无法使用 newpx 包进行编译

无法使用 newpx 包进行编译




!pdfTeX error: pdflatex (file T1-TeXGyrePagellaX-Regular-lnum-kern-liga--base):
 Font T1-TeXGyrePagellaX-Regular-lnum-kern-liga--base at 600 not found
 ==> Fatal error occurred, no output PDF file produced!

我正在使用 MiKTeX 2.9。我猜想字体尚未创建或我做错了什么,但我无法编译它。有什么见解吗?我如何才能创建字体?


@urlikefischer 给出了答案。通过在提示符updmap下运行cmd,问题就解决了。我对它做了一些研究updmap,以下是我发现的内容:

更新图- 更新 TeX 输出驱动程序的字体映射文件。

updmap系统 - 更新系统范围内的 TeX 输出驱动程序的字体映射文件。


   updmap is a utility that creates font configuration files for dvips(1),
   pdftex(1),   xdvi(1),   ps2pk(1),  gsftopk(1),  dvipdfm(1)  and  (soon)
   dvipdfmx(1).  In an ideal world, updmap would be unnecessary -- each of
   these  programs  would  read  the same configuration file to learn what
   fonts are available and how they should be treated.  As  things  stand,
   however,  each  of  these  tools  has subtly different requirements and
   thereby needs its own font configuration  file.   updmap  creates  font
   configuration  files  for  all  of these programs from a single source,
   allowing you to easily keep all the different  configuration  files  in

   updmap  reads a configuration file, updmap.cfg(5) and, depending on the
   options specified in that file and on the  command  line,  updmap  will
   write  generated  map files to a directory of your choosing (via one of
   the --*outputdir options), or automatically determine  where  to  place
   the  files.   In  the  latter  case, it tries to use the tree where the
   variable TEXMFVAR points  to.   When  used  with  the  options  --edit,
   --setoption, --enable, --disable, or --syncwithtrees, updmap will first
   write updmap.cfg(5) and regenerate the map files only if this file  has
   been changed.


不要直接编辑此文件。运行 initexmf --edit-config-file updmap 来编辑轮廓字体的配置设置。


  1. http://docs.miktex.org/manual/updmapcfg.html
  2. http://www.linuxcommand.org/man_pages/updmap1.html
