


    \hline&Column 1&Column 2\
    cell1 & cell2 & cell3 \\
    cell1 & cell2 & cell3 \\\hline  
    \caption{A test caption}









引起我注意的是另一个已发布在 TeX-LaTeX Meta 上。尽管这个问题已经问了将近六年,但——当然,恕我直言!——它仍然吸引着糟糕的答案,目前为止发布的所有答案中也没有令人满意的答案,包括此问题的前一个版本。这种说法可能听起来像是一种严厉的批评,显然需要充分的论证,我将在下面尝试提供;但我首先要明确一点,由于标题周围的间距可能取决于许多相互关联的因素(首先是文档类的选择),因此对问题的全面分析会让我们走得太远。在这个答案中,我选择专注于包如何caption帮助控制间距,并在必要时覆盖文档类做出的决定。



作为大卫·卡莱尔评论道问题发布几分钟后,其中描述的行为与标准类(articlereportbooks)的行为不一致;不久之后,Barbara Beeton 补充道当表格标题被amsart放置amsbookamsproc以下表格本身,因为它们假设只有在figures 中标题才会出现在底部,而在tables(以及所有其他类型的浮动对象)中,标题都放在顶部。(例如,参见 ,amsart.cls第 1401-1408 行。)其他文档类也做出了类似的假设,因此,如果您坚持在底部为表格添加标题,就像标准类期望您做的那样,在使用这些类时,您将遇到类似的问题。llncs班级就是其中之一(参见llncs.cls,第 789–799 页和第 811–820 页)。我们选择仅展示amsart和 的行为article



\usepackage[T1]{fontenc} % I’m accustomed to always loading it...


In figure~\ref{fig:sample} the caption is below
and in table~\ref{tab:sample} it is above:
with the \textsf{amsart} class, they both look right.

  \caption{A sample image}

  \caption{A sample table}
    Titles & Data 1 & Data 2  \\
    This is the first row & 12 & 34  \\
    This is the second row & 56 & 78  \\
    This is---guess what?---the third row & 90 & ?? \\

Table~\ref{tab:inverted} has the caption below:
with the \textsf{amsart} class, the spacing is wrong.

    Titles & Data 1 & Data 2  \\
    This is the first row & 12 & 34  \\
    This is the second row & 56 & 78  \\
    This is---guess what?---the third row & 90 & ?? \\
  \caption{A table with a caption below}

Random text follows, just to fill the page up.




<code>amsart</code> 类,“本机”行为




\usepackage[T1]{fontenc} % I’m accustomed to always loading it...


In figure~\ref{fig:sample} the caption is below
and in table~\ref{tab:sample} it is above:
with the \textsf{article} class, the former looks right,
but the latter does not.

  \caption{A sample image}

  \caption{A sample table}
    Titles & Data 1 & Data 2  \\
    This is the first row & 12 & 34  \\
    This is the second row & 56 & 78  \\
    This is---guess what?---the third row & 90 & ?? \\

On the other hand, table~\ref{tab:inverted}, which has the caption below,
looks right with the \textsf{article} class.

    Titles & Data 1 & Data 2  \\
    This is the first row & 12 & 34  \\
    This is the second row & 56 & 78  \\
    This is---guess what?---the third row & 90 & ?? \\
  \caption{A table with a caption below}

Random text follows, just to fill the page up.




<code>article</code> 类,“原生”行为





接受的答案(截至撰写本文时,已获得 44 票!)一般而言是错误的,您可以轻松验证,例如在类的情况下amsart,如果您将其应用于上面给出的示例源代码:

\usepackage[T1]{fontenc} % I’m accustomed to always loading it...

\captionsetup[table]{skip=10pt plus 0.01pt}


%  {\@float{table}}
%  {\end@float}
%  {\@dblfloat{table}}
%  {\end@dblfloat}

  \dimen@ \prevdepth
  \kern -.1\p@
  \hrule \@height .1\p@ \@depth .1\p@
  \kern -.1\p@
  \prevdepth \z@
  \vskip -\baselineskip
  \prevdepth \dimen@

  \typeout{In #1:}%
  \typeout{\@spaces above: \the\abovecaptionskip}%
  \typeout{\@spaces below: \the\belowcaptionskip}%



In figure~\ref{fig:sample} the caption is below
and in table~\ref{tab:sample} it is above:
with the \textsf{amsart} class, they both look right.

  \caption{A sample image}

  \caption{A sample table}
    Titles & Data 1 & Data 2  \\
    This is the first row & 12 & 34  \\
    This is the second row & 56 & 78  \\
    This is---guess what?---the third row & 90 & ?? \\

Table~\ref{tab:inverted} has the caption below:
with the \textsf{amsart} class, even if we apply @cmhughes' answer,
the spacing is wrong.

  \PrintSkips{inverted table}
    Titles & Data 1 & Data 2  \\
    This is the first row & 12 & 34  \\
    This is the second row & 56 & 78  \\
    This is---guess what?---the third row & 90 & ?? \\
  \caption{A table with a caption below}

Random text follows, just to fill the page up.





