

我正在尝试使用变量将文件名传递给\includegraphics。我遇到了麻烦,因为我的文件名是由其他变量构成的。这在文件名中留下了一个空的花括号。文件名在文档中正确打印,但括号导致 中出现“文件未找到”错误\includegraphics


在将变量传递给之前,如何让 LaTeX 从变量中去除空花括号\includegraphics



% ==============================================================
% Example to show problem with building filenames from variables
% Current directory contains:
%    + This LaTeX source file (filevar.tex)
%    + A directory named "photos"
%    + JPEG photo photos/t-0001_FirstPhotoName.jpg
%    + JPEG photo photos/t-0002_SecondPhotoName.jpg
% This file is processed with the command
%    pdflatex -interaction=batchmode filevar.tex
%    The error messages are:
%    LaTeX Warning: File `./photos/t-00{}01_FirstPhotoName.jpg' not found on input 
%    LaTeX Warning: File `./photos/t-00{}02_SecondPhotoName.jpg' not found on input 



% Here is the macro I want to fix.
%\catcode`_=12 % --does not work inside macro
Here is the example for file \texttt{#1}.

% These variables are generated programmatically...


\title{Problem Example: Variables and Filenames}
\author{Kevin Cundiff}

\section*{Rubber Meets the Road}
Lots of important and earth-shaking text goes here.

% This cryptic command disables the special meaning of '_'.
% This allows underscores to be used in a filename.
\catcode`_=12 % --does work inside environment!

Just below this paragraph, I would like to place the thumbnail for
several photos. The filename is generated using variables. This leaves
a set of empty curly-braces in the middle of the filename which prevent
the actual thumbnail from loading in my document.

How can I tell \LaTeX{} to strip empty curly-braces from the variable?
Many thanks!






\def\photoSerialNumberFirstPhotoName{\photoSerialNumberBase 01} 

