如何在 IEEEbiography 环境中使最后一页的两列相等

如何在 IEEEbiography 环境中使最后一页的两列相等

我想让最后一页的两列长度相等,但在环境内部开始新列IEEEbiography。最后一页有四位作者,第二位作者的传记比其他三位作者长,因此,在\newpage第二位作者之后,左列看起来比右列长。您可以将布局想象成一个正方形,左边有一个长矩形,右边有两个正方形。所以,我基本上需要换行并在第二位作者的环境IEEEbiography(矩形)内部开始新列。当我\newpage在里面使用时IEEEbiography,我收到一条错误消息“Tex 容量超出,抱歉”。当我使用时\pagebreak,布局会变得混乱:在第一位和第二位作者之间的左列中创建了一个巨大的空白,第三位和第四位作者转到新页面。我尝试了论坛上许多类似问题的解决方案,具体来说,,,,,,,,但\balance没有一个\newpage\pagebreak像我想要的那样正确发挥作用。\vfill\flushend\multicolumns

{Author1} received the ...
line 2
line 3
line 4

{Author2} is ...
line 2 
line 3 
line 4 
% New paragraph 
line 5 
line 6 
== > a break of this column should be here to have two equal columns \\
line 7 
line 8 


{Author3} received the ...
line 2
line 3
line 4

{Author4} received the ...
line 2
line 3
line 4




\usepackage{mwe} %<- For dummy images
\usepackage[nopar]{kantlipsum} %<- For dummy text

{First Author} received the \kant[1]


{Second Author} received the \kant[1-3] And then bla bla happened typical stuff and some filler words


then we continue \kant[4]


{Third Author} received the \kant[3]


{Fourth Author} received the \kant[4]

enter image description here
