对于 biblatex 来说,arXiv 条目应该是什么样的?

对于 biblatex 来说,arXiv 条目应该是什么样的?

我用来管理参考文献的工具(文件对于 OS X;回溯机器)似乎无法正确导出论文集条目用于。 正确的格式biblatex是什么biblatex论文集入口?

例如,Papers 会生成如下项目

    author = {Altshuler, B},
    title = {{Calculation of the observationally small cosmological constant in the model of six-dimensional}},
    journal = {Arxiv preprint hep-th},
    year = {2002},
    url = {http://arxiv.org/pdf/hep-th/0206225}}

    author = {Acemoglu, Daron and Como, Giacomo and Fagnani, Fabio and Ozdaglar, Asuman},
    title = {{Opinion fluctuations and disagreement in social networks}},
    journal = {arXiv.org},
    year = {2010},
    volume = {cs.SI},
    month = sep,
    rating = {0},
    url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/1009.2653v1}}


    eprint = "hep-th/0206225"
    author = {Altshuler, B},
    title = {{Calculation of the observationally small cosmological constant in the model of six-dimensional}},
    year = {2002},
    url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/hep-th/0206225}}

    eprint = "1009.2653v1",
    primaryClass = "cs.SI",
    archivePrefix = "arXiv",
    author = {Acemoglu, Daron and Como, Giacomo and Fagnani, Fabio and Ozdaglar, Asuman},
    title = {{Opinion fluctuations and disagreement in social networks}},
    year = {2010},
    month = sep,
    url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/1009.2653v1}}


这些是正确的 BibLaTeX 形式论文集条目?我很难协调相关答案我在这里找到在线资源用于生成 BibTeX,以及arXiv 规范—更不用说看似论文集- 我从 Papers(或者 JabRef 或 Zotero)获得未意识到的输出(以上)。


没有eprint条目类型。arXiv 文章可以输入为article或类型。文章标识符由和字段online表示。任何 arXiv 主题分类都应输入为其别名。该字段是不必要的,因为标准样式会根据其标识符生成指向文章的链接。eprinttypeeprinteprintclassprimaryclassurl

以下是来自文档的一些(部分) arXiv 条目。

  author      = {Baez, John C. and Lauda, Aaron D.},
  title       = {Higher-Dimensional Algebra V: 2-Groups},
  journaltitle= {Theory and Applications of Categories},
  volume      = {12},
  version     = {3},
  date        = {2004},
  pages       = {423--491},
  urldate     = {2006-10-01},
  eprinttype  = {arxiv},
  eprint      = {math/0307200v3}
  hyphenation = {american},
  author      = {Baez, John C. and Lauda, Aaron D.},
  title       = {Higher-Dimensional Algebra V: 2-Groups},
  version     = {3},
  date        = {2004-10-27},
  eprinttype  = {arxiv},
  eprint      = {math/0307200v3}
  hyphenation = {american},
  author      = {Wassenberg, Jan and Sanders, Peter},
  title       = {Faster Radix Sort via Virtual Memory and Write-Combining},
  version     = {1},
  date        = {2010-08-17},
  eprinttype  = {arxiv},
  eprintclass = {cs.DS},
  eprint      = {1008.2849v1}

该文件中有注释和其他示例biblatex-examples.bib。更多详细信息请参阅 biblatex 手册第 3.10.7 节。
