“pgf 错误:没有已知的名为 i-0 的形状”,但仅在第二次运行时出现

“pgf 错误:没有已知的名为 i-0 的形状”,但仅在第二次运行时出现


  • 这似乎是版本(和/或操作系统特定)问题。它在我最新的 Mac 版 TeXLive2011 上崩溃了,但我可以在 PC 版 MiKTeX 2.8 上运行它,@MarcvanDongen 报告说它在 ubuntu 上最近更新的 TeXLive 上运行良好。
  • 在 Mac 上也可以很好地与 TeXLive2010 配合使用。

下面的 MWE 第一次运行良好,但只有在第二次运行时我才会收到错误消息,这通常是没有交集的情况的结果:

./MyFigure.tex:49:包 pgf 错误:没有已知名为 i-0 的形状。


下面的 MWE 示例重现了此错误。它反复包含MyFigure.tex哪些独立产品:




  1. 减少\NumberOfIterations以下35。有趣的是,在我的实际使用中,我需要 42 个实例来重现该问题,但当将其放入 MWE 时,这个数字不知何故缩小了。

    @JosephWright 认为这与运行之间更改的页数有关。有趣的是,当\NumberOfIterations设置为时,目录的第二页开始34,这种情况运行正常。

  2. 通过评论消除水印\def\AddWatermark{}(已测试最多 1000 条)。

  3. 通过注释消除幻影 x 轴\def\AddPhantomXAxis{}

    在实际使用中,我绘制了一个幻影(即draw=none)x 轴来命名路径,以防之前没有命名轴。我意识到在这种情况下我不需要它(因为我的图表绘制了 x 轴并命名了它),但如果我通过注释来消除这个幻影轴\def\AddPhantomXAxis{},那么就可以很好地编译(测试了 1000 次)。

  4. 如果我隐藏目录,那么一切就都正常了(测试了 1000 个)。注释掉该行\def\AddTOC{}以进行测试。

  5. 似乎只需将\chapter宏重新定义为与 相同\section,那么一切就都可以了。但是,如果\def\UseStandardChapter{}注释了 ,问题就会出现在第 42 次迭代处(恰好是目录第二页的开始位置)。


\def\NumberOfIterations{35}% ok if this is 34 or less

% Commenting out any one of these results in the file being generated
\def\AddWatermark{}%       if commented works fine (tested to 1000)
\def\AddPhantomXAxis{}%    if commented works fine (tested to 1000)
\def\AddTOC{}%             if commented works fine (tested to 1000)
\def\UseStandardChapter{}% if commented, problem occurs at 42 (exactly where the second page of the TOC would start).


  • 我在 Mac 上使用 TeXLive2011。使用 2012-01-27 更新的版本可以重现完全相同的问题。
  • 确保在第一次运行开始时删除 .aux 文件,并确保运行两次。
  • 在我的实际使用中,我通过以下解决方案清除name path globals每张图片末尾的有没有办法清除 TikZ 中先前用名称 path global 定义的路径。在这种情况下,它似乎没有必要,并且在 MWE 中被注释掉了。但是,以防万一有人认为问题与此有关,我没有删除它。
  • 改编\ShowIntersectionWithXAxisPathPGFplot 中的交叉点




% First run is always fine (tested with \NumberOfIterations=500).
% But, 2nd run errors with: Package pgf Error: No shape named i-0 is known.
\def\NumberOfIterations{35}% ok if this is 34 or less

% Commenting out any one of these results in the file being generated
\def\AddWatermark{}%       if commented works fine (tested to 1000)
\def\AddPhantomXAxis{}%    if commented works fine (tested to 1000)
\def\AddTOC{}%             if commented works fine (tested to 1000)
\def\UseStandardChapter{}% if commented, problem occurs at 42 (exactly where the second page of the TOC would start).




\ifdefined\AddWatermark%% Problem on 2nd run if this is used

%% Does not appear to be needed to reproduce problem
%% https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/21421/is-there-a-way-to-clear-paths-previously-defined-with-name-path-global-in-tikz
%  clear global paths/.style={%
%    execute at end picture=\clear@global@paths,%
%    name path global/.append code={%
%      \ifx\global@paths\pgfutil@empty%
%      \gdef\global@paths{##1}%
%      \else%
%      \xdef\global@paths{\global@paths,##1}%
%      \fi%
%    }%
%  },%
%  clear global paths now/.code={%
%    \expandafter\global\expandafter\let\csname tikz@intersect@path@name@#1\endcsname=\relax%
%  }%
%  \edef\@temp{\noexpand\pgfkeys{/tikz/clear global paths now/.list={\global@paths}}}%
%  \@temp%
%  \global\let\global@paths=\pgfutil@empty%
%  \global\let\tikz@intersect@namedpaths=\pgfutil@empty%



    \newcommand*{\DrawPhantomXAxis}{%% Problem on 2nd run if this is used
        % Draw a non-visible x-axis so that it can be 
        % used to determine intersections with x-axis
        \draw [mark=none, draw=none, name path=XAxisPath]%
            (current axis.left of origin) --%
            (current axis.right of origin);%
\else% Do absolutely nothing.

