\usepackage[top=3cm, bottom=3cm, left=2cm, right=1cm]{geometry}
\tikzoption{day headings}{\tikzstyle{day heading}=[#1]}
\tikzstyle{day heading}=[]
\tikzstyle{day letter headings}=[
execute before day scope={ \ifdate{day of month=1}{%
\foreach \d/\l in {0/Ponedeljak,1/Utorak,2/Sreda,3/Četvrtak,4/Petak,5/Subota,6/Nedelja} {
\node[every day,day heading]{\small\l};%
\calendar (mycal) [dates=2013-05-01 to 2013-05-31,week list,month label above centered,month text=\textcolor{black}{Maj} \%y-, day yshift = 0.4cm,
day letter headings];
\draw[black, line width=2pt] (mycal-2013-05-08) circle (5pt) +(-5pt,-5pt) rectangle +(5pt,5pt) ;
\draw[black, line width=2pt] (mycal-2013-05-10) circle (5pt);
\draw[black, line width=2pt] (mycal-2013-05-12) circle (5pt);
\draw[black, line width=2pt] (mycal-2013-05-15) circle (5pt);
\draw[black, line width=2pt] (mycal-2013-05-17) circle (5pt);
\draw[black, line width=2pt] (mycal-2013-05-19) circle (5pt);
\draw[black, line width=2pt] (mycal-2013-05-22) circle (5pt);
\draw[black, line width=2pt] (mycal-2013-05-24) circle (5pt);
\hfill \Large legenda \\
*Napomena\hfill \begin{tikzpicture}
\draw[black, line width=1pt] circle (6pt);
Termine je moguće iskoristiti do 8. juna.\hfill \begin{tikzpicture}
\draw[black, line width=1pt] circle (6pt)+(-6pt,-6pt) rectangle +(6pt,6pt);
\end{tikzpicture}~~~početak/kraj termina
如果你将every month/.append style={yshift=-2cm}
\calendar (mycal) [dates=2013-05-01 to 2013-05-31,
week list,
month label above centered,
month text=\textcolor{black}{Maj} \%y-,
day yshift = 0.4cm,
day letter headings,
every month/.append style={yshift=-2cm}];