使用 tufte-latex 删除全宽段落的缩进并添加行跳过

使用 tufte-latex 删除全宽段落的缩进并添加行跳过

部分答案如下 -使用 tufte-latex 删除段落缩进并添加行跳过


\documentclass[nols,symmetric,justified,marginals=raggedouter]{tufte-book} % Use the tufte-book class which in turn uses the tufte-common class


The design of the front matter in Tufte's books varies slightly from the traditional design of front matter. First, the pages in front matter are traditionally numbered with lowercase roman numerals ( i, ii, iii, iv,). Second, the front matter page numbering sequence is usually separate from the main matter page numbering. That is, the page numbers restart at 1 when the main matter begins. In contrast, Tufte has enumerated his pages with arabic numerals that share the same page counting sequence as the main matter.

There are also some variations in design across Tufte's four books. The page opposite the full title page (labeled ``frontispiece'' in the above table) has different content in each of the books. I

The dedication appears on page~6 in age of the introduction.

None of the page numbers (folios) ofedication page.





\usepackage{lipsum}% provides dummy text

% From <http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/77999>

% Paragraph indentation and separation for normal text

% Paragraph indentation and separation for marginal text





