\documentclass[twoside, a4paper, 11pt]{article}
\usepackage{amsmath, amssymb}
\usetikzlibrary{matrix, arrows}
\setlength{\parskip}{1ex plus 0.5ex minus 0.2ex}
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\caption{\textbf{Bank Joint Probability of Default (\textit{JPoD}), Conditional Joint Probability of Default (\textit{CoJPoD}) and Change in the Conditional Joint Probability of Default ($\Delta$\textit{CoJPoD})} \\ \fontsize{10pt}{12pt}\selectfont Panel A presents the average joint probability of default of banks sorted by their originating sovereign. Table~\ref{bankabbreviation} provides a list of the originating sovereigns of the 26 banks. Panel B presents conditional joint probability of default of the banking system given the default of the corresponding sovereign listed in the legend. The abbreviations of the sovereigns are listed in Table~\ref{sovcorrelation}. Panel C presents the change in the conditional joint probability of default of the banking system given the default of the corresponding sovereign listed in the legend. The $\Delta$\textit{CoJPoD} of each series is derived by conditioning the bank joint probability of default on the corresponding sovereign listed in the legend and then computing the difference between the \textit{CoJPoD} and the \textit{JPoD}. In all three panels, non-zero correlation matrices are used to derive bank \textit{JPoD}, \textit{CoJPoD} and $\Delta$\textit{CoJPoD}. The non-zero correlation matrices are based on daily changes in the 5-year CDS spreads of sovereign and bank CDS contracts. The sample period for all three panels is from 01/01/2008 to 28/02/2013.}
\vspace{0.5 cm}
\fontsize{10pt}{12pt}\selectfont Panel A: Bank \textit{JPoD}
\vspace{1 cm}
\fontsize{10pt}{12pt}\selectfont Panel B: Bank \textit{CoJPoD}
\caption{\textbf{Bank Joint Probability of Default (\textit{JPoD}), Conditional Joint Probability of Default (\textit{CoJPoD}) and Change in the Conditional Joint Probability of Default ($\Delta$\textit{CoJPoD})}}
\vspace{0.5 cm}
\fontsize{10pt}{12pt}\selectfont Panel C: Bank $\Delta$\textit{CoJPoD}
\vspace{8 cm}
一切都很好,但是我希望下一页上显示的不是“图 6”,而是“图 5(续):”目前它会自动将其重命名为新图形。
\caption{\textbf{Bank Joint Probability of Default (\textit{JPoD}), Conditional Joint Probability of Default (\textit{CoJPoD}) and Change in the Conditional Joint Probability of Default ($\Delta$\textit{CoJPoD})} \\ \fontsize{10pt}{12pt}\selectfont Panel A presents the average joint probability of default of the banking system with each of the 10 Euro Area (EA) sovereigns. Panel B presents conditional joint probability of default of the banking system given the default of the corresponding sovereign listed in the legend. Panel C presents the change in the conditional joint probability of default of the banking system given the default of the corresponding sovereign listed in the legend. The $\Delta$\textit{CoJPoD} of each series is derived by conditioning the bank joint probability of default on the corresponding sovereign listed in the legend and then computing the difference between the \textit{CoJPoD} and the \textit{JPoD}. For all three panels, the abbreviations of the sovereigns are listed in Table~\ref{sovereignabbreviation}. Non-zero correlation matrices are used to derive bank \textit{JPoD}, \textit{CoJPoD} and $\Delta$\textit{CoJPoD}. The non-zero correlation matrices are based on daily changes in the 5-year CDS spreads of sovereign and bank CDS contracts. The sample period for all three panels is from 01/01/2008 to 28/02/2013.}
\vspace{0.5 cm}
\fontsize{10pt}{12pt}\selectfont Panel A: Bank \textit{JPoD}
\vspace{1 cm}
\fontsize{10pt}{12pt}\selectfont Panel B: Bank \textit{CoJPoD}
\caption{\textbf{Bank Joint Probability of Default (\textit{JPoD}), Conditional Joint Probability of Default (\textit{CoJPoD}) and Change in the Conditional Joint Probability of Default ($\Delta$\textit{CoJPoD})}}
\vspace{0.5 cm}
\fontsize{10pt}{12pt}\selectfont Panel C: Bank $\Delta$\textit{CoJPoD}
\vspace{8 cm}
名为“图 4”,而其后面的图形现在重命名为图 5(而不是保留为图 6),输出为:
此外,我想在冒号前加上单词 (Cont.),这样连续的图形就命名为 Figure 5 (Cont.): 而不是 Figure 5: (Cont.)
命令(您也可以将 subfig 用于您的单个图像,例如