


\documentclass[a4paper, 11pt, oneside, brazil]{book}


% \makeglossaries
% http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/LaTeX/Glossary#Using_defined_terms




    name={some first term},
    description={first term description in here},
    first={first version of first term},
    long={long version of first term},
    plural={plural version of first term},
    firstplural={first plural version of first term}

    name={some second term},
    description={second term description in here,
        which could use \gls{firstterm}},
    first={first version of second term},
    long={long version of second term},
    plural={plural version of second term},
    firstplural={first plural version of second term}

Then here is the text, where I can refer to my terms
normally, either by \gls{firstterm}, \gls{secondterm},
\gls*{firstterm} or \gls*{secondterm}.





./main.gls:<someline>: Package glossaries Error: Glossary entry `firstterm' has not been defined. [\glsXpageXglsnumberformat{}{8}}}]



术语必须在使用前进行定义,由于它们在词汇表中使用,因此需要将定义移到 之前\printglossary。像这样:

\documentclass[a4paper, 11pt, oneside, brazil]{book}




    name={some first term},
    description={first term description in here},
    first={first version of first term},
    long={long version of first term},
    plural={plural version of first term},
    firstplural={first plural version of first term}

    name={some second term},
    description={second term description in here,
        which could use \gls{firstterm}},
    first={first version of second term},
    long={long version of second term},
    plural={plural version of second term},
    firstplural={first plural version of second term}




Then here is the text, where I can refer to my terms
normally, either by \gls{firstterm}, \gls{secondterm},
\gls*{firstterm} or \gls*{secondterm}.

