无法使用 newlfm.cls 将日期左对齐

无法使用 newlfm.cls 将日期左对齐

Tex 求职信未显示“谨上,我的名字”










 \namefrom{Matthew J.\ Miller}
         Predrag Puno\v{s}evac\\
         Science Laboratory\\
         Some University\\
         Urbana, IL 61801
 \emailfrom{[email protected]}

 Faculty Search Committee\\
 Department of Computer Science\\
 Clemson University\\
 Clemson, SC 29634-0974}

 \greetto{To Whom It May Concern,}

 I am writing to apply for the position of assistant
 professor in Clemson University's Computer Science Department.  I plan to receive my
 Ph.D.\ degree from the University of Illinois at
 Urbana-Champaign in Summer of 2006.  My adviser is
 Prof.\ Nitin H.\ Vaidya, and my general areas of interest
 include wireless and sensor network performance and security.
  Having many friends and family in the area, I would be
 most enthused to return to the South permanently by accepting
 a position at your institution.

 In my graduate work, I focus on the design of
 energy-efficient protocols and secure key distribution.
 More specifically, I have explored various techniques at
 multiple layers of the network stack to effectively reduce
 the energy consumption of wireless communication.  In security,
 my work was the first to propose leveraging channel diversity
 for sensor network key distribution.  My research appears in 
 the \textit{IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing} journal as
 well as \textit{Infocom 2006} and \textit{ICDCS 2005},
 prestigious conferences in the areas of networking and distributed
 systems, respectively.

 Enclosed is my curriculum vitae (including a list of
      statement, and a teaching statement.  All of my publications and
 presentations are available at:


 Please let me know if there are any other materials
 or information that will assist you in processing my application.

 Thank you for your consideration.  I look forward to
 hearing from you.



 \define@key{ov}{dateright}[true]{\iffixq{#1}{\setboolean{@dt@l}{false}\setboolean{@dt@c}     {false}}}%
 \define@key{ov}{dateleft}[true]{\iffixq{#1}{\setboolean{@dt@l}{true}\setboolean{@dt@c}     {false}}}%
 \define@key{ov}{datecenter}[true]{\iffixq{#1}{\setboolean{@dt@l}{false}\setboolean{@dt@c}     {true}}}%



  1. 放入\newlfmP{dateleft}你的序言中。
  2. \addfrom{}命令和\dateset{}代码中存在范围错误。我已相应地将它们分开。
  3. 此外,在第 (2) 项中,您尝试使用 结束{]我已修复该问题。
  4. 我把所有字母选项都设置为只有一个\newlfmP,以使序言更具可读性。
  5. 我注释了您原始代码的某些部分,以便它可以在我的计算机上编译。您可以稍后取消注释。




% \newsavebox{\Luiuc}
% \sbox{\Luiuc}{%
%    \parbox[b]{1.75in}{%
%        \vspace{0.5in}%
%        \includegraphics[scale=1.0,ext=.eps]
%        {figures/UILogoLG3L}%
%    }%
% }%
% \makeletterhead{Uiuc}{\Lheader{\usebox{\Luiuc}}}

% \lthUiuc
%% There was a scoping error with the commands \addfrom{} and \dateset{} in your code.
 \namefrom{Matthew J.\ Miller}
 Predrag Puno\v{s}evac\\
 Science Laboratory\\
 Some University\\
 Urbana, IL 61801
 \dateset{\today }
 \emailfrom{[email protected]}

 Faculty Search Committee\\
 Department of Computer Science\\
 Clemson University\\
 Clemson, SC 29634-0974}

 \greetto{To Whom It May Concern,}

 I am writing to apply for the position of assistant
 professor in Clemson University's Computer Science Department.  I plan to receive my
 Ph.D.\ degree from the University of Illinois at
 Urbana-Champaign in Summer of 2006.  My adviser is
 Prof.\ Nitin H.\ Vaidya, and my general areas of interest
 include wireless and sensor network performance and security.
  Having many friends and family in the area, I would be
 most enthused to return to the South permanently by accepting
 a position at your institution.

 In my graduate work, I focus on the design of
 energy-efficient protocols and secure key distribution.
 More specifically, I have explored various techniques at
 multiple layers of the network stack to effectively reduce
 the energy consumption of wireless communication.  In security,
 my work was the first to propose leveraging channel diversity
 for sensor network key distribution.  My research appears in 
 the \textit{IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing} journal as
 well as \textit{Infocom 2006} and \textit{ICDCS 2005},
 prestigious conferences in the areas of networking and distributed
 systems, respectively.

 Enclosed is my curriculum vitae (including a list of
      statement, and a teaching statement.  All of my publications and
 presentations are available at:


 Please let me know if there are any other materials
 or information that will assist you in processing my application.

 Thank you for your consideration.  I look forward to
 hearing from you.






 \namefrom{Matthew J.\ Miller}
 Predrag Puno\v{s}evac\\
 Science Laboratory\\
 Some University\\
 Urbana, IL 61801


我的建议是,你要么按照这里的建议去做,要么在 Tex 中应用 Werner 的建议求职信未显示“谨上,我的名字”




% \newsavebox{\Luiuc}
% \sbox{\Luiuc}{%
%    \parbox[b]{1.75in}{%
%        \vspace{0.5in}%
%        \includegraphics[scale=1.0,ext=.eps]
%        {figures/UILogoLG3L}%
%    }%
% }%
% \makeletterhead{Uiuc}{\Lheader{\usebox{\Luiuc}}}

 \newlfmP{ %

% \lthUiuc
 \namefrom{Matthew J.\ Miller}
 Predrag Puno\v{s}evac\\
 Science Laboratory\\
 Some University\\
 Urbana, IL 61801
 \emailfrom{[email protected]}

 Faculty Search Committee\\
 Department of Computer Science\\
 Clemson University\\
 Clemson, SC 29634-0974}

 \greetto{To Whom It May Concern,}

 I am writing to apply for the position of assistant
 professor in Clemson University's Computer Science Department.  I plan to receive my
 Ph.D.\ degree from the University of Illinois at
 Urbana-Champaign in Summer of 2006.  My adviser is
 Prof.\ Nitin H.\ Vaidya, and my general areas of interest
 include wireless and sensor network performance and security.
  Having many friends and family in the area, I would be
 most enthused to return to the South permanently by accepting
 a position at your institution.

 In my graduate work, I focus on the design of
 energy-efficient protocols and secure key distribution.
 More specifically, I have explored various techniques at
 multiple layers of the network stack to effectively reduce
 the energy consumption of wireless communication.  In security,
 my work was the first to propose leveraging channel diversity
 for sensor network key distribution.  My research appears in 
 the \textit{IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing} journal as
 well as \textit{Infocom 2006} and \textit{ICDCS 2005},
 prestigious conferences in the areas of networking and distributed
 systems, respectively.

 Enclosed is my curriculum vitae (including a list of
      statement, and a teaching statement.  All of my publications and
 presentations are available at:


 Please let me know if there are any other materials
 or information that will assist you in processing my application.

 Thank you for your consideration.  I look forward to
 hearing from you.
