% pdflatex -shell-escape test.tex
\cs_new_eq:NN \calc \fp_eval:n
\def\bredde{18 }
\def\laengde{\calc{1.5*\bredde} }
\def\radius{3.0 }
\def\afstand{6.5 }
(!\laengde 2 div \afstand sub \bredde \radius add 2 div)%
(!\laengde \afstand sub 2 div \bredde \radius sub 2 div)%
(!\laengde 2 div \bredde \radius add 2 div)%
(!\laengde \afstand add 2 div \bredde \radius sub 2 div)%
(!\laengde 2 div \afstand add \bredde \radius add 2 div)
(!\laengde \iB\space \afstand mul add 2 div \bredde 2 div 5 3 div \radius mul sub)%
(!\laengde \iB\space \afstand mul add 2 div \bredde 2 div 5 3 div \radius mul add)
(!\laengde 2 div 10 3 div \radius mul sub
\bredde \radius add 2 div \iD\space \radius mul add)%
(!\laengde 2 div 10 3 div \radius mul add
\bredde \radius add 2 div \iD\space \radius mul add)
(!\laengde 2 div \afstand sub \bredde 2 div 5 3 div \radius mul sub)%
(!\laengde 2 div \bredde 2 div 5 3 div \radius mul sub)
(!\laengde 2 div \afstand sub \bredde 2 div 5 3 div \radius mul add)%
(!\laengde \afstand sub 2 div \bredde 2 div 5 3 div \radius mul add)
(!\laengde 2 div 10 3 div \radius mul sub \bredde \radius sub 2 div)%
(!\laengde 2 div 10 3 div \radius mul sub \bredde \radius add 2 div)
\def\bredde{18 }
\def\radius{3.0 }
\def\afstand{6.5 }
\def\afstandB{3.25 }
\rput(!\laengde 2 div \bredde 2 div){% all relative to the center
\pnode(!\iB\space \afstandB mul \radius 2 div \iA\space 2 mod 0 eq { neg } if ){P\iA}
\psline[linestyle=dotted](!\psGetNodeCenter{P\iA} P\iA.x \radius 1.5 mul 1 add)
(!\psGetNodeCenter{P\iA} P\iA.x \radius -1.5 mul 1 sub) }
\pcline(!\psGetNodeCenter{P1} P1.x P1.y \radius 2 mul sub 1 sub)%
(!\psGetNodeCenter{P3} P3.x P3.y \radius 2 mul sub 1 sub)\Label{\afstand}
\pcline(!\psGetNodeCenter{P1} P1.x P1.y \radius add 1 add)%
(!\psGetNodeCenter{P2} P2.x P2.y \radius 2 mul add 1 add)\Label{\afstandB}
\pcline(!\psGetNodeCenter{P2} P2.x \radius sub \afstandB sub 1 sub P2.y)%
(!\psGetNodeCenter{P1} P1.x \radius sub 1 sub P1.y )\Label{\radius}
\uput[90](!\laengde 2 div 0){\small\SI{\laengde}{\cm}}
\uput[0]{90}(!0 \bredde 2 div){\small\SI{\bredde}{\cm}}
\def\bredde{18 }
\def\radius{3.0 }
\def\afstand{6.5 }
\newlength\Lafstand \Lafstand=\afstand\p@
\newlength\LafstandB \LafstandB=0.5\Lafstand
这是一个 TikZ 解决方案。
\coordinate (r1) at (-6.5,1.5);
\coordinate (r2) at (-3.25,-1.5);
\coordinate (r3) at (0,1.5);
\coordinate (r4) at (3.25,-1.5);
\coordinate (r5) at (6.5,1.5);
\pgfmathsetmacro\radiusout{3cm + .5*\whitemargin pt}
\pgfmathsetmacro\radiusin{2.5cm - .5*\whitemargin pt}
\clip (-13.5,0) rectangle (13.5,9);
\foreach \col in {r5,r4,r3,r2,r1}{
\path[draw=white,line width=\whitemargin pt,fill=\col,even odd rule]
(\col) circle (\radiusout pt) circle (\radiusin pt);
\clip (-13.5,-9) rectangle (13.5,0);
\foreach \col in {r1,r2,r3,r4,r5}{
\path[draw=white,line width=\whitemargin pt,fill=\col,even odd rule]
(\col) circle (\radiusout pt) circle (\radiusin pt);
\begin{scope}[on background layer]
\begin{scope}[font=\Large,line width=.6mm,draw=gray,text=gray,fill=gray]
line/.style={|-|,shorten >=-.5\pgflinewidth,shorten <=-.5\pgflinewidth},
% flag dimensions
\draw[<->] (-13.5, 8.5) -- node[dim]{27,0~cm} (13.5, 8.5);
\draw[<->] (-13, -9) -- node[dim]{18,0~cm} (-13, 9);
% ring centers
\foreach \center in {r1,r2,r3,r4,r5}{\fill (\center) circle (1mm);}
% ring dimensions
\draw[dashed,line width=.3mm]
(-10.5,0 |- r1) -- (10.5,0 |- r1)
(-10.5,0 |- r2) -- (10.5,0 |- r2);
\draw[line] (-10.5,0 |- r2) -- node[dim]{3,0~cm} (-10.5,0 |- r1);
\foreach \center in {r1,r2,r3,r4,r5}{
\draw[dashed,line width=.3mm] (\center |- 0,5) -- (\center |- 0,-5);
\draw[line] (r1 |- 0,5) -- node[dim]{3,25~cm} (r2 |- 0,5);
\draw[line] (r1 |- 0,-5) -- node[dim]{6,5~cm} (r3 |- 0,-5);
\coordinate (r1) at (-6.5,1.5);
\coordinate (r2) at (-3.25,-1.5);
\coordinate (r3) at (0,1.5);
\coordinate (r4) at (3.25,-1.5);
\coordinate (r5) at (6.5,1.5);
\pgfmathsetmacro\radiusout{3cm + .5*\whitemargin pt}
\pgfmathsetmacro\radiusin{2.5cm - .5*\whitemargin pt}
\clip (-13.5,0) rectangle (13.5,9);
\foreach \col in {r5,r4,r3,r2,r1}{
\path[draw=white,line width=\whitemargin pt,fill=\col,even odd rule]
(\col) circle (\radiusout pt) circle (\radiusin pt);
\clip (-13.5,-9) rectangle (13.5,0);
\foreach \col in {r1,r2,r3,r4,r5}{
\path[draw=white,line width=\whitemargin pt,fill=\col,even odd rule]
(\col) circle (\radiusout pt) circle (\radiusin pt);