如何绘制本文中提到的自然变换箭头问题但使用 TikZ 而不是 xy?更一般地说,是否可以在边标签之间、从边标签到节点以及从节点到边标签绘制边,还是需要明确构造节点才能绘制边?在路径环境中提供边标签是否隐式构造可用作另一条边的源和目标的节点?如果可能的话,我想使用 TikZ 中的矩阵和路径环境来执行此操作。
\begin{tikzpicture}[description/.style={fill=white,inner sep=2pt}]
\matrix (m) [matrix of math nodes, row sep=3em,
column sep=2.0em, text height=1.5ex, text depth=0.25ex]
{ \mathcal{D} & & \mathcal{J} \\
\mathcal{C} & & \\ };
(m-1-1) edge[loop left] node[auto] {$ F \circ G $} (m-1-1)
(m-1-1.20) edge node[auto] {$ G $} (m-1-3.160)
(m-1-3.200) edge node[auto] {$ F $} (m-1-1.340)
(m-1-1) edge node[left] {$ H $} (m-2-1);
\begin{tikzcd}[column sep=huge]
\arrow[bend left=50]{r}[name=U,label=above:$\scriptstyle\mathrm{GL}_n$]{}
\arrow[bend right=50]{r}[name=D,label=below:$\scriptstyle U$]{} &
\arrow[shorten <=10pt,shorten >=10pt,Rightarrow,to path={(U) -- node[label=right:$\det$] {} (D)}]{}
使用节点矩阵来解决问题,因此这里有一个“纯” TikZ 可能的解决方案:
\matrix[matrix of nodes,column sep=2cm] (cd)
\textbf{CRing} & \textbf{Grp} \\
\draw[->] (cd-1-1) to[bend left=50] node[label=above:$\scriptstyle\mathrm{GL}_n$] (U) {} (cd-1-2);
\draw[->] (cd-1-1) to[bend right=50,name=D] node[label=below:$\scriptstyle U$] (V) {} (cd-1-2);
\draw[double,double equal sign distance,-implies,shorten >=10pt,shorten <=10pt]
(U) -- node[label=right:$\det$] {} (V);
\begin{tikzpicture}[description/.style={fill=white,inner sep=2pt}]
\matrix (m) [matrix of math nodes, row sep=3em,
column sep=2.0em, text height=1.5ex, text depth=0.25ex]
{ \mathcal{D} & & \mathcal{J} \\
\mathcal{C} & & \\ };
(m-1-1) edge[loop left] node[auto] (fg) {$ F \circ G $} (m-1-1)
(m-1-1.20) edge node[auto] {$ G $} (m-1-3.160)
(m-1-3.200) edge node[auto] {$ F $} (m-1-1.340)
(m-1-1) edge node[left] (h) {$ H $} (m-2-1);
\draw[double,double equal sign distance,-implies] (fg.290) -- (h.150);
\begin{tikzpicture}[description/.style={fill=white,inner sep=2pt}]
\matrix (m) [matrix of math nodes, row sep=3em,
column sep=2.0em, text height=1.5ex, text depth=0.25ex]
{ \mathcal{D} & & \mathcal{J} \\
\mathcal{C} & & \\ };
(m-1-1) edge[loop left] node[auto] (fg) {$ F \circ G $} (m-1-1)
(m-1-1.20) edge node[auto] {$ G $} (m-1-3.160)
(m-1-3.200) edge node[auto] {$ F $} (m-1-1.340)
(m-1-1) edge node[left] (h) {$ H $} (m-2-1);
\draw[double,double equal sign distance,-implies] (fg.290) to[out=-90,in=180] (h.180);
\begin{tikzcd}[column sep=huge,row sep=huge]
\arrow[loop left]{}[name=fg]{F \circ G}
\rar[start anchor=30, end anchor=151]{G}
\arrow{d}[name=h,swap]{H} &
\mathcal{J}\lar[start anchor=196, end anchor=-14]{F} \\
\arrow[shorten >=4pt,Rightarrow,to path={(fg.290) -- (h.175)}]{}
\begin{tikzcd}[column sep=huge,row sep=huge]
\arrow[loop left]{}[name=fg]{F \circ G}
