使用 multibib 删除 ClassicThesis 中的参考书目标题缩进

使用 multibib 删除 ClassicThesis 中的参考书目标题缩进



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\chapter{Some Stuff}


\chapter{Some Other Stuff}






Bibliography.bib用于测试上述 MWE 的文件包含以下记录:

    % This file was created with JabRef 2.8.1.
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      author = {Akyildiz, I. F. and Weilian Su and Sankarasubramaniam, Y. and Cayirci,
      title = {{A} {S}urvey on {S}ensor {N}etworks},
      journal = IEEE_M_COM,
      year = {2002},
      volume = {40},
      pages = {102--114},
      number = {8},
      month = aug,
      doi = {10.1109/MCOM.2002.1024422},
      issn = {0163-6804},
      keywords = { protocols, radio networks, sensors CSMA, carrier sense multiple access,
        data processing, health, home applications, hybrid TDMA/FDMA-Based,
        low-cost sensor networks, military applications, multifunctional
        sensor nodes, protocol stack layer, research, sensor networks, wireless
        communications, wireless electronics},
      timestamp = {2012.10.05}

      author = {Bulusu, N. and Heidemann, J. and Estrin, D.},
      title = {{GPS}-less {L}ow-{C}ost {O}utdoor {L}ocalization for {V}ery {S}mall
      journal = IEEE_M_PCOM,
      year = {2000},
      volume = {7},
      pages = {28--34},
      number = {5},
      month = oct,
      doi = {10.1109/98.878533},
      issn = {1070-9916},
      keywords = {geophysical equipment, geophysical techniques, microsensors, radio
        direction-finding, radio networksGPS-less low-cost outdoor localization,
        RF communications, connectivity metric method, cost, environmental
        monitoring, experimental results, form factor, localization techniques,
        microsensors, network nodes, periodic beacon signals transmission,
        power constraints, separation distance, soil monitoring, transmission
        range, very small devices, water monitoring, wireless networks, wireless
        sensor nodes},
      timestamp = {2012.10.05}

      author = {Dardari, D. and Conti, A. and Ferner, U. and Giorgetti, A. and Win,
        M. Z.},
      title = {{R}anging {W}ith {U}ltrawide {B}andwidth {S}ignals in {M}ultipath
      journal = IEEE_J_PROC,
      year = {2009},
      volume = {97},
      pages = {404--426},
      number = {2},
      month = feb,
      doi = {10.1109/JPROC.2008.2008846},
      issn = {0018-9219},
      timestamp = {2012.10.05}

      title = {{T}he {M}obile {C}ommunication {H}andbook},
      publisher = {CRC Press},
      year = {1996},
      author = {Gibson, J. D.},
      address = {New York},
      edition = {1st},
      month = feb,
      timestamp = {2012.10.05}

      author = {Krach, B. and Robertson, P.},
      title = {{I}ntegration of {F}oot-mounted {I}nertial {S}ensors into a {B}ayesian
        {L}ocation {E}stimation {F}ramework},
      booktitle = {{P}roc.\ 5th {W}orkshop on {P}ositioning, {N}avigation and {C}ommunication
        ({WPNC} 2008)},
      year = {2008},
      pages = {55--61},
      address = {Hannover, Germany},
      month = mar,
      timestamp = {2012.10.05}

      author = {Myungkyun Kwak and Jongwha Chong},
      title = {{A} new {D}ouble {T}wo-{W}ay {R}anging {A}lgorithm for {R}anging
      booktitle = {{P}roc.\ 2nd {IEEE} {I}nternational {C}onference on {N}etwork {I}nfrastructure
        and {D}igital {C}ontent ({IC}-{NIDC} 2010)},
      year = {2010},
      pages = {470--473},
      address = {Beijing, China},
      month = sep,
      timestamp = {2012.10.05}

      title = {{W}ireless {C}ommunications -- {P}rinciples and {P}ractice},
      publisher = {Prentice Hall PTR},
      year = {2001},
      author = {Rappaport, T. S.},
      address = {Upper Saddle River, NJ},
      edition = {2nd},
      month = dec,
      timestamp = {2012.10.05}

      title = {{IEEE} {S}tandard for a {P}recision {C}lock {S}ynchronization {P}rotocol
        for {N}etworked {M}easurement and {C}ontrol {S}ystems},
      organization = {IEEE},
      institution = {IEEE},
      month = jul,
      year = {2008},
      __markedentry = {[paolo:]},
      doi = {10.1109/IEEESTD.2008.4579760},
      journal = {{IEEE} {S}tandard 1588-2008 ({R}evision of {IEEE} {S}tandard 1588-2002)},
      pages = {1--269},
      timestamp = {2012.10.05}



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\chapter{Some Stuff}


\chapter{Some Other Stuff}






