派生字体名称超过 29 个字符该怎么办?

派生字体名称超过 29 个字符该怎么办?

从 ctan 安装 MinionPro 包时,运行 convert.sh 脚本后收到以下错误:

Creating PostScript fonts ...
warning: derived font name ‘MinionPro-SemiboldCnItCaptLCDFJ’ longer than 29   characters
(Use the ‘--name’ option to supply your own name.)
warning: derived font name ‘MinionPro-SemiboldCnItDispLCDFJ’ longer than 29 characters
(Use the ‘--name’ option to supply your own name.)
warning: derived font name ‘MinionPro-SemiboldCnItSubhLCDFJ’ longer than 29 characters
(Use the ‘--name’ option to supply your own name.)

处理此错误的适当方法是什么?我也尝试过 FontPro 包https://github.com/sebschub/FontPro并产生相同的消息。
