

问题LaTeX 中的反向引用被标记为重复,所以我无法在该主题中发帖。尽管如此,我发现 Ryan Reich 在那里提供的代码是一个很好的学习练习。他的解决方案提供了一个逗号分隔的反向引用列表,没有空格。




cleveref-usedon包允许轻松地使用cleveref的格式进行反向引用(例如,“定理 1”、“第 II 节”)。

要使用它,我需要安装它,因为它不是我的 LaTeX 安装的一部分。

编辑:截至 2023 年 8 月,存在一个错误,cleverf-usedon导致某些反向引用不出现。请参阅这个问题在 GitHub 上。





% #1 and #2 are each of the form {a}{b}, and the a and b groups are to be
% concatenated independently.
 \edef\first{\csname #1\endcsname}%
  {{\firsta, and \@firstoftwo#2}%
   {\firstb, and \@secondoftwo#2}}%

% Patching into the existing commands
\def\newbacklabel{\@newbackl@bel B}


 \item \label{e:1} Part 1, referenced by part(s) \backref{e:1}
    on page(s) \pagebackref{e:1}.
 \item \label{e:x} Part 2, referenced by part(s) \backref{e:x} on
page(s) \pagebackref{e:x}, and referencing part \ref{e:1}.
 \item \label{e:2} Part 3, referencing part \ref{e:1} and \ref{e:x}
 \item \label{e:3} Part 4, referencing part \ref{e:1}.
\section{A section}
Here is another reference to part \ref{e:1}.



对于那些对 stringstrings 包的缓慢感到沮丧的人来说,这里有一个更长但更快的替代方案



% #1 and #2 are each of the form {a}{b}, and the a and b groups are to be
% concatenated independently.
 \edef\first{\csname #1\endcsname}%
  {{\firsta, and \@firstoftwo#2}%
   {\firstb, and \@secondoftwo#2}}%

% Patching into the existing commands
\def\newbacklabel{\@newbackl@bel B}



  \if T\converttilde\def~{ }\fi%

%ifthenelse needed when leading spaces end up as \argi
   \expandafter\def\csname arg\roman{arg@index}\endcsname{}%

                 \csname arg\roman{arg@index}\endcsname%
                {\csname arg\roman{arg@index}\endcsname#2}\fi#1}


% Replaces a word of alphanumeric phrase with another
% Syntax: \replacewordF[mode]{orig_string}{word}{replacement}
% mode is v for verbose, q for quiet (saved in \thestring}
% word is one whole word; cannot contain spaces.
% replacement can be multiword
  \whiledo{\value{word@count} < \narg}{%
    \ifthenelse{\equal{\csname arg\roman{word@count}\endcsname}{#3}}%
       \edef\thestring{\the@string\csname arg\roman{word@count}\endcsname}}%
  \if v#1\thestring\fi%


 \item \label{e:1} Part 1, referenced by part(s) \backref{e:1}
    on page(s) \pagebackref{e:1}.
 \item \label{e:x} Part 2, referenced by part(s) \backref{e:x} on
page(s) \pagebackref{e:x}, and referencing part \ref{e:1}.
 \item \label{e:2} Part 3, referencing part \ref{e:1} and \ref{e:x}
 \item \label{e:3} Part 4, referencing part \ref{e:1}.

\section{A section}
Here is another reference to part \ref{e:1}.