    \DrawPhantomXAxis{}% in case graphs did not have an x axis drawn
        [name intersections={of=#1 and XAxisPath, name=i, total=\t}] 
        [brown, opacity=1, every node/.style={black, opacity=1}] 
        \foreach \s in {1,...,\t}{(i-\s) circle (3pt)
            node [above left, red] {#2}};


\begin{axis}[xmin=0.0, xmax=25, ymin=-1E9, ymax=1E9, xlabel=$x$, ylabel=$y$] 

% Draw x-axis
\addplot [name path global=XAxisPath, gray,thin] coordinates{(0.0,0.0) (25,0.0)};

% Graph Function
\addplot[domain=0.0:21.42, samples=50, ultra thick, blue, name path global=GraphCurve]
    node [left,yshift=-3.5ex,blue] {$y = e^x -10^9$};

\ShowIntersectionWithXAxisPath{GraphCurve}{$x \approx 20.723$}



\chapter{First Chapter}
\foreach \x in {1,...,\NumberOfIterations}{
    \section{Section \x}


显然,文档元素在运行之间的移动导致了这个问题。这种移动与目录仅在第二次(及后续)运行中排版有关。因此,使用 Bruno 的建议设置目录的最小页数,我们使用先验知道第 1 章从(绝对)第 4 页开始,例如,通过以下方式仅插入必要数量的空白页:

\foreach \n in {\value{page},...,4} {\vbox{}\newpage}


提到“绝对”页码实际上只是指最新编号方案中的页码。但是,由于编号方案直到 MWE 的第一章才发生变化,因此引用是绝对的。

这是编译时没有错误的完整 MWE:

\def\NumberOfIterations{35}% ok if this is 34 or less

% Commenting out any one of these results in the file being generated
\def\AddWatermark{}%       if commented works fine (tested to 1000)
\def\AddPhantomXAxis{}%    if commented works fine (tested to 1000)
\def\AddTOC{}%             if commented works fine (tested to 1000)
\def\UseStandardChapter{}% if commented, problem occurs at 42 (exactly where the second page of the TOC would start).




\ifdefined\AddWatermark%% Problem on 2nd run if this is used

%% Does not appear to be needed to reproduce problem
%% https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/21421/is-there-a-way-to-clear-paths-previously-defined-with-name-path-global-in-tikz
%  clear global paths/.style={%
%    execute at end picture=\clear@global@paths,%
%    name path global/.append code={%
%      \ifx\global@paths\pgfutil@empty%
%      \gdef\global@paths{##1}%
%      \else%
%      \xdef\global@paths{\global@paths,##1}%
%      \fi%
%    }%
%  },%
%  clear global paths now/.code={%
%    \expandafter\global\expandafter\let\csname tikz@intersect@path@name@#1\endcsname=\relax%
%  }%
%  \edef\@temp{\noexpand\pgfkeys{/tikz/clear global paths now/.list={\global@paths}}}%
%  \@temp%
%  \global\let\global@paths=\pgfutil@empty%
%  \global\let\tikz@intersect@namedpaths=\pgfutil@empty%



    \newcommand*{\DrawPhantomXAxis}{%% Problem on 2nd run if this is used
        % Draw a non-visible x-axis so that it can be 
        % used to determine intersections with x-axis
        \draw [mark=none, draw=none, name path=XAxisPath]%
            (current axis.left of origin) --%
            (current axis.right of origin);%
\else% Do absolutely nothing.

    \DrawPhantomXAxis{}% in case graphs did not have an x axis drawn
        [name intersections={of=#1 and XAxisPath, name=i, total=\t}] 
        [brown, opacity=1, every node/.style={black, opacity=1}] 
        \foreach \s in {1,...,\t}{(i-\s) circle (3pt)
            node [above left, red] {#2}};


\begin{axis}[xmin=0.0, xmax=25, ymin=-1E9, ymax=1E9, xlabel=$x$, ylabel=$y$] 

% Draw x-axis
\addplot [name path global=XAxisPath, gray,thin] coordinates{(0.0,0.0) (25,0.0)};

% Graph Function
\addplot[domain=0.0:21.42, samples=50, ultra thick, blue, name path global=GraphCurve]
    node [left,yshift=-3.5ex,blue] {$y = e^x -10^9$};

\ShowIntersectionWithXAxisPath{GraphCurve}{$x \approx 20.723$}


%    \pagenumbering{arabic}

% Insert sufficient pages (only if necessary) to start
% first chapter on page 4. This leaves its position
% (and all subsequent ToC- and AUX-related content) fixed.
\foreach \n in {\value{page},...,4} {\typeout{test \thepage}\vbox{}\newpage}

\pagenumbering{arabic}% Only switch page numbering here, since this also sets page counter to 1
\chapter{First Chapter}
\foreach \x in {1,...,\NumberOfIterations}{
    \section{Section \x}




\pgfsyspdfmark {pgfid<id>}{<x>}{<y>}


通常,第二次运行会使用标记信息来放置绝对项目:本例中为水印。您的情况有点复杂。如果有 35 个或更多部分,页面布局等会导致将附加页面添加为目录的一部分。这意味着ID图形(水印、图表和轴)的值pgf会发生变化。这会弄乱ID新页面后的每个水印。

我不太清楚的是这与幻影轴有何关联。我怀疑这一定是 中的某个错误pgf,因为这似乎也与 的“选择”i-0作为无效标记的名称有关。我怀疑这与ID值是可管理的,但这对于开发人员来说会更容易解决!

