带有覆盖的 itemize 环境内的 beamer 块

带有覆盖的 itemize 环境内的 beamer 块

我有一个像这样的框架,在 itemize 环境里面有一个块,还有一个覆盖:

\begin{frame}   %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  \frametitle{Comparing two Gaussian means: equality}


\item<1-> Assume for instance that each measurement is $\approx 1000$ 

\item<1-> Would you mind if $\mu_1=1000$ and $\mu_2=1000.1$ ?

\begin{alertblock}{Significant difference does not mean important difference}
  "The mean of the Gaussian distribution is well estimated whenever $n \geq 30$ 
  "Significant difference" is a shortcut for \emph{significantly different from $0$}. 
  The presence of a significant difference shows that there is a strong evidence that 
  $\boxed{\mu_1 \neq \mu_2}$ 

\item<1-> Whether $\mu_1=\mu_2$ or  $\mu_1 \neq \mu_2$  is \emph{not} the question of interest
\item<2-> xx







\begin{frame}   %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\frametitle{Comparing two Gaussian means: equality}

\item<1-> Assume for instance that each measurement is $\approx 1000$ 
\item<1-> Would you mind if $\mu_1=1000$ and $\mu_2=1000.1$ ?
\begin{alertblock}{Significant difference does not mean important difference}
  "The mean of the Gaussian distribution is well estimated whenever $n \geq 30$ 
  "Significant difference" is a shortcut for \emph{significantly different from $0$}. 
  The presence of a significant difference shows that there is a strong evidence that 
  $\boxed{\mu_1 \neq \mu_2}$ 
\item<1-> Whether $\mu_1=\mu_2$ or  $\mu_1 \neq \mu_2$  is \emph{not} the question of interest
\item<2-> xx


