IEEEtran 书目——“德语化”

IEEEtran 书目——“德语化”

对于大学论文,我们必须使用 IEEE 格式——可以使用 IEEEtran LaTeX 文件来实现。不过,我们还必须注意,参考书目也是德语的。




J. F. Kelly and P. Hood-Daniel, Printing in Plastic: Build Your Own 3D Printer, 1st ed. Apress, Jun. 2011.

H.-J. Warnecke, E. Westkämper, and M. Decker, Einführung in die Fertigungstechnik, 7th ed. Wiesbaden: B. G. Teubner Verlag / GWV Fachverlage GmbH, 2006.

但是,我需要版本是德语的——“Auflage”,以及作者之间的连接词(“und”而不是“and”)。此外,网站标题是英文双引号(“…”),我希望它们是德语的(“…”)。如果我可以省去将以大写字母开头的单词放在 {} 中的麻烦,让它们以大写字母开头打印出来,那就太好了。例如,现在,第二本书的 bibtex 条目如下所示:

    address = {Wiesbaden},
    edition = {7},
    title = {{E}inführung in die {F}ertigungstechnik},
    isbn = {978-3-8351-0110-4},
    lccn = {{32ZHU1750(7)}},
    language = {Deutsch},
    publisher = {B. G. Teubner Verlag / {GWV} Fachverlage {GmbH}},
    author = {Warnecke, Hans-Jürgen and Westkämper, Engelbert and Decker, Markus},
    year = {2006}

因此,我总是必须在从 Zotero(我使用的组织工具)导出我的参考书目后手动更改文件。


\documentclass[10pt,compsoc, a4paper]{IEEEtran}

Of course this isn’t an actual quote but I’m going to use cite anyway.\cite{kelly_printing_2011}
Awesome, right?\cite{warnecke_einfuhrung_2006},\cite{schnitker_stereolithographie_2008}

使用(示例)bibfile 条目:

    edition = {1},
    title = {Printing in Plastic: Build Your Own {3D} Printer},
    isbn = {978-1430234432},
    abstract = {Printing in Plastic: Build Your Own {3D} Printer is your gateway into the exciting world of personal fabrication. The “printer” that you’ll build from this book is a personal fabricator capable of creating small parts and other objects from drops of molten plastic. Design a part using a modeling tool such as Google {SketchUp.} Then, watch while the fabricator head sweeps back and forth and upwards, depositing plastic in all the right places. You can build anything from a replacement tab to hold a bookshelf in place, to a small art project, to a bashguard for your bicycle. If you can conceive it and design it, you can build it, and you’ll have fun doing it!},
    language = {English},
    publisher = {Apress},
    author = {Kelly, James Floyd and Hood-Daniel, Patrick},
    month = jun,
    year = {2011}
    address = {Wiesbaden},
    edition = {7},
    title = {{E}inführung in die {F}ertigungstechnik},
    isbn = {978-3-8351-0110-4},
    lccn = {{32ZHU1750(7)}},
    language = {Deutsch},
    publisher = {B. G. Teubner Verlag / {GWV} Fachverlage {GmbH}},
    author = {Warnecke, Hans-Jürgen and Westkämper, Engelbert and Decker, Markus},
    year = {2006}

    address = {München},
    title = {{S}tereolithographie – das bekannteste {V}erfahren des {R}apid {P}rototyping},
    isbn = {978364056960-1},
    location = {V146092},
    url = {},
    language = {Deutsch},
    publisher = {{GRIN} Verlag {GmbH}},
    author = {Schnitker, Marc},
    year = {2008},
    keywords = {Lasersintern, Rapid prototyping, {RP}, Stereolithographie}



尝试IEEEtran-de.bst 您有很多 URL,这就是我更喜欢将参考书目设置为正确的原因。我的示例文件现在没有您的 bib 数据的问题:

\documentclass[10pt,compsoc, a4paper]{IEEEtran}
Of course this isn’t an actual quote but I’m going to use cite anyway.\cite{kelly_printing_2011}
Awesome, right?\cite{warnecke_einfuhrung_2006},\cite{schnitker_stereolithographie_2008}


但是,有些 URL 仍然有问题,您必须添加更多可能的断点。请参阅软件包文档url或在此处搜索。

