双列文档中的 sidewaystable* - emulateapj

双列文档中的 sidewaystable* - emulateapj



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\begin{TableNotes} \footnotesize
    \item[\dag] \label{Tbl:Src:Note:halo}       The radio source is coincident with the cluster RH.
    \item[\ddag]    \label{Tbl:Src:Note:edge}       The radio source might be coincident with the cluster RH (edge of diffuse emission).
    \caption{Radio sources analyzed in previous work\label{Tbl:Src}} \\
        {\fns(\ref{Tbl:Src:GC})} & {\fns(\ref{Tbl:Src:Name})} & {\fns(\ref{Tbl:Src:Morph})} & {\fns(\ref{Tbl:Src:FR})}
            & {\fns(\ref{Tbl:Src:Class})} & {\fns(\ref{Tbl:Src:b})} & {\fns(\ref{Tbl:Src:LOS})} & {\fns(\ref{Tbl:Src:Ref})} \\
        Cluster & Source & Morph. & FR & Class & $r_{\bot}/r_c$ & LOS & Ref. \\
        \caption*{\tablename\ \thetable\ -- \textit{Continued from previous page}} \\
        {\fns(\ref{Tbl:Src:GC})} & {\fns(\ref{Tbl:Src:Name})} & {\fns(\ref{Tbl:Src:Morph})} & {\fns(\ref{Tbl:Src:FR})}
            & {\fns(\ref{Tbl:Src:Class})} & {\fns(\ref{Tbl:Src:b})} & {\fns(\ref{Tbl:Src:LOS})} & {\fns(\ref{Tbl:Src:Ref})} \\
        Cluster & Source & Morph. & FR & Class & $r_{\bot}/r_c$ & LOS & Ref. \\
                The radio sources for which RM maps have been derived and analyzed in previous works, along with some of their relevant characteristics. In this work we analyzed the sources in Coma, A2065, A2142, A2199, and Ophiuchus (italicized).
                    \item \label{Tbl:Src:GC}        Host GC name;
                    \item \label{Tbl:Src:Name}  Source name;
                    \item \label{Tbl:Src:Morph} Radio morphology: (H)T = (Head) Tail, (N/W)AT = (Narrow/Wide) Angle Tail;
                    \item \label{Tbl:Src:FR}        Fanaroff-Riley classification;
                    \item \label{Tbl:Src:Class} Source object type;
                    \item \label{Tbl:Src:b}     Impact parameter relative to X-ray center;
                    \item \label{Tbl:Src:LOS}       Line of sight position: $\infty$ = background source, $0$ = cluster member;
                    \item \label{Tbl:Src:Ref}       RM reference: 
                        \item \label{Tbl:Src:Ref:Bonafede2010}  \citealt{Bonafede2010};
                        \item \label{Tbl:Src:Ref:Eilek2002}     \citealt{Eilek2002};
                        \item \label{Tbl:Src:Ref:Feretti1999}       \citealt{Feretti1999};
                        \item \label{Tbl:Src:Ref:Govoni2001}    \citealt{Govoni2001};
                        \item \label{Tbl:Src:Ref:Govoni2006}    \citealt{Govoni2006};
                        \item \label{Tbl:Src:Ref:Govoni2010}    \citealt{Govoni2010};
                        \item \label{Tbl:Src:Ref:Guidetti2008}  \citealt{Guidetti2008};
                        \item \label{Tbl:Src:Ref:Perley1991}        \citealt{Perley1991};
                        \item \label{Tbl:Src:Ref:Pizzo2011}     \citealt{Pizzo2011};
                        \item \label{Tbl:Src:Ref:Taylor1993}        \citealt{Taylor1993};
                        \item \label{Tbl:Src:Ref:Taylor2001}        \citealt{Taylor2001};
                        \item \label{Tbl:Src:Ref:Taylor2002}        \citealt{Taylor2002};
                        \item \label{Tbl:Src:Ref:Vacca2010}     \citealt{Vacca2010};
                        \item \label{Tbl:Src:Ref:Vacca2012}     \citealt{Vacca2012}.
        3C 129          & 3C 129            & HT    &       & galaxy            & 1.73  & $0$       & \ref{Tbl:Src:Ref:Taylor2001}      \\
                        & 3C 129.1      &       & I     & galaxy            & 0.01  & $0$       & \ref{Tbl:Src:Ref:Taylor2001}      \\
        A0119           & 0053-015      & NAT   &       & E             & 0.15  & $0$       & \ref{Tbl:Src:Ref:Feretti1999}     \\
                        & 0053-016      & NAT   &       & galaxy            & 0.90  & $0$       & \ref{Tbl:Src:Ref:Feretti1999}     \\
                        & 3C 029            &       & I     & S             & 2.83  & $0$       & \ref{Tbl:Src:Ref:Feretti1999}     \\
        A0400           & 3C 075            & T     &       & E0                & 0.24  & $0$       & \ref{Tbl:Src:Ref:Eilek2002}       \\
        A0401           & A401A         & NAT   &       & galaxy            & 2.93  & $0$       & \ref{Tbl:Src:Ref:Govoni2010}      \\
                        & A401B         & HT    &       & galaxy            & 4.20  & $0$       & \ref{Tbl:Src:Ref:Govoni2010}      \\
        A0514           & A514A         &       & II        &               & 2.63  & $\infty$      & \ref{Tbl:Src:Ref:Govoni2001}      \\
                        & A514B2            & NAT   &       & D             & 1.48  & $0$       & \ref{Tbl:Src:Ref:Govoni2001}      \\
                        & A514C         &       & II        &               & 4.53  & $\infty$      & \ref{Tbl:Src:Ref:Govoni2001}      \\
