\chapter{Pairing Lattices}
The cryptographic importance of efficiently computable, bilinear and non-degenerate pairings that are hard to invert in various ways has been amply demonstrated. The currently only known instantiations of pairings suitable for cryptography are the Weil and Tate pairings on elliptic curves or on Jacobians of more general algebraic curves. In view of the applications, efficient algorithms for computing these pairings are of great importance.
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\chapter{Pairing Lattices}
The cryptographic importance of efficiently computable, bilinear and non-degenerate pairings that are hard to invert in various ways has been amply demonstrated. The currently only known instantiations of pairings suitable for cryptography are the Weil and Tate pairings on elliptic curves or on Jacobians of more general algebraic curves. In view of the applications, efficient algorithms for computing these pairings are of great importance.