

我终于设法在我的 LaTeX 模板中包含了一个“方程式列表”。我使用了 Lev Bishop 的示例在 Stackexchange 上



\usepackage[unicode=true, pdfusetitle,  bookmarks=true,bookmarksnumbered=false,bookmarksopen=false,  breaklinks=false,pdfborder={0 0 0},backref=false,colorlinks=false]  {hyperref} 


% we use this for our refernces as well

% redefinition of \equation for convenience
\let\oldequation = \equation
\let\endoldequation = \endequation
\AtBeginDocument{\let\oldlabel = \label}% \AtBeginDocument because hyperref redefines \label

% try to make a List of Equations,
% error is most likely in the @currentlabelname above
\newcommand{\listequationsname}{List of Equations}



\section{Brushless Motor Fundamentals}
\subsubsection{DC Motor Operation} Torque is generated in DC motors from the magnetic force, also known as the Lorentz force, which is produced when an electric current is passed through a coil in a magnetic field. This force is given by \ref{eq:Force}.

F=q[E+(v\times B)]

where F is the force perpendicular to the coil, E is the electric field in the coil, v is the velocity of the charged particles in the coil, and B is the magnetic field. From mechanics, torque is  

\tau=F\times r\label{eq:Torque}\end{equation}
If the electrical force in \ref{eq:Force} is ignored, and the remaining magnetic force is used in \ref{eq:Torque}, with the assumption that v is perpendicular to B, we find that



我确实使用了最多 3-4 个子级别的章节枚举,如下所示:

  1. 章节

    1.1 子章节

    1.1.1 子章节


不幸的是,在这种情况下,我的方程式确实得到了相同的枚举。因此,第 1.1.1 章中的任何方程式都编号为 (、(、(1.1.1.x) 等。我更喜欢只在章节内计数的枚举:(1.1)、(1.2)、(1.x) 等。无论我在哪个子章节中。



