如何制作一个宏,使其在 ConTeXt 中的段落中最后一次出现时显示不同的文本?

如何制作一个宏,使其在 ConTeXt 中的段落中最后一次出现时显示不同的文本?



This is some text. \displayletter
This is some more text. \displayletter This is other text.
This is also some text. \displayletter


This is some text. A This is some more text. A This is other text. This is also some text. A



    This is some text. \displayletter
    This is some more text. \displayletter This is other text.
    This is also some text. \displayletter

如果#1等于 0,则\displayletter封闭段落中的每个段落都应显示为“A”。显示内容如下:

This is some text. A This is some more text. A This is other text. This is also some text. A

如果#1大于 0,则\displayletter封闭段落中最后一次出现的 应显示为“Z”,但\displayletter段落中所有其他先前出现的 仍显示为“A”。这将显示:

This is some text. A This is some more text. A This is other text. This is also some text. Z



下面是我对此的方法,但它稍微修改了用户界面,使其看起来更像 Context。(您可以跳过实现并开始阅读“用户界面”部分的代码。)

编辑:代码已更新,以反映 2012-09-21 版 ConTeXt 中添加的新功能。不再需要 hack ;-) 此外,该规则final现在是last。如果您仍在使用较旧的 MkIV,则早期版本已归档为要点



  1. 计算段落数并存储宏的出现次数。
  2. 在宏调用时,将评估一组条件来确定输出。

您需要定义一个条件集并将其挂接到宏中。该集合通过 定义\definesubstitutionset。它采用将条件映射到输出的键值列表:

\definesubstitutionset [mysub] [1=a,2=b,default=x,final=y]

上面这一行的意思是,在给定的段落中,第一次出现这个字母A将被第二次打印b, 最后一次对于所有其他情况X


\definesubstitute [displayfoo] [substitutionset=mysub]


% macros=mkvi

%% 1. Declare a counter and increment it with every paragraph start.
\newcount\parcount \parcount0
\appendtoks \advance\parcount1 \to \everypar

  local context       = context
  local jobdatasets   = job.datasets
  local tablefastcopy = table.fastcopy
  -- 2. Retrieve the state of the previous run. NEW: Datasets make this
  --    go smooth from the Lua end since version 2012-09-21.
  local paragraph_info = jobdatasets.getdata(

  local occurrences, substitution_sets = { }, { }
  documentdata.occurrences = occurrences

  -- 3. (Ab)use the table to emulate a switch statement.
  local do_display_letter = function (n, old_n, branches)
    local s
    if not old_n then -- paragraph count changed
      s = branches.default
    elseif n == old_n then
      s = branches.last
      s = branches[n] or branches.default

  -- 4. Bookkeeping: store away the number of times the macro is called
  --    per paragraph. Then, continue with the response function.
  local substitute = function (sub_id, set_id, parcount)
    local previous = paragraph_info and paragraph_info[sub_id]
    local current  = occurrences[sub_id]
    current[parcount] = current[parcount] or 0
    current[parcount] = current[parcount]  + 1
      previous and previous[parcount],

  -- 5. Define a function that stores the counters of the current pass
  --    in the .tuc file. The setter requires both a namespace
  --    (“substitute”) and a tag (“paragraph_info”), so as to emulate
  --    the usage of \type{\definedataset}.
  local storeinfo = function ( )
    jobdatasets.setdata {
      name = "substitute",
      tag  = "paragraph_info",
      data = occurrences,

  -- 6. Code for key-value parser in Lua. Makes it easy to define
  --    substitutions using setups.
  local lpeg = require "lpeg"

  local C, Cc, Cf, Cg, Ct = lpeg.C, lpeg.Cc, lpeg.Cf, lpeg.Cg, lpeg.Ct

  local P, S, V, lpegmatch = lpeg.P, lpeg.S, lpeg.V, lpeg.match

  local p_args = P{
    args           = Cf(Ct"" * (V"kv_pair" + V"emptyline")^0, rawset),
    kv_pair        = Cg(V"key"
                      * V"separator"
                      * (V"value" * V"final"
                      + V"empty"))
                  * V"rest_of_line"^-1
    key            = V"whitespace"^0 * C(V"key_char"^1),
    key_char       = (1 - V"whitespace" - V"eol" - V"equals")^1,
    separator      = V"whitespace"^0 * V"equals" * V"whitespace"^0,
    empty          = V"whitespace"^0 * V"comma" * V"rest_of_line"^-1
                  * Cc(false)
    value          = C((V"balanced" + (1 - V"final"))^1),
    final          = V"whitespace"^0 * V"comma" + V"rest_of_string",
    rest_of_string = V"whitespace"^0
                   * V"eol_comment"^-1
                   * V"eol"^0
                   * V"eof"
    rest_of_line   = V"whitespace"^0 * V"eol_comment"^-1 * V"eol",
    eol_comment    = V"comment_string" * (1 - (V"eol" + V"eof"))^0,
    comment_string = V"lua_comment" + V"TeX_comment",
    TeX_comment    = V"percent",
    lua_comment    = V"double_dash",
    emptyline      = V"rest_of_line",

