

距离我上次使用 LaTex 制作文档已经有一段时间了。现在我正在尝试帮助我的妻子制作博士论文。我遇到了一个相当大的表格的问题。我从未使用过旋转表格,发现侧向表格环境对我有用。但内容仍然太大,无法放在页面上,我担心她不允许我将表格拆分到多个页面上。






\begin{tabular} {llllll}


\textbf{Combination sand fly - Leishmania}   & \textbf{Infective dose for sand flies}   &\textbf{Used method}   & \parbox{3.5cm}{ \textbf{Size of total prefeeding load}\\
   &\textbf{No. Promastigotes transmitted
per fly}
   &\textbf{\% of transmitting flies}   \\

\parbox{4cm}{\emph{P. papatasi - L. Major}\\ \textbf{\citep{War86}}} & $2\times10^6$ promastigotes/ml & \parbox{2cm}{{forced feeding by microcapillaries}} & unknown & \parbox{3cm}{range 0--1000 \\ 80\% females 1--100 \\ 20\% females 100--1000 \\ 5\% more than 1000 } &   11.4--35\%\\


\parbox{4cm}{\emph{L. longipalpis - L. mexicana}\\ \textbf{\citep{Rog04}}} & $2\times10^6$ amastigotes/ml & \parbox{2cm}{{artificial feeding through membrane}} & unknown & \parbox{3cm}{1086* \\ (86-96\%  metacyclic promastigotes) } &   unknown\\

\parbox{4cm}{\emph{L. longipalpis - L. infantum}\\ \textbf{\citep{Rog10}}} & $2\times10^6$ amastigotes/ml & \parbox{2cm}{{artificial feeding through membrane}} & \parbox{3cm}{$1.06\times10^4 \pm 2.1\times10^4$ \\(35\% metacyclic promastigotes)} & \parbox{3cm}{$457\pm122*$ \\ (95\%  metacyclic promastigotes) } &   unknown\\

\parbox{4cm}{\emph{P. duboscqi - L. major}\\ \textbf{\citep{Kim08}}} & $4\times10^6$ amastigotes/ml & \parbox{2cm}{{natural feeding on mouse ears}} & $1\times10^4 – 1\times10^5$ & \parbox{3cm}{range 0--100000 \\ 75\% females 600 and less \\ 25\% females more than 1000 } &   19.26\%\\

\parbox{4cm}{\emph{L. longipalpis - L. infantum chagasi}\\ \textbf{\citep{Sec12}}} & $4\times10^6$ promastigotes/ml & \parbox{2cm}{{natural feeding on mouse ears}} & $1\times10^4$ & \parbox{3cm}{1002 \\ range 10--10000 \\ 75\% less than 300 } &   unknown\\

\parbox{4cm}{\emph{L. longipalpis - L. infantum dermotropic }\\ \textbf{\citep{Mai11}}} & $1\times10^7$ promastigotes/ml & \parbox{2cm}{{natural feeding on whole mouse}} & $8\times10^4$ & \parbox{3cm}{1127/13** \\ range 10--11100 } &   58\%\\

\parbox{4cm}{\emph{L. longipalpis - L. infantum viscerotropic }\\ \textbf{\citep{Mai11}}} & $1\times10^7$ promastigotes/ml & \parbox{2cm}{{natural feeding on whole mouse}} & $1.5\times10^5$ & \parbox{3cm}{104*/24**\\ range 0--1250} &   14.5\%\\

\parbox{4cm}{\emph{L. perniciosus   - L. infantum dermotropic }\\ \textbf{\citep{Mai11}}} & $1\times10^7$ promastigotes/ml & \parbox{2cm}{{natural feeding on whole mouse}} & $5\times10^5$ & \parbox{3cm}{2350*/29**\\ range 0--42000} &   65\%\\

\parbox{4cm}{\emph{L. perniciosus - L. infantum viscerotropic }\\ \textbf{\citep{Mai11}}} & $1\times10^7$ promastigotes/ml & \parbox{2cm}{{natural feeding on whole mouse}} & $6.6\times10^4$ & \parbox{3cm}{88*/28** \\ range 0--500} &   33\%\\


  $^*$ an average dose of transmitted parasites per sand fly \\
  $^{**}$ median of transmitted parasites per sand fly

