如何更改 yum 安装程序的存储库设置?

如何更改 yum 安装程序的存储库设置?

我对 Linux 还很陌生。我正在尝试在 CentOS 上安装 Tint2。当我尝试使用命令安装时yum install tint2,出现以下错误

checking for X11... configure: error: Package requirements (x11 xcomposite xdamage xinerama xrender xrandr) were not met:

No package 'xcomposite' found
No package 'xdamage' found
No package 'xinerama' found
No package 'xrandr' found

Consider adjusting the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable if you
installed software in a non-standard prefix.

Alternatively, you may set the environment variables X11_CFLAGS
and X11_LIBS to avoid the need to call pkg-config.
See the pkg-config man page for more details.`


$>yum install xinerama
Failed to set locale, defaulting to C
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
 * base: mirrors.lga7.us.voxel.net
 * extras: mirror.rackspace.com
 * updates: mirror.atlanticmetro.net
Setting up Install Process
No package xinerama available.
Nothing to do

我这里有点不清楚。如何更改 yum 设置以在可用软件包的不同存储库中查找 x* 软件包?


"Alternatively, you may set the environment variables X11_CFLAGS
and X11_LIBS to avoid the need to call pkg-config.


您可以通过下载并安装存储库的 .rpm 文件来将 Yum 设置为短语替代存储库。正确的说明可以在以下位置找到EPEL 存储库安装


搜索其他包含xinerama.下载并安装该存储库rpm new。该存储库将创建于/etc/yum.repos.d

并运行yum install xinerama
