




\title{Your Paper}

Top Secret Document
This is a top secret document containing secret information about a secret thing which has remained secret for many years. This is a top secret document containing secret information about a secret thing which has remained secret for many years.






\title{Your Paper}

% from Werner's answer




% command \CenterIt
\noindent\hspace{\dimexpr((\linewidth-\dimenB)/2/\dimenA)*\dimenA }#1\par}

% and now a *much* fancier tool, multi-paragraph-able, and allowing page breaks.

                      \def\noexpand \@currenvir   {\@currenvir }%
                      \def\noexpand \@currenvline {\on@line }%

% remove or comment the \Vmark for real use.




\ttfamily \settowidth{\dimenA}{x}

\CenterIt{\vmark Top Secret Document}
\CenterIt{\vmark This is a Top Secret Document}
\CenterIt{\vmark This is a truly Top Secret Document}

This is a top secret document containing secret information about a secret thing
which has remained secret for many years. This is a top secret document
containing secret information about a secret thing which has remained secret for
many years.

    This is a top secret document containing secret information about a
    secret thing which has remained secret for many years. This is a top
    secret document containing secret information about a secret thing
    which has remained secret for many years.


% debugging:
% \showoutput

    We check the vertical spacing induced by the center environment and
    set up some centered text without extra vertical spacing (apart from
    the \string\parskip=\the\parskip):

    This is a top secret document containing secret information about a 
    secret thing which has remained secret for many years. This is a top
    secret document containing secret information about a secret thing
    which has remained secret for many years.

Back to normal raggedright (to confirm absence of extra vertical
spacing; apart from \string\parskip=\the\parskip).







\usepackage{xcolor}% http://ctan.org/pkg/xcolor
\title{Your Paper}


\noindent\hspace{\dimexpr((\linewidth-\dimenB)/2/\dimenA)*\dimenA }#1\par}



\CenterIt{\vmark Top Secret Document}
\CenterIt{\vmark This is a Top Secret Document}
\CenterIt{\vmark This is a truly Top Secret Document}

This is a top secret document containing secret information about a secret thing which has remained secret for many years. This is a top secret document containing secret information about a secret thing which has remained secret for many years.




  1. 使用center环境来识别文本中心相对于其他文档元素的位置。

  2. 使用\phantom水平对齐并手动居中内容。


\usepackage{xcolor}% http://ctan.org/pkg/xcolor

\vmark Top Secret Document
This is a top secret document containing secret information 
about a secret thing which has remained secret for many years. 
This is a top secret document containing secret information 
about a secret thing which has remained secret for many years.



\leavevmode\phantom{This is a top secret do}\vmark Top Secret Document


This is a top secret document containing secret information 
about a secret thing which has remained secret for many years. 
This is a top secret document containing secret information 
about a secret thing which has remained secret for many years.


第一次center对齐后,很明显合适的水平位置应该在 附近的某个c地方document
