如何正确使用 palatino 字体(回忆录中)?

如何正确使用 palatino 字体(回忆录中)?

我正在准备一篇博士论文(使用回忆录和 pdfLaTeX),我发现 palatino 字体是一种很好的正文字体。



\RequirePackage[sc]{mathpazo} % use mathpazo to get the math fonts working correctly, why can't we scale them?
\RequirePackage[scale=0.95]{tgpagella}\normalfont % but use tgpagella as main font (it's newer than mathpazo?}
\newcommand*{\memfontfamily}{qpl} % tgpagella as main memoir font
\documentclass[a4paper, oneside, 10pt, extrafontsizes, showtrims, draft]{memoir}
\RequirePackage[scaled=0.75]{luximono}  % we can load the correct tt font after the document class
% tgpagella contains no slanted shapes, so lets borrow them from mathpazo 
\DeclareFontShape{T1}{qpl}{m}{sl} { <-> ssub * pplj/m/sl }{}
\DeclareFontShape{T1}{qpl}{b}{sl} { <-> ssub * pplj/b/sl }{}

%just some stuff for the demo page
\setlrmarginsandblock  {30mm}{*}{*}
\setlxvchars \setxlvchars[\small\sffamily]

\usepackage[final, babel=true]{microtype}
\usepackage{amsmath} % amsmath which also loads fonts?




\chapter{Regular font families}

\textrm{roman text: (ffi --- --) \\ \lipsum[4] }

\textit{italic text: (ffi --- --) \\ \lipsum[4]}

\textbf{boldface text: (ffi --- --) \\ \lipsum[4] }

\textsl{slanted text: (ffi --- --) \\ \lipsum[4] }

\texttt{typewriter text: (ffi --- --) \\ \lipsum[4] }

\chapter{Lesser used types}
\textit{\textbf{italic bold  text: (ffi --- --) \\ \lipsum[4]}}

\textsl{\textbf{slanted bold  text: (ffi --- --) \\ \lipsum[4]}}

\textsc{smallcaps: (ffi --- --) \\ \lipsum[4] }

\textsc{\textbf{smallcaps bold  text: (ffi --- --) \\ \lipsum[4]}}

\chapter{Other test cases}

\textrm{Regular text (\texttt{http://tttext}) and \textbf{bold text} and \textit{italic text} and \textsl{slanted text}}

 \textrm{\LARGE Regular text (\texttt{http://tttext}) and \textbf{bold text} and \textit{italic text} and \textsl{slanted text}}

\textrm{ }
\textrm{ffi --- }

d=Xh+S\phi+\varepsilon \label{eq:fMRIAnalysisChapter3}

h=\left( X^TP_sX\right)^{-1} X^T P_s d  \label{eq:Eq2Chapter3}







\DeclareFontShape{T1}{pplj}{m}{sl}{<->ssub * pplj/m/it}{}


\DeclareFontShape{T1}{qpl}{m}{sl} { <-> ssub * qpl/m/it }{}
\DeclareFontShape{T1}{qpl}{b}{sl} { <-> ssub * qpl/b/it }{}

这样就得到了 Pagella Italic。最方便的方法就是不使用倾斜的,因为它不存在。

scale=0.95如果我从 的调用中删除该选项tgpagella,我得到的字符宽度与 提供的普通 Palatino 相同mathpazo。如果您想要较小的字体,只需使用 9pt 作为主尺寸。



\documentclass[a4paper, oneside, 9pt, extrafontsizes, showtrims, draft]{memoir}
\usepackage[T1]{fontenc} % choose the default encoding
\usepackage[english]{babel} % choose the language

\usepackage[sc]{mathpazo} % use mathpazo for math fonts
\usepackage{tgpagella} % but use tgpagella as main font

% Are the following really necessary? I don't think so
%\renewcommand*{\memfontfamily}{qpl} % tgpagella as main memoir font

\normalfont % we want to avoid annoying warnings
\DeclareFontShape{T1}{qpl}{m}{sl} { <-> ssub * qpl/m/it }{}
\DeclareFontShape{T1}{qpl}{b}{sl} { <-> ssub * qpl/b/it }{}

\linespread{1.05} % add something to the interline skip
\setlrmarginsandblock  {30mm}{*}{*}
\setlxvchars \setxlvchars[\small\sffamily]

\usepackage[final, babel=true]{microtype}
\usepackage{amsmath} % amsmath which also loads fonts?