  • 它会在标题和浮动边缘之间引入虚假空间;

  • 尽管caption软件包在编译过程中发出了警告,但标题的外观已更改并且与文档类指定的不同。


%  {\@float{table}}
%  {\end@float}
%  {\@dblfloat{table}}
%  {\end@dblfloat}

在上面显示的代码中。由于我(再次)为 30000 个字符的限制而苦苦挣扎,我将让您自己检查我刚才所说的是否正确,以及尝试其他可能的替代方案,方法是适当地注释/取消注释该代码的各部分。毕竟,该类llncs不是标准发行版的一部分,我希望这个答案专注于与标准类一起使用的解决方案。但是,让我提请大家注意已接受答案的另一个缺点:它将标题和表格之间的跳过设置为忽略文档类所作设置的值。例如,该类amsart使用 12pt,而不是 10pt。

我发现@isk27 的回答@agold 的有类似的缺陷:除了建议对每个浮动单独应用补丁外,它们还忽略了类预设的样式参数。center特别是环境,会产生太多空间。


实际上,只需加载该caption包即可解决问题:请参阅其手册第 2.6 节,从第 13 页开始。请注意,命令






caption有关该包如何与某些已知文档类交互的信息,请参阅包手册的第 5 节。完整的可编译示例说明了它与articleamsart类的行为,还展示了如何覆盖特定表的常规设置,请参阅下一节。



回想一下,使用 时article,如果你想要为表格添加标题“从多于”。

article+ caption,默认设置


\usepackage[T1]{fontenc} % I’m accustomed to always loading it...
% The following should generally suffice...
% ... but if it doesn't, use, for example, the "tableposition" option:
% \usepackage[tableposition=above]{caption}
% Other packages follow:


  \typeout{In #1:}%
  \typeout{\@spaces above: \the\abovecaptionskip}%
  \typeout{\@spaces below: \the\belowcaptionskip}%



Now figure~\ref{fig:sample} (with the caption below)
and table~\ref{tab:sample} (with the caption above)
both look correct.  Remember that we are using the
\textsf{article} class.

  \caption{A sample image}

  \caption{A sample table}
    Titles & Data 1 & Data 2  \\
    This is the first row & 12 & 34  \\
    This is the second row & 56 & 78  \\
    This is---guess what?---the third row & 90 & ?? \\

An exceptional table that, like table~\ref{tab:inverted},
has the caption below, is still handled correctly, if we
we do \emph{not} specify to the \textsf{caption} package
any positioning option for captions (the default
\texttt{position=auto} remains in force).
However, this is not guaranteed to work in all situations.

  \PrintSkips{inverted table}
    Titles & Data 1 & Data 2  \\
    This is the first row & 12 & 34  \\
    This is the second row & 56 & 78  \\
    This is---guess what?---the third row & 90 & ?? \\
  \caption{A table with a caption below}

Random text follows, just to fill the page up.




<code>article</code> + <code>caption</code>,默认设置

article+ caption+tableposition=above


\usepackage[T1]{fontenc} % I’m accustomed to always loading it...
% The following should generally suffice...
% \usepackage{caption}
% ... but if it doesn't, use, for example, the "tableposition" option:
% Other packages follow:


  \typeout{In #1:}%
  \typeout{\@spaces above: \the\abovecaptionskip}%
  \typeout{\@spaces below: \the\belowcaptionskip}%



Now figure~\ref{fig:sample} (with the caption below)
and table~\ref{tab:sample} (with the caption above)
both look correct.  Remember that we are always using
the \textsf{article} class.

  \caption{A sample image}

  \caption{A sample table}
    Titles & Data 1 & Data 2  \\
    This is the first row & 12 & 34  \\
    This is the second row & 56 & 78  \\
    This is---guess what?---the third row & 90 & ?? \\

If the \textsf{caption} package is explicitly loaded
specifyig \texttt{tableposition=above}, though,
an exceptional table that, like table~\ref{tab:inverted},
has the caption below, will \emph{not} be handled correctly.

  \PrintSkips{inverted table}
    Titles & Data 1 & Data 2  \\
    This is the first row & 12 & 34  \\
    This is the second row & 56 & 78  \\
    This is---guess what?---the third row & 90 & ?? \\
  \caption{A table with a caption below}

Random text follows, just to fill the page up.




<code>文章</code> + <code>标题</code> + <code>tableposition=above</code>


\usepackage[T1]{fontenc} % I’m accustomed to always loading it...
% The following should generally suffice...
% \usepackage{caption}
% ... but if it doesn't, use, for example, the "tableposition" option:
% Other packages follow:


  \typeout{In #1:}%
  \typeout{\@spaces above: \the\abovecaptionskip}%
  \typeout{\@spaces below: \the\belowcaptionskip}%



Now figure~\ref{fig:sample} (with the caption below)
and table~\ref{tab:sample} (with the caption above)
both look correct.  We are always using the \textsf{article} class.

