为什么删除这个 `>{\stepcounter{tfno}\thetfno.}` 会出现错误

为什么删除这个 `>{\stepcounter{tfno}\thetfno.}` 会出现错误

我按照此链接中的说明进行操作: 删除自动生成的号码? 当它真的阻止了文本的自动编号时,我非常满意。但是为什么当我将文档类更改为时,\documentclass{exam}它突然出现错误。我有以下代码:


\multicolumn{1}{r}{}&  & \fbox{\parbox{.75cm}{True}} & \fbox{\parbox{.75cm}     
{False}}  \\
\newcommand\tfquestion[1]{ & #1 & \mybox  & \mybox  \\}
\question\tfquestion{This is a sample text.}
 \question\tfquestion{This is another sample short text.}
  \question\tfquestion{This is a long line containing text and wrapping into  
second line without hitting the boxes}









  \question\tfquestion{This is a sample text.}
  \question\tfquestion{This is another sample short text.}
  \question\tfquestion{This is a long line containing text and wrapping into  
second line without hitting the boxes}



True-False根据 OP 的要求,我可以提出以下建议。这有点复杂,因为我想绝对确保在框之后和实际问题之前不会发生分页。

但是:我甚至不确定questions该类的环境exam是否应该多次使用;事实上,这样做会产生multiply-defined labels错误,我在一个普通的示例中尝试过,只使用exam类,没有使用这里的代码,只是重复的questions环境。如果只应该使用一次这个环境(手册很长,我没有时间阅读它),那么在错误的地方使分页符不可能的工作可能只是有点浪费。

环境被调用truefalsequestions,每个项目将被输入为\tfquestion{the text of the question within braces like this}。有一个可选参数,默认为.9,表示有多少可用空间将用作多行问题的宽度。


% \newcommand\tfquestion[1]{%
%   \parbox[t]{.5\textwidth}{#1}\hfill\mybox\quad\mybox}




\sbox{\TwoBoxes}{\makebox[\wd\TrueBox] {\mybox}\quad

\newcommand\tfquestion[1]{} % will be overwritten

\newenvironment{truefalsequestions}[1][.9] % defaults to 90% of available space


  \tfquestion{This is a sample text.}

  \tfquestion{This is another sample short text.}

  \tfquestion{This is a long line containing text and wrapping into  
second line without hitting the boxes. This is a long line containing text and
wrapping into second line without hitting the boxes.}

  \tfquestion{This is a sample text.}

  \tfquestion{This is a sample text.}

  \tfquestion{This is another sample short text.}

  \tfquestion{This is a long line containing text and wrapping into  
second line without hitting the boxes. This is a long line containing text and
wrapping into second line without hitting the boxes.}

  \tfquestion{This is a sample text.}


