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\chapter{Coordinates of points}
\ccpt{We will explore how to find the coordinates of various points in the 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional Euclidean spaces.}

\section{Rectangular coordinates} \lipsum[1]
\section{Projections of a segment on the axes} \lipsum[2]
\section{Distance between two points} \lipsum[3]
\section{The mid-point of a segment} \lipsum[4]
\section{Division of a segment in any ratio} \lipsum[5]
\section{Oblique coordinates} \lipsum[6]

\chapter{The locus of an equation}
\ccpt{We will explore how to find the coordinates of various points in the 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional Euclidean spaces.}

\section{First illustrations} \lipsum[1]
\section{Curve plotting} \lipsum[2]
\section{Test that a point lie on a curve} \lipsum[3]
\section{Intercepts} \lipsum[4]
\section{Points of intersection of two curves} \lipsum[5]
\section{Oblique coordinates} \lipsum[6]

\chapter{The straight line}

\section{Equation in terms of point and slope} \lipsum[1]
\section{Line through two points} \lipsum[2]
\section{The general equation of first degree} \lipsum[3]
\section{Parallel and perpendicular lines} \lipsum[4]
\section{Angle between two lines} \lipsum[5]
\section{Distance from a point to a line} \lipsum[6]








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\contentsmargin{0pt}% Remove right margin in ToC

\ccpt{We will explore how to find the coordinates of various points in the 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional Euclidean spaces.}
\chapter{Coordinates of points with a long title that does not wrap properly and
causes problems}

\section{Rectangular coordinates} \lipsum[1]
\section{Projections of a segment on the axes} \lipsum[2]
\section{Distance between two points} \lipsum[3]
\section{The mid-point of a segment} \lipsum[4]
\section{Division of a segment in any ratio} \lipsum[5]
\section{Oblique coordinates} \lipsum[6]

\ccpt{We will explore how to find the coordinates of various points in the 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional Euclidean spaces.}
\chapter{The locus of an equation}

\section{First illustrations} \lipsum[1]
\section{Curve plotting} \lipsum[2]
\section{Test that a point lie on a curve} \lipsum[3]
\section{Intercepts} \lipsum[4]
\section{Points of intersection of two curves} \lipsum[5]
\section{Oblique coordinates} \lipsum[6]

\chapter{The straight line}

\section{Equation in terms of point and slope} \lipsum[1]
\section{Line through two points} \lipsum[2]
\section{The general equation of first degree} \lipsum[3]
\section{Parallel and perpendicular lines} \lipsum[4]
\section{Angle between two lines} \lipsum[5]
\section{Distance from a point to a line} \lipsum[6]