                        & A514D         & T     & I     & galaxy            & 2.71  & $0$       & \ref{Tbl:Src:Ref:Govoni2001}      \\
                        & A514E         &       &       & QSO           & 5.32  & $\infty$      & \ref{Tbl:Src:Ref:Govoni2001}      \\
        Hydra A         & Hydra A       &       &       & galaxy            & 20.0  & $0$       & \ref{Tbl:Src:Ref:Taylor1993}      \\
        \textit{Coma}       & 5C 04.042     &       & II        & galaxy            & 5.77  & $\infty$      & \ref{Tbl:Src:Ref:Bonafede2010}    \\
                        & 5C 04.074\tnotex{Tbl:Src:Note:edge}
                                        &       & II        &               & 1.95  & $\infty$      & \ref{Tbl:Src:Ref:Bonafede2010}    \\
                        & 5C 04.081\tnotex{Tbl:Src:Note:halo}
                                        & NAT   & I     & cD                & 0.87  & $0$       & \ref{Tbl:Src:Ref:Bonafede2010}    \\
                        & 5C 04.085\tnotex{Tbl:Src:Note:halo}
                                        & WAT   & I-II  & cD                & 0.40  & $0$       & \ref{Tbl:Src:Ref:Bonafede2010}    \\
                        & 5C 04.114\tnotex{Tbl:Src:Note:edge}
                                        &       & I     &               & 2.04  & $\infty$      & \ref{Tbl:Src:Ref:Bonafede2010}    \\
                        & 5C 04.127     &       &       & QSO           & 3.66  & $\infty$      & \ref{Tbl:Src:Ref:Bonafede2010}    \\
                        & 5C 04.152     &       & II        & galaxy            & 6.68  & $\infty$      & \ref{Tbl:Src:Ref:Bonafede2010}    \\
        \textit{A2065}      & A2065A            &       & II        & galaxy            & 1.96  & $\infty$      & \ref{Tbl:Src:Ref:Govoni2010}      \\
        \textit{A2142}      & A2142A            & HT    & I     & galaxy            & 2.66  & $0$       & \ref{Tbl:Src:Ref:Govoni2010}      \\
        \textit{A2199}      & 3C 338            &       & I     & cD2           & 0.05  & $\infty$      & \ref{Tbl:Src:Ref:Vacca2012}       \\
        A2255           & Double\tnotex{Tbl:Src:Note:edge}
                                        & HT    &       & galaxy            & 2.98  &           & \ref{Tbl:Src:Ref:Pizzo2011}       \\
                        & Goldfish\tnotex{Tbl:Src:Note:halo}
                                        & NAT   &       & galaxy            & 1.72  &           & \ref{Tbl:Src:Ref:Pizzo2011}       \\
                        & TRG\tnotex{Tbl:Src:Note:halo}
                                        & NAT   &       & galaxy            & 1.03  &           & \ref{Tbl:Src:Ref:Pizzo2011}       \\
                        & Bean          & HT    &       & galaxy            & 11.6  &           & \ref{Tbl:Src:Ref:Pizzo2011}       \\
                        & Embryo            & WAT   &       &               & 7.93  &           & \ref{Tbl:Src:Ref:Pizzo2011}       \\
                        & Beaver            & NAT   &       & galaxy            & 4.33  &           & \ref{Tbl:Src:Ref:Pizzo2011}       \\
                        & F1, F2, F3\tnotex{Tbl:Src:Note:halo}
                                        &       &       & filaments     &       &           & \ref{Tbl:Src:Ref:Pizzo2011}       \\
                        & J1712.4+6401\tnotex{Tbl:Src:Note:halo}
                                        &       &       &               & 0.78  &           & \ref{Tbl:Src:Ref:Govoni2006}      \\
                        & J1713.3+6347  &       &       &               & 4.35  &           & \ref{Tbl:Src:Ref:Govoni2006}      \\
                        & J1713.5+6402\tnotex{Tbl:Src:Note:edge}
                                        &       &       &               & 3.05  &           & \ref{Tbl:Src:Ref:Govoni2006}      \\
                        & J1715.1+6402  &       &       &               & 8.14  &           & \ref{Tbl:Src:Ref:Govoni2006}      \\
        A2382           & PKS 2149-158 A    &       & I     & E             & 0.44  & $0$       & \ref{Tbl:Src:Ref:Guidetti2008}    \\
                        & PKS 2149-158 B    &       & I     & E             & 0.41  & $0$       & \ref{Tbl:Src:Ref:Guidetti2008}    \\
                        & PKS 2149-158 C    &       & I     & E             & 0.15  & $0$       & \ref{Tbl:Src:Ref:Guidetti2008}    \\
        A2634           & 3C 465            & T     & I     & cD                & 0.39  & $0$       & \ref{Tbl:Src:Ref:Eilek2002}       \\
        Centaurus           & PKS 1246-410  &       & I     & cD1           & 0.34  & $0$       & \ref{Tbl:Src:Ref:Taylor2002}      \\
        \textit{Ophiuchus}  & OPHIB         & HT    & I     & galaxy            & 2.50  & $0$       & \ref{Tbl:Src:Ref:Govoni2010}      \\



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