带有 tikz 的图表中的图例

带有 tikz 的图表中的图例

我需要在 TikZ 中为我的图表制作图例,但我需要该图例由 3 列组成,我该怎么做?



    \csname pgfplots@init@cleared@structures\endcsname
    \csname pgfplots@createlegend\endcsname

\def\addlegendimage{\csname pgfplots@addlegendimage\endcsname}
\pgfkeys{/pgfplots/number in legend/.style={%
        /pgfplots/legend image code/.code={%
            \node at (0.125,-0.0225){#1}; % <= changed x value
} \pgfplotsset{ every legend to name picture/.style={west} }

\begin{customlegend}[legend cell align=left, %<= to align cells
legend entries={ % <= in the following there are the entries
ac, csv },
legend style={at={(-1,-9)},font=\tiny}] % <= to define position and font legend
% the following are the "images" and numbers in the legend
pattern=on 4pt off 2pt on 4pt off 2pt on 4pt off 2pt on 1pt off
2pt,black!40!red,very thick}
    \addlegendimage{->,dash pattern=on 4pt off 2pt on 4pt off 2pt on 4pt off
2pt on 1pt off 2pt,olive!30!purple,very thick}


