其左侧有字符,高度与整个段落的高度完全相同。此外,我想对其进行扩展,使任何 tikz 图片都可以根据段落的长度(高度)进行缩放。
请注意,scalerel 会对“{”符号进行完美缩放,直到宽度达到可选参数的值(在本例中为 1 英寸)。对于大于该值的缩放,宽度被限制为 1 英寸,从而有效地使其成为超出该点的拉伸,而不是缩放。这将防止符号变得太宽。
\parindent 0in
\parskip 1em
使用 PSTricks。为了简单起见,用 进行编译。
Karl's students do not care about dashing patterns.
Karl's students do not care about arrow tips.
Karl's students, by the way, do not know what a transformation matrix is.
Karl's students do not care about dashing patterns.
Karl's students do not care about arrow tips.
Karl's students, by the way, do not know what a transformation matrix is.
Karl's students do not care about dashing patterns.
Karl's students do not care about arrow tips.
Karl's students, by the way, do not know what a transformation matrix is.