\rar[start anchor=30, end anchor=151]{G}
\arrow{d}[swap,name=h]{H} &
\mathcal{J}\lar[start anchor=196, end anchor=-14]{F} \\
\arrow[shorten >=3pt,Rightarrow,to path={(fg.290) to[out=-90,in=180] (h)}]{}
要向双箭头添加标签(按照评论中的要求),可以使用附加节点;下面是使用这两种方法的示例(第一种方法使用 "pure" tikz-cd
,第二种方法使用 "pure" TikZ
\begin{tikzcd}[column sep=huge,row sep=huge]
\arrow[loop left]{}[name=fg]{F \circ G}
\rar[start anchor=30, end anchor=151]{G}
\arrow{d}[swap,name=h]{H} &
\mathcal{J}\lar[start anchor=196, end anchor=-14]{F} \\
\arrow[shorten >=1pt,Rightarrow,to path={(fg.290) to[out=-90,in=180] node[xshift=-3.5mm] {$\tau$} (h)}]{}
\begin{tikzpicture}[description/.style={fill=white,inner sep=2pt}]
\matrix (m) [matrix of math nodes, row sep=3em,
column sep=2.0em, text height=1.5ex, text depth=0.25ex]
{ \mathcal{D} & & \mathcal{J} \\
\mathcal{C} & & \\ };
(m-1-1) edge[loop left] node[auto] (fg) {$ F \circ G $} (m-1-1)
(m-1-1.20) edge node[auto] {$ G $} (m-1-3.160)
(m-1-3.200) edge node[auto] {$ F $} (m-1-1.340)
(m-1-1) edge node[left] (h) {$ H $} (m-2-1);
\draw[double,double equal sign distance,-implies] (fg.290) to[out=-90,in=180] node[xshift=-3.5mm] {$\tau$} (h.180);
这里我们需要两条线来放置主要节点。我过去outer sep=4pt
double equal sign distance,
shorten >=10pt,
shorten <=10pt}}
\begin{tikzpicture} [every node/.style={outer sep=4pt}]
\node (A) at (0,0) {\textbf{CRing}};
\node (B) at (4,0) {\textbf{Grp}};
\draw[->] (A.north) to [bend left = 30] node[above] (C) {$\scriptstyle\mathrm{GL}_n$} (B.north);
\draw[->] (A.south) to [bend right= 30] node[below] (D) {$\scriptstyle U$} (B.south);
\draw[dbl] (C) to node[right] {$\det$} (D);
double equal sign distance,
shorten >=10pt,
shorten <=10pt}}
\begin{tikzpicture} [every node/.style={outer sep=4pt},yscale=1.5]
\node (A) at (0,0) {\textbf{CRing}};
\node (B) at (4,0) {\textbf{Grp}};
\draw[->] (A.north) to [bend left = 30] node[above] (C) {$\scriptstyle\mathrm{GL}_n$} (B.north);
\draw[->] (A.south) to [bend right= 30] node[below] (D) {$\scriptstyle U$} (B.south);
\draw[dbl] (C) to node[right] {$\det$} (D);
\begin{tikzpicture} [every node/.style={outer sep=4pt},xscale=1.5,yscale=1.25]
\node (A) at (0,0) {\textbf{CRing}};
\node (B) at (4,0) {\textbf{Grp}};
\draw[->] (A.north) to [bend left = 30] node[above] (C) {$\scriptstyle\mathrm{GL}_n$} (B.north);
\draw[->] (A.south) to [bend right= 30] node[below] (D) {$\scriptstyle U$} (B.south);
\draw[dbl] (C) to node[right] {$\det$} (D);
\begin{tikzcd}[ampersand replacement = \&, column sep=#1]
#2\ar[bend left=40,""{name=U}]{r}{#4}\ar[bend right=40,',""{name=D}]{r}{#5}\& #3
\ar[shorten <=10pt,shorten >=10pt,Rightarrow,from=U,to=D]{d}{~#6}
命令 \nat 接受 6 个参数,但包含一个用于列分隔的默认参数,因此您只需指定 5。然后您的文档如下所示: