使用 TikZ 创建多个标尺

使用 TikZ 创建多个标尺

我正在尝试绘制 14 米长的厘米级尺子,每次一米。我希望用胶纸打印出来以测量一些东西,但这并没有什么用。

到目前为止,我已经运行了此代码 (MWE),它产生了一米长的尺子。我附上了一张长约 22 厘米的图像。







% \foreach \i in {0,100,...,130}

  % Draw Minor tick lines

  \foreach \x in {99,97,...,1}
  \draw [color=red, line width=6mm](\x cm,0cm) -- (\x cm ,1.5cm) 
  node[color=red, rotate=90, anchor=west] {\x};   

  \foreach \x in {100,98,...,0}
  \draw [color=black, line width=6mm](\x cm,0cm) -- (\x cm ,1.5cm) 
  node[color=black, rotate=90, anchor=west] {\x};

  Draw Major tick lines

  \foreach \x in {100,90,...,0}
  \draw [color=black,line width=6mm] (\x cm,4cm) -- (\x cm ,0cm)
  node[anchor=north] {\Huge \textbf{\x}};

  \foreach \x in {95,85,...,5}
  \draw [color=red, line width=6mm] (\x cm,4cm) -- (\x cm ,0cm)
  node[anchor=north] {\Huge \textbf{\x}};

 % Draw main axis
%  \draw [line width=6mm](0cm, \i cm) -- coordinate (x axis mid) (100cm,\i cm); 
  \draw [line width=6mm](0cm, 0 cm) -- coordinate (x axis mid) (100cm, 0 cm); 




  1. 我需要数字从右向左增加。目前,尽管我指定了降序\foreach,但它们还是从左向右增加。我该如何实现这一点?
  2. 标尺的末端没有斜接。我尝试使用命令join=miter中的选项\draw,但没有效果。
  3. 最后,我如何使用\foreach命令(如果有的话)将单个标尺变成垂直堆叠的十四条标尺,并采用正确的编号。我设法完成了标尺轴的重复(如您在代码中看到的注释),但当我尝试对刻度线和节点执行相同操作时,不断出现可怕的错误。




  1. 循环中的顺序\foreach与绘制顺序无关。如果指定(\x cm,0cm),则坐标位于(\x cm,0cm)(在画布系统中)。
    我建议简单地反转XTikZ 坐标系的方向:x=-1cm。这意味着如果你没有为X坐标的变量,TikZ 会将该数字与 相乘-1cm。当然,你也可以简单地使用,-\x cm但这个解决方案更灵活一些。

  2. line cap=rect使同一线段的末端butt(默认)仅延长一半的线宽。

  3. 我们只需将一米放在另一个从(第一米)到(第十四米)\foreach的循环中即可。第一步是,对于米来说大约,然后最多。如果您想要不同的偏移,即米之间的距离,您可以使用 PGF 数学:。013yshift000cm10cm130cmyshift=\i*7cm


\begin{tikzpicture}[x=-1cm,line cap=rect]
\foreach \i in {0,...,13}{

  \foreach \x in {1,3,...,99}
  \draw [color=red, line width=6mm](\x,0cm) -- (\x,1.5cm) 
  node[color=red, rotate=90, anchor=west] {\pgfmathprint{int(\x+\i*100)}};   

  \foreach \x in {0,2,...,98}
  \draw [color=black, line width=6mm](\x,0cm) -- (\x,1.5cm) 
  node[color=black, rotate=90, anchor=west] {\pgfmathprint{int(\x+\i*100)}};

  \foreach \x in {0,10,...,100}
  \draw [color=black,line width=6mm] (\x,4cm) -- (\x,0cm)
  node[anchor=north] {\Huge \textbf{{\pgfmathprint{int(\x+\i*100)}}}};

  \foreach \x in {5,15,...,95}
  \draw [color=red, line width=6mm] (\x,4cm) -- (\x,0cm)
  node[anchor=north] {\Huge \textbf{\pgfmathprint{int(\x+\i*100)}}};

  \draw [line width=6mm](0, 0cm) -- coordinate (x axis mid) (100,0cm);





基本上,这是两条双线标尺,用于类似 xy 绘图仪的布置,带有标记坐标。 在此处输入图片描述


\begin{tikzpicture}[x=-1cm,line cap=rect]

%  draw labels below ruler
%% x labels
\foreach \p [count=\mycount from 1] in {20,30,31,42,53,54.3}                         {
  \pgfmathparse{ifthenelse(\p > \zeile,{\p-\zeile+1},{\p}} 
  \pgfmathparse{ifthenelse(\p > \zeile,4,0} 
  \draw [color=red,line width=3pt](\pos,\shift) -- ++    (0,\tickxl)
  node[color=red, rotate=90, anchor=west,above left] {\large     {$\mathsf{ x_\mycount}$}};

% y labels
\foreach \p [count=\mycount from 1] in     {15,20,31,35,36.5,53,54.3}{
  \pgfmathparse{ifthenelse(\p > \zeile,{\p-\zeile+1},{\p}} 
  \pgfmathparse{ifthenelse(\p > \zeile,3*4,2*4} 
  % TODO: how to use variable \spacet without unit cm? 
  \draw [color=blue,line width=3pt](\pos,\shift) -- ++    (0,\tickxl)
  node[color=blue, rotate=90, anchor=west,above left]     {\large {$\mathsf{ y_\mycount}$}};

\draw [dashed](0, -1cm) -- ++ (\zeile,0cm);

\foreach \j in {0,2,4}{ % one x, one y, one blank
  \foreach \i in {0,1}{ % two lines per dim required

    % mm ticks without label
    \foreach \x in {0,0.1,0.2,...,\zeile}
    \draw [color=black, line width=1pt](\x,0cm) --     (\x,\ticks);
    \foreach \x in {0,0.5,1,...,\zeile}
    \draw [color=black, line width=1pt](\x,0cm) --     (\x,\tickm);

    % cm ticks with label 
    \foreach \x in {1,6,...,\zeile}
    \draw [color=black, line width=2pt](\x,0cm) --     (\x,\tickm)  node[color=black, rotate=90, anchor=west]     {\pgfmathprint{int(\x+\i*\zeile-1*\i)}};   
    \foreach \x in {2,7,...,\zeile}
    \draw [color=black, line width=2pt](\x,0cm) --     (\x,\tickm)   node[color=black, rotate=90, anchor=west]     {\pgfmathprint{int(\x+\i*\zeile-1*\i)}};
    \foreach \x in {3,8,...,\zeile}
    \draw [color=black, line width=2pt](\x,0cm) --     (\x,\tickm)   node[color=black, rotate=90, anchor=west]     {\pgfmathprint{int(\x+\i*\zeile-1*\i)}};
    \foreach \x in {4,9,...,\zeile}
    \draw [color=black, line width=2pt](\x,0cm) --     (\x,\tickm)   node[color=black, rotate=90, anchor=west]     {\pgfmathprint{int(\x+\i*\zeile-1*\i)}};

    % each 5cm large tick
    \foreach \x in {0,5,...,\zeile}
    \draw [color=black,line width=3pt](\x,0cm) --     (\x,\tickl)
    node[color=black, rotate=90, anchor=west] {\large     \textbf{{\pgfmathprint{int(\x+\i*\zeile-1*\i)}}}};

    % axis line & cut line
    \draw [line width=1mm](0, 0cm) --  (\zeile,0cm);
    \draw [dashed](0,3cm) -- ++ (\zeile,0cm);

