![使用 PSTricks 绘制 3D 数据图](https://linux22.com/image/269876/%E4%BD%BF%E7%94%A8%20PSTricks%20%E7%BB%98%E5%88%B6%203D%20%E6%95%B0%E6%8D%AE%E5%9B%BE.png)
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2.38 0.004 0.2980268
2.38 0.008 0.4507145
2.38 0.016 0.58417075
2.38 0.032 0.6833616
当我尝试使用 从终端编译上述文件时latex
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ppersorbian, welsh, loaded.
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`pst-fp' v0.05, 2010/01/17 (hv))
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v1.25, 2012/09/21))
v1.42, 2010/05/14 <tvz>) `PST-3dplot' v1.97, 2012/06/07 (HV,DL)))
LaTeX Warning: File `plotting-of-3d-surface.data' already exists on the system.
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! Data file ` D 2.17 D 0.001 D 0.82044815 D 2.17 D 0.002 D 0.82345825 D 2.17 D
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8 D 0.016 D 0.58417075 D 2.38 D 0.032 D 0.6833616' not found..
\@pstrickserr ... immediate help.}\errmessage {#1}
l.74 \fileplotThreeD{\data}
如果上述数据来自 PSTricks,我该怎么做才能得到 3D 图?
2.17 0.001 0.82044815
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3 1 roll % x
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m 1 sub 1 roll m 1 sub 1 roll /m m 3 sub def
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重新定义内部缩放宏以获得更好的 x、y、z 值。这比使用unit
2D 视图的默认键更有意义:
2.17 0.001 0.82044815
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100 mul 3 1 roll % y
3 1 roll % x
tx@3DPlotDict begin
x2D \pst@number\psxunit mul y2D \pst@number\psyunit mul
m 1 sub 1 roll m 1 sub 1 roll /m m 3 sub def } repeat>
不是用 生成的命令\readdata
2.17 0.001 0.82044815
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