ALICE: I‘m saying something in
this mock drama of ours, it is BOB: Yes.
supposed to be a little CHARLES: No doubt.
monologue of medium length. I‘m
still supposed to be talking, BOB: I can see that.
because our author needs an
example for you trying to
interrupt me. But, while I‘m
certainly perceiving what you‘re
saying, I‘m not yet letting you
take what linguists call your BOB: I want to ...
„turn“, for I really want to
finish my thought. BOB: I want to say something right
now. I have to admit, I don‘t really
CHARLES: I feel that, too ... have something to say. But I would
feel left out, if I did not get my
ALICE: Of course. turn. I would feel that I‘d be
vanishing in this piece, if I
wouldn‘t say something. I feel that
my sole purpose is to have a little
CHARLES: That‘s ... speech right here. And although I
rather feel compelled to talk right
CHARLES: That‘s great, because now, I also derive some strange kind
it expresses exactly my of joy from it.
sentiments also. You‘re really
giving voice to ... ALICE: Of course, Bob, and now we
all had our turn, except Charles,
whom I‘m interrupting right now, but
that is intentional. And now we
can finish this little farce,
right? I mean, like: Stop it
right now!
因此,基本上,我需要两列。每列的内容需要相对于另一列中的文本进行定位。在示例中,当 Bob 在右列中说“是的”时,这应该与左列中 Alice 的演讲中的“戏剧”一词发生在同一行。反之亦然:当 Charles 在左列中说“我也觉得……”时,这应该发生在右列中 Bob 说“我真的没有”之后。
我想,只要它是可行的,在 LaTeX 中实现它就相当不容易。基本上,我现在需要一个解决方案,但对于未来的项目来说,也可能是一个更彻底的解决方案。我有一种挥之不去的怀疑,就目前而言,我最好使用 Inkscape 或 Scribus。我希望我错了。对于未来,我想用 LaTeX 或 TeX 找到一个解决方案。我对 LaTeX 黑客攻击几乎没有经验,但我相信,只要有足够的时间,我就能涉足其中。关于在哪里查找的指针和关于如何实现它的一般逻辑的提示可以极大地促进它。另外,我是 org-mode 用户,对 Emacs-Lisp 黑客攻击感到很熟悉。因此,一种可能性是编写一个 emacs 界面并以编程方式生成 TeX 代码。
例如,可能的 LaTeX 界面可以包含一个命令\turn{LABEL}
%% mock LaTeX
ALICE: I‘m saying something in this mock drama
\interruption{BOB: Yes.} \interruption{CHARLES: No doubt.}
of ours, it is supposed to be a little monologue of medium
length. I‘m still supposed to be talking \interruption{BOB:
I can see that.}, because our author needs an example for
you trying to interrupt me. But, while I‘m certainly
perceiving what you‘re saying, I‘m not yet letting you take
what linguists \interruption{BOB: I want to ...} call your
„turn“, for I really want to finish \turnlabel{Bob} my
BOB: I want to say something right now. [...]
\setbox0\hbox{\textbf{#2: }}%
\textbf{#2: }#3%
\turn{ALICE}I‘m saying something in
this mock drama
\interruption{BOB}{Yes.} \interruption[1]{CHARLES}{No doubt.}
of ours, it is supposed to be a little
monologue of medium length. I‘m
still supposed to be talking\interruption{BOB}{I can see that.},
because our author needs an
example for you trying to
interrupt me. But, while I‘m
certainly perceiving what you‘re
saying, I‘m not yet letting you
take what linguists\interruption{BOB}{I want to ...} call your
„turn“, for I really want to
finish my thought. \turn[-2]{BOB}
I want to say something right
now. I have to admit, I don‘t really
have something to say.\interruption{CHARLES}{ feel that, too ...} But I would
feel left out, if I did not get my
turn.\interruption{ALICE}{Of course.} I would feel that I‘d be
vanishing in this piece, if I
wouldn‘t say something. I feel that
my sole purpose is to have a little
speech right here.\interruption{CHARLES}{That‘s ...} And although I
rather feel compelled to talk right
now, I also derive some strange kind
of joy from it.
That‘s great, because
it expresses exactly my
sentiments also. You‘re really
giving voice to ... \turn{ALICE}
Of course, Bob, and now we
all had our turn, except Charles,
whom I‘m interrupting right now, but
that is intentional. And now we
can finish this little farce,
right? I mean, like: Stop it
right now!