
    \bruin_threedo:nnn #2
    \tl_set:Nx \l_bruin_final_tl {\l_bruin_final_tl -- \l_bruin_temp_tl}

\cs_new:Nn \bruin_do: {
  \cs_set:Nx \bruin_next: {
    \exp_not:N \index 
      {\l_bruin_argi_tl ! \l_bruin_final_tl \c_space_tl @ \l_bruin_argii_tl }
\cs_new:Nn \bruin_threedig:n {
  \int_compare:nNnTF {#1} < {100}
    { 0 \int_compare:nNnTF {#1} < {10} {0}{} }
    {} #1

% |\bruin_defcite:nn| defines |#1| as a macro with one argument, first
% storing its second argument in it. So
% |\defcite{\citeT}{Title}|
% defines |\citeT| as if it were
% |\def\citeT#1{\emph{Title}\space\bruin_dolist:nn{Title}{#1}\l_bruin_argx_tl}|
% The token list |\l_bruin_argx_tl| will be built by |\bruin_dolist:nn|
\cs_new:Nn \bruin_defcite:nn {
  \cs_new:Npn #1##1{\emph{#2}\space\bruin_dolist:nn {#2}{##1} \l_bruin_argx_tl }}
\cs_set_eq:NN \defcite \bruin_defcite:nn

\defcite{\citeherm}{Shepherd of Hermas}
\defcite{\citeash}{Testament of Asher}



bla bla bla \citeherm{12.1-2}
bla bla bla \citeherm{12.2,13.9}
bla bla bla \citeherm{12.3-13.4}
bla bla bla \citeherm{12}
bla bla bla \citeherm{12.10}
bla bla bla \citeherm{12.11}
bla bla bla \citeherm{12.20}
bla bla bla \citeherm{12.21}

bla bla bla \citeash{1.2.3}
bla bla bla \citeash{2.1}.
bla bla bla \citeash{10.1,1.1,2.9-19}.



LaTeX3 2012 年 7 月更新后的版本


\tl_new:N \l_bruin_argi_tl
\tl_new:N \l_bruin_argii_tl
\tl_new:N \l_bruin_argx_tl
\tl_new:N \l_bruin_temp_tl
\tl_new:N \l_bruin_final_tl

% First of all we split the comma separated list; we store |#1|, the
% title of the book, in |\bruin_argi_tl| and |\bruin_argx_tl| to
% contain |\use_none:nn| that at the end will gobble the first two
% tokens (a comma and a space); then we put the split list of
% arguments followed by |{\NoValue}| after |\bruin_process:n|, because
% it will be used to terminate the recursion.
\NewDocumentCommand\bruin_dolist:nn {m >{\SplitList{,}}m}{
  \tl_set:Nn \l_bruin_argi_tl { #1 }
  \tl_set:Nn \l_bruin_argx_tl { \use_none:nn }
% |\bruin_process:n| does the recursion via \ProcessList; it
% stores its argument into |\bruin_argii_tl|. Then it appends also
% it to the list |\bruin_argx_tl|, after a comma and a space. The same
% contents is also processed by |\bruin_normalize:n|. Then we execute
% |\bruin_do:|.
\cs_new:Nn \bruin_process:n {
     \tl_set:Nn \l_bruin_argii_tl {#1}
     \tl_set:Nx \l_bruin_argx_tl { \l_bruin_argx_tl , \c_space_tl #1 }
     \bruin_normalize:n {#1} \bruin_do: 
% |\bruin_normalize:n| is responsible for splitting an entry of the
% form |A-B| (|A| and |B| will actually be something like |1.2|) into
% the two components, which are passed to |\bruin_normalizei:nn|
\NewDocumentCommand\bruin_normalize:n {>{\SplitArgument{1}{-}}m}{
  \bruin_normalizei:nn #1
% If the entry was |A-B|, |\bruin_normalizei:nn| is passed |{A}{B}|,
% otherwise it is passed |{A}{\NoValue}|
\cs_new:Nn \bruin_normalizei:nn {
    {\bruin_three:n {#1}} % simple entry
    {\bruin_three:nn {#1}{#2}} % complex entry
% |\bruin_three:n| splits an argument of the form |1.2.3| into the
% components; it's quite similar to |\bruin_normalize:n|
\NewDocumentCommand\bruin_three:n {>{\SplitArgument{2}{.}}m}{
  \bruin_threedo:nnn #1
  \tl_set:Nx \l_bruin_final_tl {\l_bruin_temp_tl}
% |\bruin_threedo:nnn| sets |\l_bruin_final_tl| to the components but
% with three digits; |1| is transformed into |001| and |1.2| becomes
% |001.002|, while |1.2.3| becomes |001.002.003|
\cs_new:Nn \bruin_threedo:nnn {
       {\tl_set:Nx \l_bruin_temp_tl
       {\tl_set:Nx \l_bruin_temp_tl
    {\tl_set:Nx \l_bruin_temp_tl
% we do similarly for |\bruin_three:nn|, calling |\bruin_threedo:nnn| twice.
  {>{\SplitArgument{2}{.}}m >{\SplitArgument{2}{.}}m}
  { \bruin_threedo:nnn #1
    \tl_set:Nx \l_bruin_final_tl {\l_bruin_temp_tl }
    \bruin_threedo:nnn #2
    \tl_set:Nx \l_bruin_final_tl {\l_bruin_final_tl -- \l_bruin_temp_tl}

\cs_new:Nn \bruin_do: {
  \cs_set:Nx \bruin_next: {
    \exp_not:N \index 
      {\l_bruin_argi_tl ! \l_bruin_final_tl \c_space_tl @ \l_bruin_argii_tl }
\cs_new:Nn \bruin_threedig:n {
  \int_compare:nNnTF {#1} < {100}
    { 0 \int_compare:nNnTF {#1} < {10} {0}{} }
    {} #1

% |\bruin_defcite:nn| defines |#1| as a macro with one argument, first
% storing its second argument in it. So
% |\defcite{\citeT}{Title}|
% defines |\citeT| as if it were
% |\def\citeT#1{\emph{Title}\space\bruin_dolist:nn{Title}{#1}\l_bruin_argx_tl}|
% The token list |\l_bruin_argx_tl| will be built by |\bruin_dolist:nn|
\cs_new:Nn \bruin_defcite:nn {
  \cs_new:Npn #1##1{\emph{#2}\space\bruin_dolist:nn {#2}{##1} \l_bruin_argx_tl }}
\cs_set_eq:NN \defcite \bruin_defcite:nn

\defcite{\citeherm}{Shepherd of Hermas}
\defcite{\citeash}{Testament of Asher}



bla bla bla \citeherm{12.1-2}
bla bla bla \citeherm{12.2,13.9}
bla bla bla \citeherm{12.3-13.4}
bla bla bla \citeherm{12}
bla bla bla \citeherm{12.10}
bla bla bla \citeherm{12.11}
bla bla bla \citeherm{12.20}
bla bla bla \citeherm{12.21}

bla bla bla \citeash{1.2.3}
bla bla bla \citeash{2.1}.
bla bla bla \citeash{10.1,1.1,2.9-19}.

