

我正在写一份调查问卷。它列出了 16 个软件功能,参与者应该针对每个功能回答一次“我发现这个功能:非常重要 - 有点重要 - 一点也不重要”之类的问题。


现在,我的老板决定我们必须更改编号。由于特征 7 和特征 8 是互斥的,因此它们应该被编号为特征 7a 和特征 7b。我找不到适合这种情况的好的解决方案。我尝试编写一个嵌套循环,但只成功编写了一个在每次运行内循环时都期望相同数量的元素的循环。

有什么想法可以让我自动处理这个问题吗?我知道我可以将其拆分为两个循环(7 之前和之后)并单独打印 7a 和 7b,但我想要一个更优雅的解决方案,它可以处理其他功能将来的更改。

这是当前版本的代码。它假设所有功能都相同(没有 7a 和 7b)。



\def\feight{redacted }


    {\bf Feature} \arabic{featurecounter} {#1}
         \parbox{8cm}{\item I can envision a way this feature will be implemented.}
        \begin{tabular}{c c c c c}
            really well & & unsure & & not at all \\
            $\square$ & $\square$ & $\square$ & $\square$ & $\square$ \\

        \parbox{4.5cm}{\item I think this feature is: }
            \begin{tabular}{c c c c c}
                very important & & slightly important & & not important \\
                $\square$ & $\square$ & $\square$ & $\square$ & $\square$ \\



\foreach \featureB in \allfeatures{




  1/First question \\
  2/Second question \\
  3/Third question \\
  4a/Fourth question A \\
  4b/Fourth question B \\
  5/Fifth question



\NewDocumentCommand{\featureprint}{ >{\SplitList{/}} m }
  {\featureprintaux #1}
\NewDocumentCommand{\featureprintaux}{ m m }
   \textbf{Feature} #1. #2
        \item\parbox[t]{8cm}{I can envision a way this feature will be implemented.}
        \begin{tabular}[t]{c c c c c}
            really well & & unsure & & not at all \\
            $\square$ & $\square$ & $\square$ & $\square$ & $\square$ \\
        \item\parbox[t]{4.5cm}{I think this feature is: }
            \begin{tabular}[t]{c c c c c}
                very important & & slightly important & & not important \\
                $\square$ & $\square$ & $\square$ & $\square$ & $\square$ \\
\NewDocumentCommand{\features}{ +m }
   \seq_set_split:Nnn \l_feat_features_seq { \\ } { #1 }
   \seq_map_inline:Nn \l_feat_features_seq
      \featureprint { ##1 }


  1/First question \\
  2/Second question \\
  3/Third question \\
  4a/Fourth question A \\
  4b/Fourth question B \\
  5/Fifth question







普通数字指向排版 A 行的宏,带有字母的宏指向排版 B 行的宏。


\def\Z{This is line A}
\def\ZZ{This is line B}         

    \expandafter\edef\csname feature@\thectr\endcsname{Feature \thectr\ Redacted\par \Z\par\Z\par }%
\expandafter\edef\csname feature@7a\endcsname{Feature 7a Redacted\par \ZZ\par\ZZ\par }%


   \csname feature@\next\endcsname


这是完整的 MWE。

\def\Z{This is line A}
\def\ZZ{This is line B}         

    \expandafter\edef\csname feature@\thectr\endcsname{Feature \thectr\ Redacted\par \Z\par\Z\par }%
\long\expandafter\edef\csname feature@7a\endcsname{Feature 7a Redacted\par \ZZ\par\ZZ\par }%

   \csname feature@\next\endcsname


以下是实现此目的的一种方法:\allfeatures元素本身可以是一个列表,这意味着添加部分(a)(b)等等...请注意,元素 7 是{\fsevenA,\fsevenB}


\newcommand*{\Comma}{{,} }





  • 它们?似乎没有造成任何特殊问题。
  • 我使用该xstring包来测试当前列表中的成员数量,并且仅当列表中有多个成员时才添加字母标签。
  • 这需要将\stepcounter功能移至\foreach循环。



