未定义的控制序列 \State \COMMENT

未定义的控制序列 \State \COMMENT

未定义控制序列\State \COMMENT

手册明确指出我可以使用\comment。我使用\usepackage{algpseudocode} \usepackage{algorithm}。这是我的代码:

\documentclass[10pt, a4paper]{article}

\title{{Bachelor Thesis\\[0.5em]}
       {\bf \huge Road Inventory\\Detection and Recognition\\[0.5em]}
       {\bf Weekly Report 3}}
\author{Poul Sørensen. s093294}


\usepackage[draft,english]{fixme}                   %Pakke til at skrive marginnoter under arbejdet. Skift draft til final når der skal printes. Brug 'fxnote{}','fxwarning', 'fxerror' eller 'fxfatal' alt efter behov.
%\fxsetup{layout=margin}                            %Footnote anbefales som option - men er ikke specielt praktisk?


% Different font in captions





% Double-line for start and end of epigraph.
\newcommand{\epiline}{\hrule \vskip -.2em \hrule}
% Massively humongous opening quotation mark.
  \fontsize{42}{48}\selectfont \color{quotationmarkcolour} \textbf{``}
  \vskip -.5em


% Beautify quotations.
    \epiline \vskip 1em {\hugequote} \vskip -.5em
    \parindent 2.2em
    #1\begin{flushright}\textbf{Quote \thesection.\thequotecounter}~~ \textsc{#2}\end{flushright}


%\renewcommand{\algorithmiccomment}[1]{\hfill\eqparbox{COMMENT}{\backslash\backslash #1}}



\section{Performance Measurement }
There exist a few methods for measure performance~\cite{Book:OpenCV}. First one of interest is \textit{cross-validation} and its close related technique of \textit{bootstrapping}. A great outline on the topic can be found online\footnote{www.faqs.org/fags/ai-fag/neural-nets/part3/section-12.html}.

Cross-validation involves splitting the data $\Phi $ into $k$ distinct subsets ${\Phi_1,\cdots,\Phi_{k-1},\Phi_k}$, training $k$ times on $k-1$ of the subsets and testing with left out set. The $k$ test results can then be averaged to a final score.


\ForAll{$\phi \in {\Phi_1,\cdots,\Phi_{k-1},\Phi_k}$} 
    \State $model =$ Train($\Phi \setminus \phi$ )
    \ForAll{$s \in \phi$ }
        \State  \COMMENT{hej}



\section{Related Work}\fxnote{(intended for report.)}

\subsection{Machine Learning}
\input{../../"Report Parts"/MachineLearning/ML.tex}
\subsubsection{Prediction Trees}
\input{../../"Report Parts"/MachineLearning/PredictionTrees.tex}

\subsection{Colour Analysis}

\subsection{Decision Tree}

\subsection{Forest of Decision Trees}

\subsection{Hough Forest}


\section*{Project status according to the study plan}

All under control. Report work is doing well.




LaTeX 在控制序列方面区分大小写。因此,\Comment不同于\COMMENT\comment以及所有其他有效组合。这就是您在显示注释时所追求的 - 使用\Comment{...}


\usepackage{algpseudocode}% http://ctan.org/pkg/algorithmicx
    \ForAll{$\phi \in {\Phi_1,\cdots,\Phi_{k-1},\Phi_k}$} 
      \State $model =$ Train($\Phi \setminus \phi$ )
      \ForAll{$s \in \phi$ }
        \State \Comment{hej}

来自algorithmicx文档(部分2.4 在来源中添加注释,第 4 页):




\newcommand{\Comment}[1]{{\hskip3em$\rightarrow$ #1}}




x → Here is a comment