\caption[table caption]{Table description}\label{rotfloat2}





一个简单的解决方案是使用p{1.5cm}而不是l来表示最后一列,并将标题从 改为% of transmitting fliestransmitting flies (%)据我在这里测试,这会使表格足够小,适合一页,并且只会以很小的方式改变表格的外观。







\begin{tabular} {lllllp{1.5cm}}

\textbf{Combination sand fly - Leishmania}   & \textbf{Infective dose for sand flies}   &\textbf{Used method}   & \parbox{3.5cm}{ \textbf{Size of total prefeeding load}\\
   &\textbf{No. Promastigotes transmitted
per fly}
   &\textbf{transmitting flies (\%)} \\

\parbox{4cm}{\emph{P. papatasi - L. Major}\\ \textbf{\citep{War86}}} & $2\times10^6$ promastigotes/ml & \parbox{2cm}{{forced feeding by microcapillaries}} & unknown & \parbox{3cm}{range 0--1000 \\ 80\% females 1--100 \\ 20\% females 100--1000 \\ 5\% more than 1000 } &   11.4--35\%   \addlinespace

\parbox{4cm}{\emph{L. longipalpis - L. mexicana}\\ \textbf{\citep{Rog04}}} & $2\times10^6$ amastigotes/ml & \parbox{2cm}{{artificial feeding through membrane}} & unknown & \parbox{3cm}{1086* \\ (86-96\%  metacyclic promastigotes) } &   unknown \addlinespace
\parbox{4cm}{\emph{L. longipalpis - L. infantum}\\ \textbf{\citep{Rog10}}} & $2\times10^6$ amastigotes/ml & \parbox{2cm}{{artificial feeding through membrane}} & \parbox{3cm}{$1.06\times10^4 \pm 2.1\times10^4$ \\(35\% metacyclic promastigotes)} & \parbox{3cm}{$457\pm122*$ \\ (95\%  metacyclic promastigotes) } &   unknown  \addlinespace
\parbox{4cm}{\emph{P. duboscqi - L. major}\\ \textbf{\citep{Kim08}}} & $4\times10^6$ amastigotes/ml & \parbox{2cm}{{natural feeding on mouse ears}} & $1\times10^4 – 1\times10^5$ & \parbox{3cm}{range 0--100000 \\ 75\% females 600 and less \\ 25\% females more than 1000 } &   19.26\%  \addlinespace
\parbox{4cm}{\emph{L. longipalpis - L. infantum chagasi}\\ \textbf{\citep{Sec12}}} & $4\times10^6$ promastigotes/ml & \parbox{2cm}{{natural feeding on mouse ears}} & $1\times10^4$ & \parbox{3cm}{1002 \\ range 10--10000 \\ 75\% less than 300 } &   unknown  \addlinespace
\parbox{4cm}{\emph{L. longipalpis - L. infantum dermotropic }\\ \textbf{\citep{Mai11}}} & $1\times10^7$ promastigotes/ml & \parbox{2cm}{{natural feeding on whole mouse}} & $8\times10^4$ & \parbox{3cm}{1127/13** \\ range 10--11100 } &   58\%    \addlinespace
\parbox{4cm}{\emph{L. longipalpis - L. infantum viscerotropic }\\ \textbf{\citep{Mai11}}} & $1\times10^7$ promastigotes/ml & \parbox{2cm}{{natural feeding on whole mouse}} & $1.5\times10^5$ & \parbox{3cm}{104*/24**\\ range 0--1250} &   14.5\%  \addlinespace
\parbox{4cm}{\emph{L. perniciosus   - L. infantum dermotropic }\\ \textbf{\citep{Mai11}}} & $1\times10^7$ promastigotes/ml & \parbox{2cm}{{natural feeding on whole mouse}} & $5\times10^5$ & \parbox{3cm}{2350*/29**\\ range 0--42000} &   65\%    \addlinespace
\parbox{4cm}{\emph{L. perniciosus - L. infantum viscerotropic }\\ \textbf{\citep{Mai11}}} & $1\times10^7$ promastigotes/ml & \parbox{2cm}{{natural feeding on whole mouse}} & $6.6\times10^4$ & \parbox{3cm}{88*/28** \\ range 0--500} &   33\%

  $^*$ an average dose of transmitted parasites per sand fly \\
  $^{**}$ median of transmitted parasites per sand fly

\caption[table caption]{Table description}\label{rotfloat2}



\textbf{\parbox{70pt}{No. Promastigotes \\ transmitted per fly}}

\textbf{\parbox{40pt}{\% of transmitting flies}}

