




\begin{minipage}[c][.35\textwidth]{.5\textwidth} % [text in box][height][width]
This text might be too large to fit into the (.35x.50)$\cdot$textwidth box,
in which case the font size should be decreased to make it fit.


我希望修复框的尺寸。当文本现在变得太大而无法容纳框时,我可以让 LateX 注意到这一点,并让它调整字体大小是否合适?








This text might be too large to fit into the (.35x.50)$\cdot$textwidth box,
in which case the font size should be decreased to make it fit.

This text might be too large to fit into the (.35x.50)$\cdot$textwidth box,
in which case the font size should be decreased to make it fit.
This text might be too large to fit into the (.35x.50)$\cdot$textwidth box,
in which case the font size should be decreased to make it fit.

This text might be too large to fit into the (.35x.50)$\cdot$textwidth box,
in which case the font size should be decreased to make it fit.
This text might be too large to fit into the (.35x.50)$\cdot$textwidth box,
in which case the font size should be decreased to make it fit.
This text might be too large to fit into the (.35x.50)$\cdot$textwidth box,
in which case the font size should be decreased to make it fit.

This text might be too large to fit into the (.35x.50)$\cdot$textwidth box,
in which case the font size should be decreased to make it fit.
This text might be too large to fit into the (.35x.50)$\cdot$textwidth box,
in which case the font size should be decreased to make it fit.
This text might be too large to fit into the (.35x.50)$\cdot$textwidth box,
in which case the font size should be decreased to make it fit.
This text might be too large to fit into the (.35x.50)$\cdot$textwidth box,
in which case the font size should be decreased to make it fit.



这里有一些解释。首先,\NewEnviron-defined 环境收集其内容。此内容在“私有”框中排版,如果符合大小要求,则将其传递给最终排版;否则,我们尝试以小半个点的大小重新排版,直到满足要求。可以\WARNING根据需要重新定义;当递归启动并且字体已经是 5pt 大小时,它将生效。



请注意,使用minipage会修改 ,\textwidth因此不同位置的长度可能不同。还请记住,后面的adjustbox键可能会影响前面的键,因为:


    \adjustbox{minipage=[c]{.45\textwidth},margin=1ex,max totalsize={\textwidth}{.7\textwidth},center=.5\textwidth,


This text is small enough to fit in the box.

This text might be too large to fit into the (.35x.50)$\cdot$textwidth box,
in which case the font size should be decreased to make it fit.

This text might be too large to fit into the (.35x.50)$\cdot$textwidth box,
in which case the font size should be decreased to make it fit.
This text might be too large to fit into the (.35x.50)$\cdot$textwidth box,
in which case the font size should be decreased to make it fit.

This text might be too large to fit into the (.35x.50)$\cdot$textwidth box,
in which case the font size should be decreased to make it fit.
This text might be too large to fit into the (.35x.50)$\cdot$textwidth box,
in which case the font size should be decreased to make it fit.
This text might be too large to fit into the (.35x.50)$\cdot$textwidth box,
in which case the font size should be decreased to make it fit.

This text might be too large to fit into the (.35x.50)$\cdot$textwidth box,
in which case the font size should be decreased to make it fit.
This text might be too large to fit into the (.35x.50)$\cdot$textwidth box,
in which case the font size should be decreased to make it fit.
This text might be too large to fit into the (.35x.50)$\cdot$textwidth box,
in which case the font size should be decreased to make it fit.
This text might be too large to fit into the (.35x.50)$\cdot$textwidth box,
in which case the font size should be decreased to make it fit.
This text might be too large to fit into the (.35x.50)$\cdot$textwidth box,
in which case the font size should be decreased to make it fit.
This text might be too large to fit into the (.35x.50)$\cdot$textwidth box,
in which case the font size should be decreased to make it fit.


