为 TikZ 图片制作动画

为 TikZ 图片制作动画

我想为下面的图片制作动画,使蓝色框的长度变得越来越小。使用overprint环境和\transduration{0.2}可以完成这项工作。但是,这需要复制和粘贴一段代码,每次都减少 x 坐标topRight_corner。我相信有合适的方法可以做到这一点……

PS:我用这个来说明当'delta t'趋近于0时的极限。

这是TikZ图片 enter image description here




%------ tikZ ------%
\usetikzlibrary{positioning, arrows}



\node[coordinate] at (0, 0) (bottomeLeft_corner) {};
\node[coordinate] at (2.50, 1.25) (topRight_corner) {};
\path[fill=blue!20] (bottomeLeft_corner) rectangle (topRight_corner);
\node[above left=0.625cm and 2cm of bottomeLeft_corner, coordinate] (start1) {};
\node[above left=0.625cm and 0cm of bottomeLeft_corner, coordinate] (end1) {};
\draw[semithick] (start1) -- (end1);
\node[above right=-0.625cm and 0cm of topRight_corner, coordinate] (start2) {};
\node[above right=0.625cm and 4.5cm of bottomeLeft_corner, coordinate] (end2) {};
\draw[->, >=stealth', semithick] (start2) -- (end2);
\draw[semithick, black!40] (end1) -- (start2);
\node[below=0cm of end2, xshift=0.25cm] {time}; 
\node[yshift=-0.25cm] at (bottomeLeft_corner) {$t$};




以下是 TikZ 解决方案,与 OP 一样,使用包animate

enter image description here



%------ tikZ ------%
\usetikzlibrary{positioning, arrows}




\begin{animateinline}[controls,loop]{5} % 5 fps, same as 0.2 s transduration
      \node[coordinate] at (0, 0) (bottomeLeft_corner) {};
      \node[coordinate] at (\x, 1.25) (topRight_corner) {};
      \path[fill=blue!20] (bottomeLeft_corner) rectangle (topRight_corner);
      \node[above left=0.625cm and 2cm of bottomeLeft_corner, coordinate] (start1) {};
      \node[above left=0.625cm and 0cm of bottomeLeft_corner, coordinate] (end1) {};
      \draw[semithick] (start1) -- (end1);
      \node[above right=-0.625cm and 0cm of topRight_corner, coordinate] (start2) {};
      \node[above right=0.625cm and 4.5cm of bottomeLeft_corner, coordinate] (end2) {};
      \draw[->, >=stealth', semithick] (start2) -- (end2);
      \draw[semithick, black!40] (end1) -- (start2);
      \node[below=0cm of end2, xshift=0.25cm] {time}; 
      \node[yshift=-0.25cm] at (bottomeLeft_corner) {$t$};




为了节省更多幻灯片,我认为使用animategraphics更好。使用 编译以下内容pdflatex -shell-escape input.tex

% input.tex



\foreach \compiler/\ext in {latex/tex,dvips/dvi,ps2pdf/ps}
    {\immediate\write18{\compiler\space limit.\ext}}



enter image description here


您可以\onslide<...>在 for 循环 ( \foreach) 内使用,如下所示:

enter image description here



%------ tikZ ------%
\usetikzlibrary{positioning, arrows}



\foreach \k in {1,...,\N}%
        \node[coordinate] at (0, 0) (bottomeLeft_corner) {};
        \node[coordinate] at (\x, 1.25) (topRight_corner) {};
        \path[fill=blue!20] (bottomeLeft_corner) rectangle (topRight_corner);
        \node[above left=0.625cm and 2cm of bottomeLeft_corner, coordinate] (start1) {};
        \node[above left=0.625cm and 0cm of bottomeLeft_corner, coordinate] (end1) {};
        \draw[semithick] (start1) -- (end1);
        \node[above right=-0.625cm and 0cm of topRight_corner, coordinate] (start2) {};
        \node[above right=0.625cm and 4.5cm of bottomeLeft_corner, coordinate] (end2) {};
        \draw[->, >=stealth', semithick] (start2) -- (end2);
        \draw[semithick, black!40] (end1) -- (start2);
        \node[below=0cm of end2, xshift=0.25cm] {time}; 
        \node[yshift=-0.25cm] at (bottomeLeft_corner) {$t$};