\newcommand*{\Comma}{{,} }%


\def\fone{This is the first feature}
\def\ftwo{This is the second feature}
\def\fthree{This is the third feature\Comma and happens to have a comma}
\def\ffour{This is the fourth feature}
\def\ffive{This is the fifth feature}
\def\fsix{This is the sixth feature}
\def\fsevenA{This is the first part of the seventh feature\Comma and has a ? and a comma}%  
%%Now, there are two features here, that are
\def\fsevenB{This is the second part of the seventh feature}%  provided as one group in 
%the list of \allfeatures .
\def\feight{This is the eighth feature\Comma maybe?}
\def\fnine{This is the ninth feature}
\def\ften{This is the tenth feature}
\def\feleven{This is the eleventh (I think?) feature}
\def\ftwelve{This is the twelveth feature}
\def\fthirteen{This is the thirteenth feature}
\def\ffourteen{This is the fourteenth feature}
\def\ffifteen{This is the fifteenth feature}
\def\fsixteen{This is the sixteenth feature}

    {\bfseries ~Feature}  {#2}%

% Comment this out as output can still show that the problem being solved here works
%    \begin{enumerate}%
%         \parbox{8cm}{\item I can envision a way this feature will be implemented.}%
%        \begin{tabular}{c c c c c}%
%            really well & & unsure & & not at all \\%
%            $\square$ & $\square$ & $\square$ & $\square$ & $\square$ \\%
%        \end{tabular}%
%        \parbox{4.5cm}{\item I think this feature is: }%
%            \begin{tabular}{c c c c c}%
%                very important & & slightly important & & not important \\%
%                $\square$ & $\square$ & $\square$ & $\square$ & $\square$ \\%
%            \end{tabular}%
%    \end{enumerate}%

\foreach \featureBList in \allfeatures{%
    \foreach \featureB in \featureBList{%


Peter Grill 提供的答案很有趣,但如果某个功能包含逗号,它就会失效。根据他的回答,我创建了自己的版本。它看起来有点笨拙,但确实有效。我特别不喜欢它必须检查子功能是否以 开头的部分a,因此它不会倒回计数器。




%We have to know which feature gets a special number. For this, we use a prefix. 0? for
 features with no special number, a? for the first subfeature of a question, then
 alphabetically for the next subfeatures. 

\def\fone{This is the first feature}
\def\ftwo{This is the second feature}
\def\fthree{This is the third feature, and happens to have a comma}
\def\ffour{This is the fourth feature}
\def\ffive{This is the fifth feature}
\def\fsix{This is the sixth feature}
\def\fsevenA{This is the first part of the seventh feature, and has a ? and a comma}%  
Now, there are two features here, that are
\def\fsevenB{This is the second part of the seventh feature}%  provided as one group in 
the list of \allfeatures .
\def\feight{This is the eighth feature, maybe?}
\def\fnine{This is the ninth feature}
\def\ften{This is the tenth feature}
\def\feleven{This is the eleventh (I think?) feature}
\def\ftwelve{This is the twelveth feature}
\def\fthirteen{This is the thirteenth feature}
\def\ffourteen{This is the fourteenth feature}
\def\ffifteen{This is the fifteenth feature}
\def\fsixteen{This is the sixteenth feature}

    \arabic{featurecounter}#1.\ %
    {\bfseries ~Feature}  {#2}%
         \parbox{8cm}{\item I can envision a way this feature will be implemented.}%
        \begin{tabular}{c c c c c}%
            really well & & unsure & & not at all \\%
            $\square$ & $\square$ & $\square$ & $\square$ & $\square$ \\%

        \parbox{4.5cm}{\item I think this feature is: }%
            \begin{tabular}{c c c c c}%
                very important & & slightly important & & not important \\%
                $\square$ & $\square$ & $\square$ & $\square$ & $\square$ \\%

\foreach \featureB in \allfeatures{%


