tufte-book 类中新浮动标题的放置

tufte-book 类中新浮动标题的放置



MWE 包括如下:

\usepackage{framed, color}



\caption{Currently, this caption is left justified above the float, when I would like it to be in the right margin similar to the table caption below.}

\caption{This is how I want the new float environment caption to behave.}
Column 1 & Column 2 & Column 3 \\
Value A1 & Value A2 & Value A3 \\




\usepackage{framed, color}

\newcommand\listexamplename{List of Examples}
%  \begin{fullwidth}%
%  \end{fullwidth}%
     {\ifnum \c@chapter>\z@ \thechapter.\fi \@arabic\c@example}


\caption{Currently, this caption is in the right margin similar to the table caption below.}

\caption{This is how I want the new float environment caption to behave.}
Column 1 & Column 2 & Column 3 \\
Value A1 & Value A2 & Value A3 \\



如果你希望所有example环境都带有彩色背景,则可以在 的定义中直接包含颜色环境example。以下示例说明了这一点,但使用mdframed环境(来自mdframed包)而不是shaded(来自framed包);这可以使对象和标题之间有更好的垂直对齐(与上面的例子比较):



\newcommand\listexamplename{List of Examples}
%  \begin{fullwidth}%
%  \end{fullwidth}%
     {\ifnum \c@chapter>\z@ \thechapter.\fi \@arabic\c@example}


\caption{Currently, this caption is in the right margin similar to the table caption below.}

\caption{This is how I want the new float environment caption to behave.}
Column 1 & Column 2 & Column 3 \\
Value A1 & Value A2 & Value A3 \\


