Natbib 给出单个字符而不是作者年份

Natbib 给出单个字符而不是作者年份

我正在使用 MiKTeX 2.9/TeXmaker。当我用\citep{}该包引用()时natbib,我得到的是随机字符,例如 [a]、[x] 等,而不是 [John1998]。我运行了PdfLatex->Bibtex->Pdflatex->Pdflatex,但仍然得到相同的结果。我正在用 LaTeX 写我的第一篇文档,这是我的论文,所以如果我忽略了任何小错误或方法,请原谅。


Photonic crystals are a class of materials 
that are either man made\citep{Yablonovitch1993} or 
naturally found\citep{Zi2003} 


光子晶体是一类人造[b, a]或天然存在的[e, i]材料。

在 BibTeX 文件中

  author = {Yablonovitch, E.},
  title = {Photonic band-gap structures},
  journal = {J. Opt. Soc. Am. B},
  year = {1993},
  volume = {10},
  pages = {283-295},
  number = {2}

  author = {Zi, Jian and Yu, Xindi and Li, Yizhou and Hu, Xinhua and Xu, Chun
    and Wang, Xingjun and Liu, Xiaohan and Fu, Rongtang},
  title = {Coloration strategies in peacock feathers},
  journal = {Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences},
  year = {2003},
  volume = {100},
  pages = {12576-12578},
  number = {22},
  abstract = {We report the mechanism of color production in peacock feathers. We
    find that the cortex in differently colored barbules, which contains
    a 2D photonic-crystal structure, is responsible for coloration. Simulations
    reveal that the photonic-crystal structure possesses a partial photonic
    bandgap along the direction normal to the cortex surface, for frequencies
    within which light is strongly reflected. Coloration strategies in
    peacock feathers are very ingenious and simple: controlling the lattice
    constant and the number of periods in the photonic-crystal structure.
    Varying the lattice constant produces diversified colors. The reduction
    of the number of periods brings additional colors, causing mixed

.bbl 文件内容(仅显示以上两个参考文献。为了方便起见,我删除了文档其他部分的参考文献):

\expandafter\ifx\csname urlstyle\endcsname\relax
  \providecommand{\doi}[1]{doi: #1}\else
  \providecommand{\doi}{doi: \begingroup \urlstyle{rm}\Url}\fi

\newblock Photonic band-gap structures.
\newblock \emph{J. Opt. Soc. Am. B}, 10\penalty0 (2):\penalty0 283--295, 1993.

\bibitem[Zi et~al.(2003)Zi, Yu, Li, Hu, Xu, Wang, Liu, and Fu]{Zi2003}
Jian Zi, Xindi Yu, Yizhou Li, Xinhua Hu, Chun Xu, Xingjun Wang, Xiaohan Liu,
  and Rongtang Fu.
\newblock Coloration strategies in peacock feathers.
\newblock \emph{Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences}, 100\penalty0
  (22):\penalty0 12576--12578, 2003.