  \caption{A sample image}

  \caption{A sample table}
    Titles & Data 1 & Data 2  \\
    This is the first row & 12 & 34  \\
    This is the second row & 56 & 78  \\
    This is---guess what?---the third row & 90 & ?? \\

Even when \texttt{tableposition=above} has been specified,
an exceptional table that, like table~\ref{tab:inverted},
has the caption below, can still be dealt with by means
of a \verb|\captionsetup| command issued in the body of
the floating environment.  This is guaranteed to work.

  \PrintSkips{inverted table}
    Titles & Data 1 & Data 2  \\
    This is the first row & 12 & 34  \\
    This is the second row & 56 & 78  \\
    This is---guess what?---the third row & 90 & ?? \\
  \caption{A table with a caption below}

Random text follows, just to fill the page up.




<code>article</code> + <code>caption</code> + <code>tableposition=above</code>,但有例外


回想一下,使用 时amsart,如果你想要为表格添加标题“从以下”。

amsart+ caption,默认设置

对于amsart,默认设置意味着除figures 之外的所有浮点数(特别是所有tables)都应在上方标注标题。不幸的是,对于amsartcaption,无法正确处理以相反方式标注标题的异常表格。

\usepackage[T1]{fontenc} % I’m accustomed to always loading it...
% The following should generally suffice...
% ... but if it doesn't, use, for example, the "tableposition" option:
% \usepackage[tableposition=above]{caption}
% Other packages follow:


  \typeout{In #1:}%
  \typeout{\@spaces above: \the\abovecaptionskip}%
  \typeout{\@spaces below: \the\belowcaptionskip}%



Remember?  With the \textsf{amsart} class,
figure~\ref{fig:sample} (with the caption below)
and table~\ref{tab:sample} (with the caption above)
both looked correct; the same happens if we load the
\textsf{caption} package, as we are doing now.
So, loading the package seems useless in this case,
but it does not harm.

  \caption{A sample image}

  \caption{A sample table}
    Titles & Data 1 & Data 2  \\
    This is the first row & 12 & 34  \\
    This is the second row & 56 & 78  \\
    This is---guess what?---the third row & 90 & ?? \\

Unfortunately, with the \textsf{amsart} class,
an exceptional table that, like table~\ref{tab:inverted},
has the caption below, will \emph{not} be handled correctly,
if we load the \textsf{caption} package without specifying
any positioning option for captions (thereby leaving
the default \texttt{position=auto} in force).

  \PrintSkips{inverted table}
    Titles & Data 1 & Data 2  \\
    This is the first row & 12 & 34  \\
    This is the second row & 56 & 78  \\
    This is---guess what?---the third row & 90 & ?? \\
  \caption{A table with a caption below}

Random text follows, just to fill the page up.




<code>amsart</code> + <code>caption</code>,默认设置

amsart+ caption+tableposition=above


\usepackage[T1]{fontenc} % I’m accustomed to always loading it...
% The following should generally suffice...
% \usepackage{caption}
% ... but if it doesn't, use, for example, the "tableposition" option:
% Other packages follow:


  \typeout{In #1:}%
  \typeout{\@spaces above: \the\abovecaptionskip}%
  \typeout{\@spaces below: \the\belowcaptionskip}%



Remember?  With the \textsf{amsart} class,
figure~\ref{fig:sample} (with the caption below)
and table~\ref{tab:sample} (with the caption above)
both looked correct; the same happens if we load the
\textsf{caption} package, as we are doing now.
So, loading the package seems useless in this case,
but it does not harm.

  \caption{A sample image}

  \caption{A sample table}
    Titles & Data 1 & Data 2  \\
    This is the first row & 12 & 34  \\
    This is the second row & 56 & 78  \\
    This is---guess what?---the third row & 90 & ?? \\

However, the \textsf{caption} package is still useful in that
an exceptional table that, like table~\ref{tab:inverted},
has the caption below, can correctly be dealt with,
even when the package is loaded with \texttt{tableposition=above},
by means of a \verb|\captionsetup| command issued in the body
of the floating environment.

  \PrintSkips{inverted table}
    Titles & Data 1 & Data 2  \\
    This is the first row & 12 & 34  \\
    This is the second row & 56 & 78  \\
    This is---guess what?---the third row & 90 & ?? \\
  \caption{A table with a caption below}

Random text follows, just to fill the page up.




<code>amsart</code> + <code>caption</code> + <code>tableposition=above</code>,但有例外







图片显示标题距离桌子 0.1 厘米

  \hline Monopole & No  & \#1 & 5 & 482 106 m \\
  \hline Yagi-Uda & Yes & \#1 & 4 &  86 903 m \\
  \hline Yagi-Uda & Yes & \#2 & 4 & 108 642 m \\
\caption{Position accuracy of experiment 3}

谢谢isk27 的回答为我指明了正确的方向!我尝试在其他地方添加 vspace,但直到我看到这个建议才成功。
