APA6.cls 手稿选项中的“endfloat”问题

APA6.cls 手稿选项中的“endfloat”问题

几年前,我通常使用 MiKTeX 撰写论文apa.cls,它允许您在双列格式的“jou”模式和单列双倍行距的“man”模式之间切换。

我最近尝试.tex在 MiKTeX 2.9 中运行这些旧文件,发现该endfloat包不再正常工作,无论是在apa.cls还是新的apa6.cls




AED endfloat: Processing end Figures and Tables [5]
! Missing number, treated as zero.
<to be read again> 
l.83 \end{document}

 ! Missing = inserted for \ifnum.
<to be read again> 
l.83 \end{document}

 ! Missing number, treated as zero.
<to be read again> 
l.83 \end{document}

 ! Undefined control sequence.
\processtables ...seout \efloat@postttt \ef@setct 
                                                  {ttt}{0} \clearpage \if@ta...
l.83 \end{document}

! Undefined control sequence.
\processtables ...{ttt}{0} \clearpage \if@tabhead 
                                                  \section *{\tablesection }...
l.83 \end{document}

 ! Undefined control sequence.
\processtables ...@@spacing } \processtables@hook 
                                                  \@ifundefined {hrm}{}{\sf ...
l.83 \end{document}

! Undefined control sequence.
\table ...linechar `     \catcode `    =12 \ef@xtable 
l.1 \begin{table}
! Extra \fi.
\processtables ...ttt}\let \BBAB \normal@BBAB \fi 

l.83 \end{document}

 ! Missing number, treated as zero.
<to be read again> 
l.83 \end{document}

 ! Missing = inserted for \ifnum.
<to be read again> 
l.83 \end{document}

 ! Missing number, treated as zero.
<to be read again> 
l.83 \end{document}

 ! Undefined control sequence.
\processfigures ...eout \efloat@postfff \ef@setct 
                                                  {fff}{0} \clearpage \if@fi...
l.83 \end{document}


/b/c4/cOverfull/b/c0/c \hbox (441.54912pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 1--83
[][]\T1//lmr//m//n//12 [tbp]
\caption{Some numbers that could be experimental data.
          & \multicolumn{2}{c}{Fa
ctor 2} \\ \cline{2- 
/b/c4/cOverfull/b/c0/c \hbox (1151.26506pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 1--83
\T1//lmr//m//n//12 3}
Factor 1  & Condition A  & Condition B   \\ \hline
& 586 (231)    & 649 (255)     \\
          &    2.2       &    7.5        \\
econd    & 590 (195)    & 623 (231)     \\
          &    2.8       &    2.5   
     \\ \hline
! Undefined control sequence.
\processfigures ...}{}{\sf } \processfigures@hook 
                                                  \@input {\jobname .fff} \fi 
l.83 \end{document}

! Extra }, or forgotten \endgroup.
\processdelayedfloats ...ocessotherdelayedfloats }

l.83 \end{document}


! LaTeX /b/c9/cError:/b/c0/c \begin{efloat@float} on input line 1 ended by \end{document}.
See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation.
Type  H <return>  for immediate help.

l.83 \end{document}



我刚刚意识到,apa6文档类正在重新定义一半的endfloat包。(有些代码甚至只是从 endfloat.sty 复制并修改。)由于需要将包的一些内部结构从 v2.4 更改为 v2.5 endfloat,这些重新定义不再起作用。

无论如何,我都与文档类的维护者保持联系apa6,我们需要找到一种方法使其再次工作,这次该类apa6不使用包的内部结构,因此如果包的 v2.6 发布,endfloat它不会再次破坏兼容性。endfloat

我会随时通知你,但在此之前,需要恢复到 endfloat 包的先前版本,即 v2.4i,很抱歉。

附录:更新到该endfloat软件包的 2.5c 版本应该会有所帮助。
