使用 beamerdefs.sty 在标题上插入背景壁纸

使用 beamerdefs.sty 在标题上插入背景壁纸

我有一个.tex使用beamerdefs.sty文件的文件。我现在想在标题页上(仅)添加背景图片,但问题是,开始文档部分开始得较晚,如果我尝试在 tex 文件或文件中插入它,beamerdefs.sty它就不会出现。我\usepackage{wallpaper}已经添加了,这里是代码:

% Type of the document

% elementary packages:
% additional packages

% packages supplied with ise-beamer:

% Change the pictures here:
% logobig and logosmall are the internal names for the pictures: do not modify them. 
% Pictures must be supplied as JPEG, PNG or, to be preferred, PDF
% Supply the correct logo for your class and change the file name to "logo". The logo will appear in the lower
% right corner:

% Title page outline:
% use this number to modify the scaling of the headline on title page
% the title page has two columns, the following two values determine the percentage each one should get

% Define the title.Don't forget to insert an abbreviation instead 
% of "title for footer". It will appear in the lower left corner:
% Define the authors:
\authora{Author\footnote[1]{footnote}} % a-c

% Define any internet addresses, if you want to display them on the title page:
% Define the institute:

\institute{\textbf{School of Business and Economics}\\

insert here\\
Chairholder: professor\\
Supervisors: another one\\
\textcolor{darkblue}{\textit{text blab alblal bla text}}
date and time\\
\textit{$^1$insert footnote here}}

% Comment the following command, if you don't want, that the pdf file starts in full screen mode:

%Start of the document

% create the title slide, layout controlled in beamerdefs.sty and the foregoing specifications

因此这里是 beamerdefs.sty 文件:

% Do NOT modify, unless you know what you do!




% predefined commands:
\newcommand{\quantnet}{\hspace*{\fill} \raisebox{-1pt}{\includegraphics[scale=0.05]{qletlogo}}\,}

\newcommand{\BBI}[1]{\textit{#1} on BBI:\raisebox{-5pt}{\includegraphics[scale=0.11]{BBI_logo}}}

\newcounter{mexample} % define a new counter for the examples
\setcounter{mexample}{0} % initialize counter
\renewenvironment{example}{\refstepcounter{mexample}\color{isegreen}Example \themexample \par\vspace*{0.5em}}{\vspace*{0.5em}} % redefine example

% next line = with each \Section the pagecounter is reset
\renewcommand{\section}[1]{\oldSection{#1} \setcounter{page}{1}}%

% next line = pagecounter is not reset when a new section starts

%We want no bullets or triangles

%We set the colors of the enumarte and itemize environment
\setbeamercolor{enumerate item}{fg=black}
\setbeamercolor{itemize item}{fg=navyblue}
\setbeamercolor{itemize subitem}{fg=navyblue}
\setbeamercolor{itemize subsubitem}{fg=navyblue}

% We want the example environment in green


\setbeamercolor*{example text}{fg=green!40!black}
\setbeamercolor*{block body example}{fg=green!40!black}

% Depending on your graphic file you may need to change the 3.2 and -2.8 values, 
% but the abs. difference of 0.4 is needed!
\insertsection\ \leavevmode\leaders\hrule height3.2pt depth-2.8pt\hfill\kern0pt\\
hesection-\thepage}% was \thesection-\thepage}

\usefoottemplate{% control footer layout
\raisebox{0.75cm}{\parbox{\textwidth}{\footnotesize{\color{isegray} \insertshorttitle\ \leavevmode\leaders\hrule height3.2pt depth-2.8pt\hfill\kern0pt\ \raisebox{-7pt}{\pgfuseimage{logosmall}}%

\usecaptiontemplate{% controls the layout of captions



           {\normalsize\insertinstitute \\ {\color{iseblue}\href{\linka}{\linka}} \\ {\color{iseblue}\href{\linkb}{\linkb}} \\ {\color{iseblue}\href{\linkc}{\linkc}}}
               \inserttitlegraphic % \cooltooltiptoggle{\textcolor{white}{$\boxdot$}}


%no navigationbar
%deprecated: \beamertemplatenavigationsymbolsempty 
\setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{} 


    \href{\apssplace/#1.html}{\includegraphics[height=.9em]{qletlogo} \color{magenta}\texttt{#1.xpl}}}

    \href{#1}{\includegraphics[height=.9em]{qletlogo} \color{magenta}\texttt{#2}}}




您可以在包含壁纸background canvas的框架之前设置模板 \maketitle,然后再次设置模板以\ClearWallPaper从您不希望它再出现的点清除壁纸:


\title{The Title}
\author{The Author}
\institute{The Institute}


\setbeamertemplate{background canvas}{\TileWallPaper{.25\paperwidth}{.25\paperheight}{ctanlion}}

\setbeamertemplate{background canvas}{\ClearWallPaper}



CTAN 狮子绘画由 Duane Bibby 绘制。
