使用 tikz 绘制维恩图

使用 tikz 绘制维恩图

我最近找到了以下使用 Tikz 排版维恩图的代码。但是,我希望每行有 2 个图。我该如何实现?

% Definition of circles
\def\firstcircle{(0,0) circle (1.5cm)}
\def\secondcircle{(0:2cm) circle (1.5cm)}

\colorlet{circle edge}{blue!50}
\colorlet{circle area}{blue!20}

\tikzset{filled/.style={fill=circle area, draw=circle edge, thick},
outline/.style={draw=circle edge, thick}}

% Set A and B

    \clip \firstcircle;
    \fill[filled] \secondcircle;
\draw[outline] \firstcircle node {$A$};
\draw[outline] \secondcircle node {$B$};
\node[anchor=south] at (current bounding box.north) {$A \cap B$};

%Set A or B but not (A and B) also known as A or B
\draw[filled, even odd rule] \firstcircle node {$A$}
                             \secondcircle node{$B$};
\node[anchor=south] at (current bounding box.north) {${(A \cap B)^{C}}$};






% Definition of circles
\def\firstcircle{(0,0) circle (1.5cm)}
\def\secondcircle{(0:2cm) circle (1.5cm)}

\colorlet{circle edge}{blue!50}
\colorlet{circle area}{blue!20}

\tikzset{filled/.style={fill=circle area, draw=circle edge, thick},
outline/.style={draw=circle edge, thick}}

% Set A and B
    \clip \firstcircle;
    \fill[filled] \secondcircle;
\draw[outline] \firstcircle node {$A$};
\draw[outline] \secondcircle node {$B$};
\node[anchor=south] at (current bounding box.north) {$A \cap B$};
%Set A or B but not (A and B) also known as A or B
\draw[filled, even odd rule] \firstcircle node {$A$}
                             \secondcircle node{$B$};
\node[anchor=south] at (current bounding box.north) {${(A \cap B)^{C}}$};






% Definition of circles
\def\firstcircle{(0,0) circle (1.5cm)}
\def\secondcircle{(0:2cm) circle (1.5cm)}

\colorlet{circle edge}{blue!50}
\colorlet{circle area}{blue!20}

\tikzset{filled/.style={fill=circle area, draw=circle edge, thick},
outline/.style={draw=circle edge, thick}}

% Set A and B
    \clip \firstcircle;
    \fill[filled] \secondcircle;
\draw[outline] \firstcircle node {$A$};
\draw[outline] \secondcircle node {$B$};
\node[anchor=south] at (current bounding box.north) {$A \cap B$};
%Set A or B but not (A and B) also known as A or B
\draw[filled, even odd rule] \firstcircle node {$A$}
                             \secondcircle node{$B$};
\node[anchor=south] at (current bounding box.north) {${(A \cap B)^{C}}$};


minipage 示例
