数学模式符号可以在 tikz 数组中使用吗?

数学模式符号可以在 tikz 数组中使用吗?

我有一个带索引的二维数组和一个带字符的一维数组。以下代码绘制索引指示的字符,例如,(0,0) 处的字符将是“w”,(1,0) 处的字符将是 ldots,依此类推。

% Tikz
\usetikzlibrary{positioning, shapes, calc}
    %character array (this works)
    \def\mysymbols{{"w", "\ldots", "v", "w"}}
    %character array with mathmode symbols in strings (this doesn't work: unknown operator '$')
    %\def\mysymbols{{"$\approx$", "$\ddot{\ldots}$", "$\Upsilon$", "$\approx$"}}
    %character array with mathmode symbols (this also doesn't work: unknown operator '7')
    %\def\mysymbols{{$\approx$, $\ddot{\ldots}$, $\Upsilon$, $\approx$}}
    %Array with indices
    \foreach \x in {0,...,2}{
        \foreach \y in {0,...,2}{
            %get symbol
            %put a node at x,y with the symbol as the label
            \node[] at ($(\x,\y)$) {\pgfmathresult};

现在,我遇到的问题是:我想在字符数组中使用数学模式符号,例如希腊字母。有没有办法在 tikz 数组中使用数学模式符号?



问题出在数学重音上,例如\ddot您的示例代码。出现此问题的原因是 TeX 扩展\ddot{\ldots}为:

"$\mathaccent "707F\relax {\mathinner{\cdotp \cdotp \cdotp }}$"

您可以看到,字符串"707F"TeX 用来作为十六进制数字前缀的转义符。在这种情况下,这"会给解析器带来麻烦pgfmath,它会认为双引号是字符串的结尾,因此后面7是一个意外的标记。

通过将整个数学表达式包裹在一对附加括号中,可以轻松解决这个问题:"{$\ddot{\ldots}$}"如下面的 MWE 所示:

% Tikz
\usetikzlibrary{positioning, shapes, calc}
    \def\mysymbols{{"$\approx$", "{$\ddot{\cdots}$}", "$\Upsilon$", "$\approx$"}}
    %Array with indices
    \foreach \x in {0,...,2}{
        \foreach \y in {0,...,2}{
            %get symbol
            %put a node at x,y with the symbol as the label
            \node[] at ($(\x,\y)$) {\pgfmathresult};