    balanced       = V"balanced_brk" + V"balanced_brc",
    balanced_brk   = V"lbrk"
                   * (V"balanced" + (1 - V"rbrk"))^0
                   * V"rbrk"
    balanced_brc   = V"lbrc"
                   * (V"balanced" + (1 - V"rbrc"))^0
                   * V"rbrc"
    -- Terminals
    eol            = P"\n\r" + P"\r\n" + P"\n" + P"\r",
    eof            = -P(1),
    whitespace     = S" \t\v",
    equals         = P"=",
    dot            = P".",
    comma          = P",",
    dash           = P"-",    double_dash  = V"dash" * V"dash",
    percent        = P"%",
    lbrk           = P"[",    rbrk         = P"]",
    lbrc           = P"{",    rbrc         = P"}",

  local defaults = { -- EDIT: defaults are a tad more helpful
    last    = [[{\bold RULE “last” MISSING}]],
    default = [[{\bold RULE “default” MISSING}]],

  -- 7. The substitution sets are stored in a Lua by their id. If it’s
  --    an integer, it will be stored on the array part. The special
  --    conditions “default” and “last” are stored on the hash.
  local define_substitutionset = function (set_id, parent, raw)
    local current = parent and tablefastcopy(substitution_sets[parent])
                            or { }
    local args = lpegmatch(p_args, raw)
    --- sanitize arguments to have numbers on the array part
    for k, v in next, args do
      k = tonumber(k) or k
      current[k] = v
    --- make “.final” a synonym for “.last”
    current.last = current.last or current.final
    --- substitute defaults for missing mandatory rules
    for k, v in next, defaults do current[k] = current[k] or v end
    substitution_sets[set_id] = current

  commands.conditional_substitution = substitute
  commands.store_substitution_info  = storeinfo
  commands.define_substitutionset   = define_substitutionset

%% 8. Substitutions are assigned using \type{\definesubstitutionset},
%%    which supports inheritance.

  \ifthirdargument% inherit
  \else% new definition

%% 9. For the actual macro generator we rely on the generic namespace
%%    functionality.

\installnamespace {substitute}
\installdefinehandler        \????substitute {substitute}
\installsetuphandler         \????substitute {substitute}
\installparameterhandler     \????substitute {substitute}
\installstyleandcolorhandler \????substitute {substitute}

  \ctxlua{documentdata.occurrences["\currentsubstitute"] = { }}
\to \everydefinesubstitute


    \usesubstitutestyleandcolor\c!style\c!color%% I♥ConTeXt

%% 10. Store the counters in the .tuc file on exit.
\appendtoks \ctxcommand{store_substitution_info()} \to \everybye


%%                          user interface                           %%

%% Usage:
%%  First, define one or more substitution sets. These map occurrences
%%         to output. Integers as key are interpreted as “use this for
%%         the $n$-th occurrence. Two keys are special: “last” for the
%%         last occurrence in a paragraph. “default” for any other
%%         occurrence that is not explicitly defined.
%%         {\em EDIT}: “final” has been made a synonym for “last”.
%%  Second, define a substitution macro. These behave just as normal
%%          ConTeXt macro generators including inheritance. They also
%%          have corresponding \setup<id>. Just because it’s no effort
%%          to implement, the “substitute” macros also respect “style”
%%          and “color” parameters.

\definesubstitutionset [1] [default=A,last=A]
\definesubstitutionset [2] [1] [last=Z]

\definesubstitute [displayletter] [substitutionset=1,style=bold]

\definesubstitutionset [yetanotherset] [
  1=Initial occurrence.,
  3=Kilroy was here.,
  last=Last occurrence.,
  default=Ordinary occurrence.,

\definesubstitute [displaywhatever] [

%%                              testing                              %%


  foo \displayletter      bar \displayletter      baz \displayletter    
  foo \displayletter[substitutionset=2]
  bar \displayletter[substitutionset=2]
  baz \displayletter[substitutionset=2]

  foo \displaywhatever      bar \displaywhatever      baz \displaywhatever    
\stoptext \endinput


这将是我解决问题的方法。@phg 的全面回答启发了我,让我以更直接的方式尝试。因为我不太了解,所以ConTeXt我举了一个LuaLatex例子。但主要思想是在Lua函数中实现的,所以我认为这没关系。


function ReplaceLetter(text)
     counter = 0 

     -- count the occurrences of '[displayletter]'
     _, count = string.gsub(text, "%[displayletter%]", "")

     -- define the replacements

    -- replace all '[displayletter]'    
    out = string.gsub(text, "%[displayletter%]",
            counter = counter + 1 
            return replacements[counter] or replacements["default"]



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, [displayletter] consectetur adipisicing elit, 
sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna 
aliqua. Ut enim [displayletter] ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation 
ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. 
Duis [displayletter] aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit 
esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. [displayletter] Excepteur 
sint occaecat cupidatat [displayletter] non proident, sunt in culpa qui 
officia deserunt [displayletter] mollit anim id est laborum.}

